(1) goto PDB link to download:
1ZNI (porcine insulin)
1LPH (engineered human insulin)
(2) Double click on the Raswin icon on your computer desktop. This should call up the RasMol windows (the RasMol Command Line window will appear minimized).
(3) Click on the minimized RasMol Command Line to display the command line window.
(4) Type: background white, followed by a return. This changes the color of the background from black to white.
(5) You can rearrange and size the windows to suit you.
(6) Drag PDB file - 1ZNI and drop down to the rasmol window.
You now should see the structure of insulin displayed as a wireframe model
in the main window! (look also for command window.)
How many polypeptide chains (type the follow commands in the command window)
restrict backbone
ribbons on
wireframe off
color chain
One can also save a script to your floppy disk by typing: write script
(or whichever directory that you want)
How many amino acids in chain A?
select *.ca and *a (select all CA atom on chain A)
(answer given in the command window: "21 atoms selected!", so there are
21 amino acids in chain A)
That is N/C- terminus?
select 1,21 and *.ca and *a
(9) There are four polypeptide chains in this structure of insulin, each
shown with a different
color. A PDB file uses a unique letter for each chain, beginning with "A",
which RasMol
recognizes. For example, try the RasMol command restrict *a. This
displays only the "A"
chain in the RasMol view window. How could you use RasMol to identify
the N- and
C-terminal residues of the "A" chain?
(by click both ends and see what is in the command window)
10.Is there more than one type of helix in the "A" chain?
select 13-16:a and *.ca
spacefill 200
select 16-19 and *.ca and *.a
spacefill 200
then check how many amino acid per turn.
11 What is the secondary structure of chain B?
12 .How many amino acids are in each chain? Do any of the chains have the
same amino acid
sequence? The PDBSum link for 9ins has the answer.
(Please explore this site further after the class)
(13) Explore the various pull-down menus to change the presentation of the structure, under Display, Colors, and Options.
(14) Explore the functions of the left mouse button by clicking on the structure, and by dragging the mouse. Try dragging the left mouse button with the shift key held down. Try the same but with the right mouse button held down.
(15) type select HOH. Then display as ball and stick. What do you see?
Display as spacefill, then as wireframe. What do you see?
(16) Show Those Disulfides
Now let's extend our discussion. Insulin is secreted by the
pancreas into the blood stream. Secreted proteins often contain
disulfide bonds (-S-S-) due to an oxidizing environment. They
formed when two cysteine side chains (-CH2SH) come within
about 0.3 nm (3 Å) of each other. Let's use RasMol to see
if the
"AB" monomer contains any disulfide bonds. We can do a quick
test of this by using the following commands:
restrict *a,*b
ssbonds on
ssbonds 100
color ssbonds yellow
Each amino acid in a protein chain is numbered in sequence,
beginning with the N-terminal position. Identify the cysteine residues,
by number and chain, that are involved in disulfide bond formation.
(17) You learned that the AB insulin monomer has three
disulfide bonds. Let's do a better job of displaying them:
set bondmode or
select sidechain and cys and (*a,*b)
wireframe 70
spacefill 200
set specular on
Instead of seeing just S-S bonds, we can now see the entire
cystine side chain (-C-S-S-C-), without hydrogens, and its link
the protein backbone. Two of the helices in the 21 residue A
chain are crosslinked to the B chain. In addition, the A chain
an intramolecular crosslink. The "CD" monomer is structurally
similar to the AB monomer. There is, however, a significant
structural difference in the B and D chains, despite identical
primary structures.
(18) What's holding those monomers together? (1zni vs. 1lph)
The monomer is only part of insulin's story. In the presence of
various stabilizing ions, such as Zn2+ and Cl-, insulin monomers
reversibly self-associate into dimers and hexamers.
The monomer is the active form in the blood stream because it
can interact with insulin receptor protein. The aggregate forms
(dimer, hexamer) are inactive but are physically more stable
are therefore used in pharmacological preparations for diabetic
(The physical instability of monomers in pharmacological
preparations is characterized by partial unfolding (loss of tertiary
structure). The unfolding exposes hydrophobic surfaces that
induce long insulin fibrils to form. These fibrils do not reform
monomers and also elicit an immune response - insulin
antibodies are formed which are potentially dangerous).
The insulin response time in vivo depends on the rate at which
hexamers and dimers dissociate into active monomers following
injection into the blood stream. The stabilizing ions (zinc and
chloride) dissociate upon injection, which causes the equilibrium
to shift toward monomers. The rate of dissociation depends on
the strength of the interaction forces between monomers. These
forces occur at the interface between the B and D chains of the
insulin dimer (see figure at right).
select all
wireframe off
ribbon off
backbone 350
color chain
select *.ca or *.cb
wireframe 100
select polar and sidechain
wireframe 100
color green
select hydrophobic
and sidechain
wireframe 100
color blue
select charged and
wireframe 100
color red
restrict :b or :d
Now try to see what is holding
B and D chains together.
(19)Compare these two images.
P28-K29 in the native is now K28-P29 in the mutant
The in vivo activity of subcutaneously injected insulin is directly
related to how fast aggregate preparations dissociate into monomers. The
main effect of the mutant has been to weaken the interaction between B
and D chains, but to still allow aggregation (dimer and hexamer formation)
in the presence of Zn2+ and Cl-. Note that the proline side chains
are oriented toward the BD interface in the native structure (left image)
but not in the mutant structure (right image). The mutant eliminates an
important hydrophobic contact, which weakens the BD interface. As a result,
hexamers and dimers of mutant insulin show an increased rate of dissociation
into monomers following subcutaneous injection. This leads to a much faster
in vivo response and, thus, a so-called rapid-acting insulin preparation.
The mutant form is marketed under the name Humulin or Humalog (Eli Lilly).