# wordtool.py # # Needs wordsWithPOS.txt, an edited # version of the Moby project, using only words from the Unix # dictionary, about 20,000 words. # # Authors: Sam Gassman & Rahul Simha # July 2020 import random import re wordfile = 'wordsWithPOS.txt' stopwordfile = 'stopwords.txt' allWords = [] nouns = [] pluralNouns = [] verbs = [] adverbs = [] transVerbs = [] inTransVerbs = [] adjectives = [] conjunctives = [] prepositions = [] pronouns = [] klingon_words = [] stop_words = [] __charIdx = 0 __charCopy = None __f = None __occurrences = dict() singlequotelist = [ "‘", "’", "‚", "‛", "‹", "›", "⍘", "⍞", "❛", "❜", "❮", "❯" ] doublequotelist = ["«","»","“", "”", "„", "‟","❝", "❞","〝", "〞", "〟", """] def classifyWord(word, desc): if desc.find('N') >= 0: nouns.append(word) if desc.find('p') >= 0: pluralNouns.append(word) if desc.find('V') >= 0: verbs.append(word) if desc.find('t') >= 0: transVerbs.append(word) if desc.find('i') >= 0: inTransVerbs.append(word) if desc.find('v') >= 0: adverbs.append(word) if desc.find('A') >= 0: adjectives.append(word) if desc.find('C') >= 0: conjunctives.append(word) if desc.find('P') >= 0: prepositions.append(word) if desc.find('r') >= 0: pronouns.append(word) def readWords(): lines = [line.strip() for line in open(wordfile,'r')] for line in lines: posIndex = line.index('-') pronIndex = line.index('+') word = line[0:posIndex].lower() if len(word) <= 1: continue desc = line[posIndex+1:pronIndex] pron = line[pronIndex+1:len(line)] classifyWord(word, desc) ## NOTE: one can add pronunciations here too. allWords.append(word) def get_all_words(): return allWords def get_nouns(): return nouns def get_plural_nouns(): return pluralNouns def get_verbs(): return verbs def get_trans_verbs(): return transVerbs def get_adverbs(): return adverbs def get_adjectives(): return adjectives def get_conjunctives(): return conjunctives def get_prepositions(): return prepositions def get_pronouns(): return pronouns def get_klingon_words(): if len(klingon_words) == 0: print('NEED TO IMPLEMENT: klingon words') exit(0) return klingon_words def get_stop_words(): global stop_words if len(stop_words) <= 0: stop_words = [line.strip().lower() for line in open(stopwordfile,'r')] return stop_words def get_random_letter(): return random.choice(list('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')) def get_random_word(): return random.choice(allWords) def get_random_noun(): return random.choice(nouns) def get_random_plural_noun(): return random.choice(pluralNouns) def get_random_verb(): return random.choice(verbs) def get_random_adverb(): return random.choice(adverbs) def get_random_adjective(): return random.choice(adjectives) def get_random_conjunctive(): return random.choice(conjunctives) def get_random_preposition(): return random.choice(prepositions) def get_random_pronoun(): return random.choice(pronouns) def open_file_bychar(filename): global __charCopy global __charIdx global __f __f = open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf8') __charCopy = __f.read() for x in singlequotelist: __charCopy = __charCopy.replace(x, "'") for x in doublequotelist: __charCopy = __charCopy.replace(x, '"') __charIdx = 0 def open_file_byword(filename): open_file_bychar(filename) def open_file_bysentence(filename): open_file_bychar(filename) def close_file_byword(): __close_file() def close_file_bychar(): __close_file() def close_file_bysentence(): __close_file() def __close_file(): global __f __f.close() def next_char(): global __charCopy global __charIdx if(__charCopy == None): print("""Please use 'open_file_bychar()' before calling this function The required string variable which should hold the file contents was empty. The file may also be empty.""") exit() if(len(__charCopy) > __charIdx): toreturn = __charCopy[__charIdx] __charIdx+=1 return toreturn else: return None def next_word(): global __charCopy global __charIdx if(__charCopy == None): print("""Please use 'open_file_byword()' before calling this function The required string variable which should hold the file contents was empty. The file may also be empty.""") exit() char = next_char() if(char == None): return None while(not char.isalnum() and not char == '_' and not char == '-' and not char == "'"): if(__charIdx == len(__charCopy)): return None char = next_char() string = "" while(char != None): if(not char.isalnum() and not char == '_' and not char == '-' and not char == "'"): break else: string +=char char = next_char() if(string == ""): return None if(re.match("(\-|_)+", string)): return next_word() return string def next_sentence(): global __charCopy global __charIdx if(__charCopy == None): print("""Please use 'open_file_bychar()' before calling this function The required string variable which should hold the file contents was empty. The file may also be empty.""") exit() char = next_char() string = "" #for searching for quotes. canbreak == True means no quotes located #canbreak = True while(char != None): #letter is punctuation: if((char == '.' or char == '?' or char == ';' or char == '!')): string += char char = next_char() if(char == None): return process(string) while(char.isspace() or char == '.' or char == '?' or char == ';' or char == '!' or char == '"' or char == ']'): string += char char=next_char() if(char == None): return process(string) __charIdx-=1 break #letter is not punctuation (excluding quotes) else: string +=char char = next_char() if(string == ""): return None return process(string.strip()) def next_sentence_as_list(): string = next_sentence() if(string == None): return None string = string.replace('"', "").replace('.','').replace('!','').replace('?','').replace(',','').replace('-','').replace('\n','').strip() string =string.split(" ") return [x for x in string if x] def get_sentences_from_textfile(filename): open_file_bysentence(filename) sentences = [] s = next_sentence() while s != None: sentences.append(s) s = next_sentence() return sentences def process(string): if(string.count('"')>0): string = string.replace('"',"") return string.strip() def make_counter(string): if string in __occurrences: print("make_counter: String '",string, "' already has a counter stored. Please call incr_counter('",string,"') or decr_counter('",string,"') instead.", sep="") return __occurrences[string] = 1 def has_counter(string): if string in __occurrences: return True return False def incr_counter(string): if string in __occurrences: __occurrences[string] +=1 return print("incr_counter: String '", string, "' does not have a counter set up yet. Please call make_counter('",string,"') first", sep="") def decr_counter(string): if string in __occurrences and __occurrences[string]>0: __occurrences[string] -=1 return True elif string in __occurrences and __occurrences[string] == 0: return False print("decr_counter: String '", string, "' does not have a counter set up yet. Please call make_counter('",string,"') first", sep="") def get_counter(string): if string in __occurrences: return __occurrences[string] print("get_counter: String '", string, "' does not have a counter set up yet. Please call make_counter('",string,"') first", sep="") def get_counter_strings(): return list(__occurrences.keys()) def get_counter_dictionary(): return __occurrences def get_sorted_strings_incr(): occ_sorted = dict(sorted( ((k,v) for (k,v) in __occurrences.items()), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=False)) return (list(occ_sorted.keys())) def get_sorted_strings_decr(): occ_sorted = dict(sorted( ((k,v) for (k,v) in __occurrences.items()), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)) return (list(occ_sorted.keys())) readWords()