How it works

Instructions for doing the course material at home

Succeeding in this course is simple in concept but will require effort. Throughout, you will be doing lots of small bursts of work where each burst consists of three steps:
  1. Read something.
  2. Do some programming or thinking to answer a question.
  3. Watch or listen to something, sometimes a hint for the exercise, or a related explanation. Continue with working.

Let's start by explaining how you will start with Unit-0:

Lastly, we will point out something. It is quite possible that you will "get stuck" or feel that way. On occasion, you may have to re-read carefully and try a particular exercise many times before succeeding. That's just the nature of learning a mental skill.

Feeling overwhelmed. It is quite possible to feel overwhelmed, for a variety of reasons. What you must accept is that it's perfectly OK to feel this way. There might not be a moment when you say "Oh, now I get it" and everything is easy after that. Nor is there some magic explanation, if only someone said it to you, that would make everything easy. The only way learning occurs is through continued persistence.

We will have many opportunities for help: study hall, office hours and class. Don't wait too long.

© 2020, Rahul Simha