Module 3: A public health application



By the end of this module, you will:


Step 1: Examine the simulation


3.1 Exercise: Download, compile and execute. You will also need

Let's explain:


3.2 Exercise: Before we study these two questions, do you have any intuition at this point?

Let's now examine some of the code:

public class Simulation {

    // Number of particles (N), the xy location of each, and color.
    static int N = 10;
    static double[] x;
    static double[] y;
    static boolean[] isRed;

    // The bounds of the region.
    static double size = 10;

    static int numSteps = 100;

    // How close do you have to be to get infected?
    static double infectionDistance = 0.5;

    public static void main (String[] argv)
	DrawTool.display ();
	DrawTool.setXYRange (0, size, 0, size);
	DrawTool.startAnimationMode ();

	initialize ();

	for (int step=1; step<=numSteps; step++) {

	    // Spread.
	    infectionSpread ();

	    // Move each particle and draw
	    for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
		move (i);
		draw (i);

	    DrawTool.animationPause (100);

	DrawTool.endAnimationMode ();

Let's take a closer look at the infectionSpread() and move() methods:


Let's point out something about animation that will be useful later:


Step 2: Write code to specialize the simulation


You may have noticed two incomplete methods in

    public static int simulateNumSteps (
        int numParticles,               // Desired # particles
        double infDist,                 // Infection distance
        int targetCount)                // Simulate until so many infected.

    public static int simulateNumInfected (
        int numParticles,               // Desired # particles
        double infDist,                 // Infection distance
        int desiredNumSteps)            // Simulate for this many steps
Let's discuss these next:
  • Before explaining, notice the different style we've used to write the parameter variables of the methods.
           ⇒ It's easier to read when there are many parameters.

  • Your goal here is to remove drawing and animation altogether and simulate movement and infection spread in two specific ways.

  • In the first method, you are given as input:
    • The number of particles.
    • The infection distance (we've used 0.5).
    • A number that tells you when to stop the simulation: when targetCount particles are infected.
    Accordingly, write a different version of the main loop here without drawing and animation and that simulates until targetCount particles are infected. What you return is the number of steps it took.

  • In the second method, you simulate for a given number of steps. You return the number of particles that got infected during this time.

  • The reasons for writing these two methods will become clear in the next section.

3.3 Exercise: Implement the above methods.

3.4 Audio:

Step 3: Write code to study the research questions


Recall the research questions:

  1. Given population N, how long does it take for half the population to get infected? How does this vary with N? (Plot a graph.)
  2. For fixed N, how does the number infected vary with increasing time.
To pursue these questions, we want to:
  • simulate many times so that we get a statistically reasonable average
  • Plot a curve so that we get a qualitative sense of the behavior: does it change linearly, slow, fast, what?

3.5 Exercise: Download and examine the file. Then proceed with completing the two methods.

Let's look at the details for the above exercise:

  • There are two studies to be performed, with one method for each.

  • When you've completed the first study, you can comment it out, and work on the second one.

  • Most of the code is already given to you.

  • What you need to do is write a loop that calls the methods you wrote in and calls them repeatedly to take an average.

3.6 Audio:

3.7 Exercise: Which one of these studies qualifies as "linear" and which one is "nonlinear"?

About simulations:

  • What we've seen is one of many types of simulation.

  • One can simulate many types of behaviors: the motion of planets, falling raindrops, internet traffic, social phenomena ... the list is long.

  • A simulation is a powerful tool to explore with curiosity as well as concretely answer questions.

  • It turns out that the code for many kinds of simulations is actually not long, but often intricate.

  • Writing simulations is a specialized form of programming.

  • And it's fun, because you get to see all kinds of cool results.

3.8 Audio:

On to Module 4

© 2017, Rahul Simha