Programming and Art

Module 3 > Art



The goal of this module is to examine how programming can be used as a tool in generating art. We've already seen a bit of this in earlier modules. Here, we will delve a bit deeper.

3.10 Video:


First, recall how to use color


A color needs three numbers: the amounts each of red, green, blue


3.11 Exercise: Type up the above in and play around with the r, g, b values. Include three screenshots in your module pdf and describe the r,g,b values you used.

Let's now make this a little more interesting by displaying a gradation of color:

from drawtool import DrawTool

dt = DrawTool()
dt.set_XY_range(0,10, 0,10)

# This is just avoid printing too many digits after the decimal.
def print_nice(i, j, r, g, b):
    # Recall string formatting from Module 0.
    format_string = 'i={0:2d} j={1:2d} r={2:.2f} g={3:.2f} b={4:.2f}'
    s = format_string.format(i, j, r, g, b)

r = 0.5    # We'll fix r at 0.5 through out
g = 0      # g will change with each row

for i in range(10):

    # Start Blue=0 in each row
    b = 0

    for j in range(10):
        print_nice(i, j, r, g, b)
        # draw a square at x=i,y=j with color r,g,b
        dt.set_color_rgb(r, g, b)
        dt.draw_filled_rectangle(i, j, 1, 1)     
        b += 0.1
        # Blue increases across a row

    # Green changes once with each row
    g += 0.1


3.12 Exercise: Type up the above in to see the result. Then, change the loop so that the resulting colors are


Part A: Artwork with a digital brush


In the real world, a paintbrush is dipped into paint (of whichever color, sometimes carefully mixed) and then applied.

During a single stroke of the brush, the dipped color is the one that is seen in the stroke.

In the digital version, we have the option of changing the color throughout the stroke in any way we like.

The goal of this part is to write code to change the color (in a gradation) along a brush stroke, and then to use that in making art.

Let's start by writing code to achieve these results:

  • Notice the gradation of color in each stroke.

  • Look closely at the thickest one and you'll see that the rendition of a stroke is really all about drawing a sequence of color-filled circles.

  • So, the programming goal is going to be: given a start point like (2,3) and an end point like (2,5), and a size like 0.2 (which we'll treat as the circle's radius), determine how many we'll need.

  • If we drew circles one next to another, only touching, the result would be unsatisfying.

  • Here's an example (without a gradation in coloring):

  • So, we will draw the circles so that the next circle's center is one radius away from the previous circle's center.

  • Next, let's look at some test code to see what it tells us about what we need:
    # Set up the parameters: a stroke from (2,3) to (5,3) with radius=0.2:
    brush.set_parameters(2, 3, 5, 3, 0.2)
    # Compute the number of such circles required:
    # Make the gradation of colors using red varying from 0.1 to 0.9,
    # and green=0, blue=0
    brush.make_red_stroke_colors(0.1, 0.9, 0, 0)
    # Draw the result

  • We will provide the code for some of these functions. Your goal is to write the rest, and later, make some art.

3.13 Exercise: Download the following files:

The instructions for what code to write are in comments embedded in the file.

3.14 Audio:

3.15 Exercise: The file shows how to draw. In this exercise write code in to apply your brushstrokes. Use at least two loops to create an interesting effect. Include a screenshot in your module pdf and explain your ideas: what did you try to achieve in the code and why? Although most of the drawing should feature the new brushstrokes, you can also use other functions in drawtool that you've learned earlier.

Part B: Chasing Piet Mondrian


Start by reading about Piet Mondrian, his life and his art.

What we're going to do is write code to generate art with a similar theme.

Here's one simple example (that you will first recreate and then improve on):


Key ideas:

  • We'll start with one big rectangle (10 by 10). Then we'll divide that into rectangles. Then, pick a random rectangle, divide that, and so on.

  • Throughout, we'll maintain a list of rectangles.

  • At each step, we'll pick a random rectangle from the list, for example, the k-th rectangle.

  • For this rectangle, we will apply one of three kinds of "splits":
    • A vertical split.
    • A horizontal split.
    • Both a vertical and horizontal split.

  • Let's begin by understanding one way of specifying a rectangle:

    With this approach to specifying, a rectangle needs four numbers

    • Two numbers for the coordinates of the bottom left corner.
    • One number each for width and height.
    These four numbers completely determine the rectangle.

  • Now let's look at a vertical split:

    • Pick a random x value between x and x+width:
          x2 = random.uniform(x, x + width)
    • Then, one needs the four numbers for each of the two smaller rectangles.
    • The height is the same for both.
    • For the left rectangle, we need the new width.
    • For the right rectangle, we need the coordinates of its bottom-left corner, and its width.

  • A horizonal split is similar:

    Here, we need the height of each smaller rectangle, and the coordinates of the bottom-left corner of the top rectangle.

  • To split into four rectangles, we apply both a vertical and horizontal split simultaneously:

    Can you identify what needs to be calculated?

  • How do we maintain the four numbers (two coordinates, width, height) for many rectangles?
    • We'll use four lists:
      bottomX = [0]
      bottomY = [0]
      height = [10]
      width = [10]
    • The list bottomX will have the x coordinate of the bottom left corner of every rectangle:
      bottomX[0] will be x coord of bottom-left corner of rectangle 0
      bottomX[1] will be x coord of bottom-left corner of rectangle 1
      bottomX[2] will be x coord of bottom-left corner of rectangle 2
      ... etc ...
    • Here, we've initialized each list with the numbers for a single rectangle: bottom left at (0,0) with height 10, width 10.
    • When we split this rectangle, we'll remove this rectangle and add the newly created smaller rectangles.

  • Here's the code for performing a vertical split of the k-th rectangle in the list:
    def split_vertical(k, x):
        # First the left rectangle:
        width.append(x - bottomX[k])   
        # Next, the right rectangle:
        width.append(bottomX[k] + width[k] - x)
        # Remove k-th rectangle
    • The parameter into the function, x, tells the function where to make the split (which assumes this random x has been computed elsewhere).
    • Notice that we're append-ing to each of the four lists, so the newly created rectangles get added to the end.
    • Finally, the rectangle being split (rectangle k) is removed:
      (Because it's being replaced by the smaller ones).

3.16 Exercise: Download, and (you already have drawtool). Examine the code in to understand how vertical split is implemented, and then fill in the needed code in to achieve horizontal and both-splits, as directed in the comments. The file tests your code (you can read that file to see what it should print).

3.17 Exercise: Once you have the splits working, download and run to see the result of the splits in the above test code. You should see

(You can un-comment the line dt.set_axes_off() to turn off showing the axes. The axes are useful for debugging.)

3.18 Video: TBD


3.19 Exercise: Now that you have splitting working, download and execute You should see something like the example we first showed at the top of this section. You can comment out the line random.seed(123) to get a different drawing each time, and you can increase the number of splits. Your real goal is to artistically improve on this basic framework. Thus, in, write an improved, more interesting version using better coloring, all the capabilities of drawtool, and tweaking the splitting procedure. Submit at least three such drawings in your module pdf, with the expectation that when we run your program, we'll see the first one.

Optional further exploration


If you'd like to explore further:

  • Wikipedia's entry on Algorithmic art

  • Examples real life artists who're creating computer-generated art:

  • Art of course goes beyond renderings on flat surfaces. Yet others are programming devices to interact with each other, or embedded wireless sensors to have real-life objects interact with people. See this artist use robots, for example (look at "The Table" in his gallery).

  • Computer science also plays a major role in the analysis of art, for example: Algorithms can analyze an artwork to determine authenticity, to study the use of color, or any other aspect.

  • Since we've worked on color and perception, here's a podcast episode on color perception (20 minutes).

Back to Module 3

© 2020, Rahul Simha