Unit 2: Exam Prep and Applications

Main > Unit 2

Schedule and modules in Unit 2


Unit-2 Overview (audio): To-do

Module 0: A few advanced topics: multi-dimensional arrays, lists, bytes, jars

Module 1: Exam prep [NOT YET COMPLETE]

Module 2: Step-by-step: a game application

Module 3: Step-by-step: a public health application

Module 4: Step-by-step: a text analysis application

Assignment 1

Looking ahead: what's in store for you

Units 1-3: Exam

About Unit 2: Logistics


  • Instructor: Prof. Rahul Simha.

  • Email:

  • Office Hours: Mondays 10-12pm on Zoom.

  • Teaching Assistants (TAs): TBD

  • Prerequisites: none

  • Specific learning outcomes (for units 1-3): By the end of these units, you will be able to
    • Demonstrate familiarity with key concepts in a procedural programming language such as: variables, data types, control structures, methods, input and output.
    • Demonstrate the ability to use programming to solve problems appropriate to a beginning class in programming and software development.
    • Acquire familiarity with rudimentary processes of software development that include: design, coding, testing, and debugging.

  • Textbook: this website.

  • Supplementary book: Programmming in Java an online interactive textbook by Zybooks. How this will work:
    • We will register you for an account with Zybooks for the typical cost of a textbook.
    • The book will be used to supplement your learning in a somewhat unusual manner: you will be assigned reading and some exercises in this book a few weeks after doing the same material here. The idea is to deliberately space apart this second look at the same material for optimal reinforcement.

  • Other requirements:
    • You will be expected to have and use your Blackboard account.
    • You will be expected to respond to email.

  • Grading: Approximately
    • 10 points per module exercise.
    • 100 points per assignment.
    • 500 points per exam.

  • Assignment submission:
    • All your work will be submitted either via Blackboard by uploading a package each time.

  • Academic Integrity policy:
    • In this course, you will be expected to work on all assigned coursework by yourself, unless otherwise specified by instructions on this site.
    • You may not, without explicit permission from the instructor, exchange course-related code with anyone (including anyone not registered in the course), or download code for use in your coursework, or use material from books other than the textbook. Likewise, you may not look at anyone else's code or show your code to anyone else.
    • If you use material in your assignments that are from outside the course material, then you should be prepared to explain that material. The instructors and TAs reserve the right to question you on your use of extraneous material. Failure to answer such questions might be viewed as grounds for an integrity violation, with consequences such as failure of a unit.
    • The GW Academic Integrity Code will apply to this course. Please read through the code carefully.
    • Penalties for violating the code or the policies described here include failing this course, and are elaborated in the Academic Integrity Code.

© 2017, Rahul Simha