from datatool import datatool import numpy import math dt = datatool() dt.load_csv('bluefin_whale_data.csv') D = dt.get_data_as_array() # Write code to identify the min and max # latitudes and longitudes. The latitude is in 5th column, # while the longitude is in the 4th column. min_lat = D[0,4] max_lat = D[0,4] min_long = D[0,3] max_long = D[0,3] # WRITE YOUR LOOP HERE: print('min-lat=', min_lat, 'max-lat=', max_lat) print('min-long=', min_long, 'max-long=', max_long) # Should print # min-lat= 31.0522 max-lat= 40.4511 # min-long= -124.9586 max-long= -116.509 # Round the min's down using math.floor() and # round the max's up using math.ceil() # WRITE YOUR CODE HERE: # Print rounded min's and max's: print('min-lat=', min_lat, 'max-lat=', max_lat) print('min-long=', min_long, 'max-long=', max_long) # Should print # min-lat= 31 max-lat= 41 # min-long= -125 max-long= -116