Java API
- (8/27) TA/LA office hours:
- Mondays 5.10-6.10pm Tompkins-402 (Freya)
- Wednesdays 2-3pm 4th-floor SEH (Talia)
- Fridays 4pm on zoom (Jie). See BB for zoom link.
- (8/27) If you were not able to get algtest working, please
stop by TA office hours this week. You will not be able to complete
Exercise-1 without getting this sorted out.
- (August)
Warning for VSCode users: there's a strange error that
shows up with CLASSPATH in the VSCode command-line. When we
ran the same code using VSCODE as editor but a separate
(this was on a Macbook) Terminal, it worked fine.
Suggestion: Do NOT use the VSCode command-line.
- (August) There is a subdirectory called
useful in which I will occasionally place
classes like UniformRandom.java
that I think will be useful to the class. These classes
will themselves be periodically modified - I will try to
remember to post a notice here when I've made such a
- (August) You need to be familiar with command-line compilation
and execution of Java programs. If you've never done this
before, here
are some instructions on getting started. (Scroll down to the
table just above "Exercise 2". The instructions, for both
Windows/Mac, are a bit dated but the outline should be enough for
to replicate on your laptop.