CS 147: Team Project Development and Professional Ethics

Some Questions a Business Plan Must Answer

Mario Morino, a Washington DC area venture capitalist, has listed ten questions as "must-be-answered" by any startup seeking funding.
  1. What is the market opportunity or market niche you are targeting?
  2. What is your solution to the market need in your niche?
  3. What is the size of your market niche and how is it growing?
  4. What is your economic model? How are you going to make a profit and when?
  5. How are you going to reach (sell to) the market you're targeting?
  6. What's the competition? How will it change and why are you better?
  7. What's your differentiation and how do you maintain it?
  8. How are you going to execute to grow and manage the business?
  9. What are the risks? What can stop you?
  10. Why is your business going to succeed? Why you?