In this assignment, you will write code in CarSim (in your controller)
to develop a path to the
target and follow it with your vehicle. To do this, you should first
discretize the space (in your own code) by imagining a grid over it,
and then compute a short path on the grid. More precisely:
- You will write a car-controller that implements the
CarController interface.
- When the simulator calls your init() method, you will
be passed the initial location, the desired end-location (where
the target is), and a list of obstacles.
- Write code in the init() method to compute a path,
and store that path in a local variable or data structure. Later, you will use
this path in the move() method.
- When the simulator calls your move() method, you
will have the opportunity to follow the path you pre-computed
earlier in the init() method.
- You should test your code with each of the "scenes" and a more
complex scene of your making. You can do this by modifying
Scene-1 in CarGUI.
Design your scene so that at least one part of the optimal
path navigates through a channel narrow enough to barely
allow your vehicle.
We will also
create an additional (more complex) scene for this assignment.
So, how should you compute a path? A simple approach is to
throw an imaginary grid over the space and treat the grid as
a graph.
- You can use any shortest-path algorithm, such as
Dijkstra's algorithm. However, for a uniform grid,
a simpler, more intuitive approach will work just fine.
- You need to make sure the path is wide enough to accomodate
your vehicle.
- The grid needs to be fine enough to find a path between
obstacles (as in Scene-4).
- Notice that the CarController
interface has a draw() method. You
should use this
for debugging. To achieve this, draw your path on the canvas
(converting to Java coordinates) and observe how your
car follows the path.
- Note: Undergrad students can use the unicycle. Grads
should handle the unicycle and the Dubin car
(non-accelerative versions), and therefore
submit two car controllers.
- The dimensions of the cars are likely to be useful.
The unicycle is an oval that fits
into a rectangle of length 30 and width 16.
The simple car is of length 40 and width 30.
The Dubin car dimensions are: length=40, width=20 (wheel spacing),
wheel radius=5, wheel thickness=4. All are in Java pixels, the
same units used for the scenes and obstacles.
- Ignore Scene-5 (that's for another assignment).
The ultimate goal is to get to the destination and as fast as
possible and stop there. Let's consider some of the relevant details:
- Your move() method should
strive to move your car along the path you compute.
- To do this, you will need to know "where you are" at any given
time. For this purpose, your car is given a
SensorPack in the
init() method, which you should store in a variable.
You can call the getX()
and getY() methods of the SensorPack
to find out your current position. Examine the code in
BasicSensorPack (an implementation of
the SensorPack interface)
and you'll see that the actual (x,y)
values are simply passed back through these methods.
Finally, a challenge: for bonus points, see if you can get an accelerative
version to reach the target significantly faster than the equivalent
non-accelerative version.
- Download the latest copy of carSim.jar to get the updates made to the simulator since the first assignment.
- Make sure all your
Java classes are named such have your username is embedded
in each class name. This is to avoid name clashes with other students.
Thus, if your username is karel, you can call
your controller
- Important: henceforth, please include a README in every
submission. This file is where you will include relevant
special instructions on running your code (if applicable), and so on.
For example, in this assignment, you will need to explain your
path-finding algorithm and how you make sure the path is wide
enough to accomodate your vehicle.
- Since you are modifying the simulator
(in CarGUI)
to add your own Scene-1,
include the modified simulator in your submission.
- Name your zip file (for username karel).
- Upload your file in Blackboard under Assignment 2.