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Neuroscience with fMRI images

Module 3 > Psychology/neuroscience



Our main goal here is to work with images. They happen to be brain images.

Image processing, whether of biological, metereological, or just regular photos, is a rich area of algorithms. We will scratch the surface of this fascinating subfield by looking at some simple examples.

3.40 Video:


Part A: Estimating volume


Start by reading about fMRI.

We'll summarize this as:


What is the output from an fMRI scan?


As a first step, let's scan the pixels to identify the non-grey pixels:


3.41 Exercise: Download neuro1.py and drawtool.py. Also download these two test images: greytest.jpg and task1-subject1-sagittal.jpg. Then, fill in the missing code as directed in the functions inside neuro1.py, and try each test image in turn. The output you should get for counting the number of nongrey pixels is indicated in the comments. What you should see in each case when the blue version is depicted should look like this and this. Use CMD+ (Mac) or Control+ (Win) to make the view larger (because the former is small).

3.42 Audio:

Part B:


For this next part, we'll aim to get a bit closer to a neuroscience experiment.

Download and examine the following six images:

  1. task1-subject1-sagittal.jpg
  2. task1-subject2-sagittal.jpg
  3. task1-subject3-sagittal.jpg
  4. task2-subject1-sagittal.jpg
  5. task2-subject2-sagittal.jpg
  6. task2-subject3-sagittal.jpg
These are six actual samples from a scan on three different individuals each asked to perform two tasks (separately).

Our goal: understand whether the degree to which the two tasks require processing in different parts of the brain.

We'll go about this in two steps:

  • First, for each task, we'll try to identify the common "active" (blue) areas.

    • Since we have three subjects, we'll create a single composite image with a blue pixel wherever at least two of the subjects have a blue pixel.
    • Then, the hope is that the common blue represents the region of the brain (at least in this sagittal slice) used for this task.

  • Then, we'll take the two subject-averaged task images and strike up a contrast.

    • The idea is to use a single image to show where the two tasks have "active" areas in common and where they are different.
    • We could call this the final task-contrast image.
    • If most of the active areas area different, one could interpret that as different brain regions for the two tasks.

  • So, now, the programming goal is clear:
    • Write code to task three (subjects for one task) images and create a new image where there's a blue pixel if at least two of the three input images have a blue pixel in the same location.
    • Write code to take two subject-averaged images from the above and create the multi-colored task-contrast image.

Issues when comparing images:

  • One issue is: what if they are not the same size?
    • In this case, the six data images have slightly different sizes.
    • The solution approach we will take is to pick the minimum number of rows, and minimum number of columns.

  • Another issue is: what if the images are not aligned?
    • That is, what if the pixel at location [3,4] in one image is a really different part of the brain than the same [3,4] pixel in the other image?
    • To fully solve this problem, the content in each image has to be aligned.
    • This is a fairly difficult problem, sometimes called the registration problem. We will not address it here and instead assume the images are well-aligned.
    • And of course, different subjects have different brains, so how should one align two of them for the sake of comparison?
    • For our "region identification" problem, a small error in alignment will not be a significant issue.

3.43 Exercise: Download and edit neuro2.py, which contains instructions in comments, and describes some expected output. Write up the results in your module pdf, along with screenshots of the resulting contrast image. How many rows and columns are in the final contrast image?

3.44 Audio:

About the data:

  • The six fMRI images we showed above were from the Algonauts project at MIT.

  • The two tasks were: (1) to recognize an object; (2) to recognize an object and a scene.

  • The full dataset has many more subjects, many tests, and, of course, all the slices.

  • The research group has invited you to view a 3D rendering of brain activity based on their findings, as an example of how such datasets can be explored.

Optional further exploration


If you'd like to explore further:

  • Start with a TED talk on fMRI.

  • Try out a tool like ITK-snap that's designed to work with medical images. Download sample nii-format fMRI images and play with it to see how such tools help.

  • But also read about the limitations and criticisms:
    • One issue is reproducibility
    • But more fundamentally, there is a serious time lag between electrical activity (fractions of a second) and blood flow (in seconds), and it's not clear that particular regions can be described as responsible for a particular task.

  • The world of medical imaging has come a long way since the early days of x-rays, and new techniques continue to be developed.

  • Which means the algorithmic image processing of such technologies will always be in demand. And it's interesting.

  • The subfield of algorithms for images is itself a rich field with many challenges and algorithms. We've mentioned just one: image registration. There are hundreds of others. See this overview and this one.

  • Finally, there is the potential abuse of such technology: breach of privacy, surveillance and intrusiveness. If a device attached to you could continuously monitor your vitals and beam that to your doctor, would you wear it?

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© 2020, Rahul Simha