

Let's start with a simple example: (source file)

#include <stdio.h>

int main ()
  // Declare a pointer to an int.
  int *p;

  // Get the space from malloc:
  p = (int*) malloc (sizeof(int));

  // Assign a value and print:
  *p = 5;
  printf ("Int value: %d\n", *p);

  // Free the memory when done:
  free (p);

Another example: (source file)

#include <stdio.h>

int main ()
  double *doublePtr;
  char *charPtr;

  printf ("The number of bytes needed by a double: %d\n", sizeof(double));
  printf ("The number of bytes needed by a char: %d\n", sizeof(char));

  // Get the space from malloc:
  doublePtr = (double*) malloc (sizeof(double));
  charPtr = (char*) malloc (sizeof(char));

  // Print the address of the memory block returned by malloc:
  printf ("double pointer is at location: %lu\n", doublePtr);
  printf ("char pointer is at location: %lu\n", charPtr);

  // Assign values and print:
  *doublePtr = 3.141;
  *charPtr = 'A';

  printf ("double value = %lf   char value = %c\n", *doublePtr, *charPtr);

  // Free the memory when done:
  free (doublePtr);
  free (charPtr);


An example using arrays: (source file)

#include <stdio.h>

int main ()
  int A[10];
  int *B;

  printf ("BEFORE malloc: Address A=%lu  Address B=%lu\n", A, B);
  // Prints an address for A, but zero for B

  // Assign space to B:
  B = (int*) malloc (sizeof(int) * 10);
  printf ("AFTER malloc: Address A=%lu  Address B=%lu\n", A, B);
  // Prints an address for A and newly allocated address for B.

  // Two ways of assigning values:
  A[3] = 5;
  *(A + 4) = 6;
  printf ("A[3]=%d  A[4]=%d\n", A[3], A[4]);    // Prints 5 and 6.

  // Two ways of assigning values:
  B[3] = 7;
  *(B + 4) = 8;
  printf ("B[3]=%d  B[4]=%d\n", B[3], B[4]);    // Prints 7 and 8.

  // Done.
  free (B);

Next, let's consider 2D arrays: (source file)

#include <stdio.h>

int main ()
  double A[10][10];     // Static allocation of space to array A.
  double **B;           // We'll use malloc to assign space to B.
  int i;

  printf ("BEFORE malloc: Address A=%lu  Address B=%lu\n", A, B);
  // Prints an address for A, but zero for B

  // Assign space for first dimension of B (an array of pointers-to-double)
  B = (double**) malloc (10 * sizeof(double*));
  for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
    B[i] = (double*) malloc (10 * sizeof(double));
  printf ("AFTER malloc: Address A=%lu  Address B=%lu\n", A, B);
  // Prints an address for A and newly allocated address for B.

  // Two ways of assigning values:
  A[3][4] = 5.55;
  *((double*)A + 5*10 + 6) = 6.66;
  printf ("A[3][4]=%lf  A[5][6]=%lf\n", A[3][4], A[5][6]);    // Prints 5.55 and 6.66.

  // Twy ways of assigning values:
  B[3][4] = 7.77;
  *((*(B + 5)) + 6) = 8.88;
  printf ("B[3][4]=%lf  B[5][6]=%lf\n", B[3][4], B[5][6]);    // Prints 7.77 and 8.88

  // Free the individual small arrays:
  for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
    free (B[i]);
  // Free the array of double-pointers:
  free (B);


An example using struct's and pointers: (source file)

#include <stdio.h>

int main ()
  // A list node:
  struct ListNode {
    char *name;               // Fields: name and age.
    int age;
    struct ListNode *next;    // The "next" pointer.

  struct ListNode *front;     // Point to front of list.
  struct ListNode *rear;      // To rear.
  struct ListNode *tempPtr;   // For temporary use.

  // Create a first node:
  tempPtr = (struct ListNode *) malloc (sizeof(struct ListNode));
  tempPtr->name = "Alice";
  tempPtr->age = 19;
  tempPtr->next = NULL;

  // Add to list:
  front = rear = tempPtr;

  // Create a second node:
  tempPtr = (struct ListNode *) malloc (sizeof(struct ListNode));
  tempPtr->name = "Bob";
  tempPtr->age = 18;
  tempPtr->next = NULL;

  // Add to list.
  front->next = tempPtr;
  rear = tempPtr;

  // Print etc ...

© 2003, Rahul Simha (revised 2017)