Module 7: Analysis of Algorithm Performance

Supplemental material

Linked list vs. Array list

Recall the three basic operations implemented earlier for a linked list:

The structure of the linked list class looked like this:
public class OurLinkedList {

    // ... variable declarations ...

    public void add (Integer K)              // Insert operation.
        // ...

    public boolean contains (Integer K)      // Search operation.
        // ...

    public Integer get (int i)               // get() operation.
        // ...


The other data structure we created for this purpose was the array-list, with exactly the same operations:

public class OurArrayList {

    // ...

    public void add (Integer K)              // Insert operation.
        // ...

    public boolean contains (Integer K)      // Search operation.
        // ...

    public Integer get (int i)               // get() operation.
        // ...


Let us next compare the performance of these two data structures for each of these operations:

Here is some of code:

public class ListComparison {

    public static void main (String[] argv)
        // Use a 10,000-insertions (repeat for 1000 samples).
	testInsert (1000, 10000);

        // Use a list with 100000 elements (repeat for 1000 samples).
	testSearch (1000, 100000);

        // Use a list with 100000 elements (repeat for 1000 samples).
	testGet (1000, 100000);

    static void testInsert (int numTrials, int numElements)
        // Evaluate the "insert" operation in a linked-list.

        // Repeat for given number of trials.
	double total = 0;
	for (int k=0; k < numTrials; k++) {

	    long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

	    // Make a list and add numElements to it.
	    OurLinkedList list = new OurLinkedList ();
	    for (int i=0; i < numElements; i++) {
		list.add (i);

	    long timeTaken = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
	    total += timeTaken;


        // This is the average insert time.
	double avg = total / numTrials;
	System.out.println ("Average insert time for linked list: " + avg);

        // Now repeat for an array list.

	total = 0;
	for (int k=0; k < numTrials; k++) {
	    long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
	    // Make a list and add numElements to it.
	    OurArrayList list = new OurArrayList ();
	    for (int i=0; i < numElements; i++) {
		list.add (i);
	    long timeTaken = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
	    total += timeTaken;

        // Average for the array list.
	avg = total / numTrials;
	System.out.println ("Average insert time for array list: " + avg);

    static void testSearch (int numTrials, int numElements)
        // ... similar ...

    static void testGet (int numTrials, int numElements)
        // ... similar ...


In-Class Exercise 1: Why is get() much faster for an array list? First examine the code to see how the method is implemented and then explain.

Abstract analysis of performance

Clearly, one way to compare algorithms is: implement them and test them on large data sets.

Disadvantages of this approach:

Goal of abstract analysis:

Some key ideas:

A few more key ideas:

The Big-Oh notation:

What does it mean?

In-Class Exercise 2: Suppose Algorithm A takes 3n3+5n2+100n time and Algorithm B takes 4n3 time (worst-case) on a problem of size n. If we were to plot the two curves f(n) = 3n3+5n2+100n and g(n) = 4n3, would the curve for g(n) eventually rise above that of f(n)? If so, at what value of n does that happen? Write a small program to find out.

About constants:

Now we're ready for a formal analysis of the linked-list operations:

Next, let's consider the array list:

In-Class Exercise 3: For the insert operation on an array-list, suppose that we start with an initial array size of 1. How many array-doublings are needed if 1024 items are inserted into the list? In general, for large n, how many doublings are needed?

In-Class Exercise 4: How much time (in order-notation) is needed, worst-case, for search and get() in an array-list?

Another example: duplicate detection

Consider this problem:

Consider this simple algorithm for the problem:

  Algorithm: duplicateDetection (A)
  Input: An array A

  1.   duplicatesExist = false
  2.   for i=1 to n
  3.     // Check whether A[i] occurs again
  4.     for j=1 to n
  5.       if i != j 
  6.          if A[i] = A[j]
  7.             duplicatesExist = true
  8.          endif
  9.       endif
  10.    endfor
  11.  endfor
  12.  return duplicatesExist
  • The algorithm is really a double-for loop: the outer tries each element at a time while the inner scans to look for duplicates of each such element.

  • Notice that our algorithm is written in pseudocode.
The actual code in Java is not much different. We will add some tests to evaluate performance:
public class DuplicateDetection {

    public static void main (String[] argv)
        // Make a large array and test.
        int[] X = makeData (10000);
	detectDuplicates (X);

        // We'll do this for data sizes of 10K, 30K, 50K, 70K and 90K.
        X = makeData (30000);
	detectDuplicates (X);

        X = makeData (50000);
	detectDuplicates (X);

        X = makeData (70000);
	detectDuplicates (X);

        X = makeData (90000);
	detectDuplicates (X);

    static void detectDuplicates (int[] A)
	// Check for duplicates.
	long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        boolean dupExists = false;
	for (int i=0; i < A.length; i++) {
	    for (int j=0; j < A.length; j++) {
		if ( (i != j) && (A[i] == A[j]) ) {
		    // Duplicates exist.
                    dupExists = true;
	double timeTaken = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
	System.out.println ("Time taken for size=" + A.length + ": " + timeTaken);

    static int[] makeData (int size)
        // ... how this works is not relevant ...


Analysis for an array of n elements:

  • It's clear that each of the n elements is compared against n-1 others.
         ⇒ A total of n*(n-1) comparisons

  • Notice that n*(n-1) = n2 - n
         ⇒ This is O(n2)
         ⇒ Thus, the algorithm takes O(n) time on an array of n elements.

The constant of proportionality:

  • Suppose the actual running time is a*n2.

  • We could identify this constant by dividing by n2.

In-Class Exercise 5: Add code to the above program to identify the constant of proportionality. That is, divide the actual measured running time by n2. Alternatively, find the constant b such that b * running-time = n2. (Then, a = b-1).

There is an obvious improvement:

  • The above code repeats some comparisons.
         ⇒ The inner loop need not start at 0.

In-Class Exercise 6: Modify the above program to incorporate this optimization. Then, identify the new constant of proportionality. In terms of n, what is the exact number of comparisons? (It's going to be smaller than n*(n-1), obviously).

Sorted lists

If we want sorted output:

  • One option: leave the original list unsorted, but sort each time we want output.

  • Alternative: keep the list sorted so that no sorting cost is incurred at output time.

In a sorted list,

  • We will keep elements in sorted order.

  • We will build OurSortedLinkedList and OurSortedArrayList, sorted versions of linked and array-lists.

Consider the linked version:

  • We'll focus on insert and search.
    (get() is the same as before).

  • For insert:
    • We find the right place in the list by skipping past smaller elements.
    • We insert in the right place by adjusting pointers of the "before" and "after" elements.

  • For search:
    • We start from the front and walk down, as usual.
    • We can stop the search as soon as we find something larger.
           ⇒ Everything further down will be larger.

Notice that we can analyse the performance without looking at any code.

In-Class Exercise 7: In Big-Oh notation, how much time (as a function of n, the number of elements) do insert and search take? How do these functions compare with the unsorted linked list?

For completeness, let's examine the code:

class ListItem {

    // ...


public class OurSortedLinkedList {

    // ...

    public void add (Integer K)
	if (front == null) {
            // This is the same as before:
	    front = new ListItem (); = K;
	    rear = front; = null;
	else {
            // This part is a little more complicated now since
            // we have to first find the right place and then
            // possibly insert between existing elements.

	    // Find the right place for it.
	    ListItem listPtr = front;
	    ListItem followPtr = null;
	    while ( (listPtr != null) && ( < K) ) {
		followPtr = listPtr;
		listPtr =;

            // Make the node.
            ListItem nextOne = new ListItem (); = K;

            // There are three cases to handle.
	    if (listPtr == front) {
		// CASE 1: Insert in front. = front;
		front = nextOne;
	    else if (listPtr == null) {
		// CASE 2: Insert at rear. = nextOne;
		rear = nextOne;
	    else {
            	// CASE 3: Insert in the middle. = nextOne; = listPtr;

	numItems ++;

    public boolean contains (Integer K)
	if (front == null) {
	    return false;

        // Start from the front and walk down the list. We don't
        // have to go further once we've hit something larger than K.

	ListItem listPtr = front;
	while ( (listPtr != null) && ( <= K) ) {
	    if ( ) {
		return true;
	    listPtr =;
	return false;

    public String toString ()
        // ...


In-Class Exercise 8: Execute the above program, while printing out the actual node addresses. Draw a step-by-step picture showing the state of the list after each insertion. Write the node addresses down on the drawing.

Now let's consider the array-list version:

  • Again, we'll focus on insert and search.

  • For insert:
    • We have to find the right place.
    • We have to make space for the new element by shifting to the right all the elements from that place onwards.
    • For example, to insert "5" into the array [1, 2, 4, 6, 7],
           ⇒ We have to shift "6" and "7" to the right: [1, 2, 4, , 6, 7]
           ⇒ And then insert "5": [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7]

  • For search: since it's sorted, we can use binary search.

Again, we can analyse the time taken without looking at code.

In-Class Exercise 9: How much time is needed in Big-Oh notation for each of the two operations, insert and search, for an array-list with n elements?

Now let's look at the code:

public class OurSortedArrayList {

    // This is the array in which we'll store the integers.
    Integer[] data = new Integer [1];

    // Initially, there are none.
    int numItems = 0;

    public void add (Integer K)
        if (numItems >= data.length) {
            // Need more space. Let's double it.
            Integer [] data2 = new Integer [2 * data.length];
            // Copy over data into new space.
            for (int i=0; i < data.length; i++) {
                data2[i] = data[i];
            // Make the new array the current one.
            data = data2;
	// Now find the right place.
	int k = numItems;
	for (int i=0; i < numItems; i++) {
	    if (data[i] > K) {
		k = i;

	// Insert at k, by shifting everything to the right.
	for (int j=numItems; j > k; j--) {
	    data[j] = data[j-1];
        data[k] = K;
        numItems ++;

    public boolean contains (Integer K)
	return binarySearch (data, K, 0, numItems-1);

    static boolean binarySearch (Integer[] A, int value, int start, int end)
        // Only need to check if the interval got inverted.
        if (start > end) {
            return false;
        // Find the middle:
        int mid = (start + end) / 2;

        if (A[mid] == value) {
            return true;
        else if (value < A[mid]) {
            // Search the left half: A[start],...,A[mid-1]
            return binarySearch (A, value, start, mid-1);
        else {
            // Search the right half: A[mid+1],...,A[end]
            return binarySearch (A, value, mid+1, end);


In-Class Exercise 10: Download and implement a method to compute the base-2 logarithm of an integer. The result must itself be an integer (truncated from a real number if necessary). What is the connection between this exercise and binary search above?

Analysis of selection sort

Recall Selection-sort:

Algorithm: selectionSort (A)
Input: an unsorted array A

  1.   for i=1 to n-1

         // Find i-th smallest element in A[i], ..., A[n]
  2.     pos = i
  3.     for j=i+1 to n
  4.       if A[j] < A[pos]
             // Record best so far
  5.         pos = j
  6.       endif
  7.     endfor

  8.     swap A[i] and A[pos]

  9.   endfor

Let us analyse the running time:

  • The outer loop always executes n-1 times.

  • The inner loop is more complicated:
    • The first time we go through the inner loop: n-1 iterations.
    • The second time: n-2 iterations.
    • The third time: n-3 iterations.

  • Thus, the total number of iterations of the inner loop is:
         (n-1) + (n-2) + (n-3) + ... + 1
         ⇒ = n*(n-1)/2
         ⇒ This is the total "work done" in the inner loop.

  • The remaining "work done" in the outerloop is the swap:
         ⇒ This occurs a total of n-1 times.

In-Class Exercise 11: What is the total amount of "work done" above? Simplify the above expression and express it in Big-Oh notation.

Polynomial vs. exponential

Suppose we have three algorithms whose execution time as a function of problem size (n) is:

  • Algorithm A: O(n2)
  • Algorithm B: O(n4)
  • Algorithm C: O(2n)

Algorithms A and B are fundamentally different from that of C:

  • Both A and B have polynomial running times.

  • Algorithm C has an exponential running time.

In-Class Exercise 12: To see the difference between exponential and polynomial, compute n4 and 2n for n = 10, 20, ..., 100. Write a small program to print out these values, along with the ratio 2n/ n4.


  • There are some algorithms that take O(n!) time.

  • How do factorials compare with exponentials?

In-Class Exercise 13: Argue that factorials are worse than exponentials, i.e., that n! must eventually grow larger than an for any a.

Ease of analysis:

  • Some algorithms are hard to analyse.

  • One can try to get approximate bounds:
    • See if there's a large polynomial that bounds from above
           ⇒ Algorithm must be polynomial.
    • Or see if there's an exponential that bounds from below
           ⇒ Algorithm must be exponential.

In-Class Exercise 14: Recall the "Manhattan" example from Module 4 (the material on Recursion). Download and examine Consider the special case where the number of rows and columns are identical; thus, we'll only use r to denote both the number of rows and the number of columns. Modify the code to count the number of calls made to countPaths(). This will serve as the "work done" by the algorithm. Let f(r) denote the work done for different values of r. Then print f(r) for various values of r in the range r = 1, 2, ..., 10. How does f(r) compare with 2r or r!?

© 2006, Rahul Simha (revised 2017)