import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.geom.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import javax.swing.border.*; import java.util.*; import java.text.*; class Node { int ID; double x,y; double nextX, nextY; } public class Arm extends JPanel implements MouseInputListener { // Store node instances. Vector nodes; Vector obstacles; Node target; // Radius of circle to draw. int radius = 10; int numNodes = 6; double linkSize = 200; int currentNode = -1; String msg = ""; int numIllegalMoves = 0; public Arm () { this.addMouseListener (this); this.addMouseMotionListener (this); // Make the nodes and place them in their initial positions. // Note: the positions satisfy the link size. nodes = new Vector (); double heightOffset = linkSize * Math.sin(2*Math.PI*15.0/360.0); double xOffset = linkSize * Math.cos(2*Math.PI*15.0/360.0); for (int i=0; i(); obstacles.add (new Rectangle2D.Double(260,300,140,50)); obstacles.add (new Rectangle2D.Double(350,240,125,120)); // Target. target = new Node (); target.x = 450; target.y = 275; } public void paintComponent (Graphics g) { super.paintComponent (g); Dimension D = this.getSize (); g.setColor (Color.white); g.fillRect (0,0, D.width, D.height); // Draw nodes. int prevX=-1, prevY=-1; for (Node node : nodes) { int x = (int) node.x; int y = D.height - (int) node.y; if (node.ID == currentNode) { g.setColor (Color.cyan); } else { g.setColor (; } g.fillOval (x-radius, y-radius, 2*radius, 2*radius); g.setColor (Color.gray); if (prevX >= 0) { g.drawLine (prevX, prevY, x, y); } prevX = x; prevY = y; } // Draw obstacles. g.setColor (; Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g; for (Rectangle2D.Double R: obstacles) { Rectangle2D.Double Rjava = new Rectangle2D.Double (R.x,D.height-R.y,R.width,R.height); g2.fill (Rjava); } // Target. g.setColor (; int x = (int) target.x; int y = D.height - (int) target.y; g.fillOval (x-radius, y-radius, 2*radius, 2*radius); // Message. g.setColor (; msg = "# Illegal moves: " + numIllegalMoves; g.drawString (msg, 20, 20); } void move (Node node, double nextX, double nextY) { // Move this node and all later ones up by same amount. double delX = nextX - node.x; double delY = nextY - node.y; for (int j=node.ID; j=0; j--) { // Find closest point to circle centered at previous node's center. Node n = nodes.get(j); Node prev = nodes.get(j+1); double d = distance (prev.nextX, prev.nextY, n.x, n.y); double xDiff = prev.nextX - n.x; double yDiff = prev.nextY - n.y; double moveX = xDiff*(d-linkSize)/d; double moveY = yDiff*(d-linkSize)/d; n.nextX = n.x + moveX; n.nextY = n.y + moveY; //System.out.println ("j=" + j + " d=" + d + " xD=" + xDiff + " yD=" + yDiff + " mX=" + moveX + " mY=" + moveY); } // Check validity here: intersection w/ obstacles. Dimension D = this.getSize(); for (int i=0; i radius) { // Mouse drag occurred too far. return; } move (node, e.getX(), D.height-e.getY()); this.repaint (); } public void mouseClicked (MouseEvent e) { // Find out if any node got clicked. Dimension D = this.getSize (); currentNode = -1; for (int k=0; k change state. currentNode = k; break; } } this.repaint (); } public void mouseMoved (MouseEvent e) {} public void mouseEntered (MouseEvent e) {} public void mouseExited (MouseEvent e) {} public void mousePressed (MouseEvent e) {} public void mouseReleased (MouseEvent e) {} double distance (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { return Math.sqrt ( (x1-x2)*(x1-x2) + (y1-y2)*(y1-y2) ); } double distance (double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) { return Math.sqrt ( (x1-x2)*(x1-x2) + (y1-y2)*(y1-y2) ); } public static void main (String[] argv) { Arm a = new Arm (); JFrame frame = new JFrame (); frame.setSize (500, 500); Container cPane = frame.getContentPane(); cPane.add (a); frame.setVisible (true); } }