CS 147: Team Project Development and
Professional Ethics
General Instructions for Writing Assignments
- Word processing.
You will write all your assignments in OpenOffice.
OpenOffice is now available on all platforms: Windows, Linux
and Mac (for which it's called NeoOffice).
I know, I know, you are
probably already familiar with Word, so why would you want
to switch? One reason is that OpenOffice is available
on all three platforms. Another is that it's free.
- Drafts and revisions.
Some of your writing assignments will go through rounds
of grading followed by re-submission. Each improved draft
will be re-graded, which you will use for the next draft.
Some drafts will be graded by your peers in a process
we will call peer-review.
- Peer-review. You will be given others' writing
assignments to review. To review, simply use "track changes"
and "note" (under the Insert menu) in OpenOffice. You can
suggest modifications or merely comment (using the "notes").
This is what we're expecting to review when you read someone else's
- Organization: Is the document logically organized? Does
any paragraph or sentence stick out as out-of-place?
- Cogency: Are the arguments, if relevant, laid out
logically and convincingly? Do some assertions seem unjustified?
- Word quality. Identify misspelled words and typos.
Can you suggest better or more appropriate words?
Do any words break with the style conventions outlined in
the Strunk/White or Ross-Larson books?
- Sentence quality. Identify sentences that are
hard to comprehend or that seem "clunky." Is the lead sentence
Do any sentences break with the style conventions outlined in
the Strunk/White or Ross-Larson books?
- Flow. Do the sentences in each paragraph flow?
Do the paragraphs flow? Does the narrative end abruptly?
If you find an edit corresponding to any rule in either
the Ross-Larson or Strunk-White boosk, cite the rule (page number and
line): you will receive extra points for pointing out such
a rule, up to a max of 5 points in the course.
- The textbooks.
Please read through both the Ross-Larson and Strunk-White books.
They are both outstanding. The Strunk-White book, in particular,
is a classic. Neither book takes much effort or time to read
through. The Zobel book is more like a reference book, to use
through out your CS writing courses; hold on to this book
for Senior Design. Chapters 2-4 of this book
are most relevant to this course.