CS 147: Team Project Development and Professional Ethics
In this course, you will make four presentations: three of these will involve actual presentations in class with slides, and one will be a movie.
[Team presentation, in-class Feb 27] Presentation 1: "The Elevator Pitch"
. Your team will be given 8 minutes to present the key ideas behind your business plan. Use slides if you will. All team members must contribute to the presentation.
[Team presentation, due Mar 20] Presentation 2: "The Prototype"
. Your team will be given 12 minutes to demo your current prototype (see Assignment 4).
[Team presentation, due Apr 24] Presentation 3: "The Final Demo"
. Your team will be given 20 minutes for a complete presentation involving key business ideas and demo of your product.
[Team presentation, due 9pm Apr 30] Presentation 4: "The DVD"
. Along with your final demo, you will submit a DVD (limit: 3 minutes) that "sells" your product. You can actually record video, or you can use software that records software-demos while you voice-over. Use one of these formats: DVD, Mpeg3, AVI or Quicktime.