import*; import java.util.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; public class WordMorphGUI extends JFrame { JTextArea textArea; // This is where we'll write the output. JScrollPane scrollPane; // In case the output is large. JTextField startField; JTextField endField; JTextField stepField; String startWord; String endWord; int numSteps; // Constructor. public WordMorphGUI () { // GUI parameters: this.setSize (700, 600); this.setTitle ("Anagram Finder"); this.setResizable (true); // Build the GUI. Container cPane = this.getContentPane(); textArea = new JTextArea (); scrollPane = new JScrollPane (textArea, JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS, JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS); cPane.add (scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER); // Make the controls. JPanel panel = new JPanel (); panel.add (new JLabel ("Start word: ")); startField = new JTextField (10); panel.add (startField); panel.add (new JLabel (" ")); panel.add (new JLabel ("End word: ")); endField = new JTextField (10); panel.add (endField); panel.add (new JLabel (" ")); panel.add (new JLabel ("Max steps: ")); stepField = new JTextField (5); panel.add (stepField); panel.add (new JLabel (" ")); JButton button = new JButton ("Go"); button.addActionListener ( new ActionListener () { public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent a) { handleButtonClick(); } } ); panel.add (button); cPane.add (panel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); this.setVisible (true); } void handleButtonClick () { // Extract the two words. startWord = startField.getText(); endWord = endField.getText(); String stepStr = stepField.getText(); if ( (startWord == null) || (endWord == null) || (stepStr == null) ) { return; } startWord = startWord.trim(); endWord = endWord.trim(); stepStr = stepStr.trim(); if ( (startWord.length() == 0) || (endWord.length() == 0) || (stepStr.length() == 0) ) { return; } try { numSteps = Integer.parseInt (stepStr); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return; } // Convert to lower case and remove blanks. startWord = startWord.toLowerCase (); endWord = endWord.toLowerCase (); textArea.setText ("Searching ..."); // We'll create a separate thread for the actual computation. Thread thread = new Thread () { public void run () { findLinks (); } }; thread.start (); } void findLinks () { // The static method findAnagrams() in the class AnagramFinder. LinkedList> results = WordMorph.findLinks (startWord, endWord, numSteps); // Build the output. String outputStr = ""; if ( (results == null) || (results.size() == 0) ){ outputStr = "No links found"; } else { int count = 0; for (LinkedList list: results) { for (String s: list) { outputStr += " " + s; } outputStr += "\n"; count ++; } outputStr += " => found " + count + " different paths"; } // Write it to the text area. textArea.setText (outputStr); } public static void main (String[] argv) { new WordMorphGUI (); } }