Exercise 7

In the next two exercises, we will build an application. In particular, we will build our own version of the single-person word game called TextTwist. If you've never played this before, you ought to spend 10 minutes trying it. Here's one version of the game. You can google "TextTwist" to see other versions.

As you can see, a scrambled word is presented to the user. The user must not only guess the scrambled word, but also all "subwords", valid words that can be spelled using letters from the original word.

We will build a much-simplified version of the interface for this game (so that our code is not too bulky) over the next two weeks. I will provide all the GUI code, while you write some of the word-manipulation methods.

This first week, your job is to identify all the possible subwords of a given word:


What else is due: