Java 1.5 API
- (Apr 12) Please prepare to show me next week (in class)
what you have working in your project.
- (Apr 3) I will be away from GW on April 5. Accordingly,
there will be no office hours on that day.
- (Apr 1) The due dates for Assignment 6 and W4.3
are postponed to Apr 4 (Wed), same time.
- (Mar 21) Office hours on Thursday 3/22 will be 3-4pm, 5-6pm.
- (Mar 7) Paid project. Matt Heller (son of Prof. Heller)
is a developer looking for a student to help write some code
for a component of Qmail program. If you're interested, send
email to matt AT hellers.com.
- (Mar 7) About your progress demo next week: we expect
to see screens, and some functionality beyond login's working.
You already know how to handle login's and more, so this should
not be too difficult.
- (Mar 4) I will not be able to meet this afternoon. Those of
you who'd planned to stop by, please come on Tue eve (after class)
or Wed afternoon.
- (Feb 26) Since your Biz Plan is likely to use graphics,
and because that might be easier in Word, you can submit
Word documents instead of OpenOffice. Note that OpenOffice
has drawing/spreadsheet features.
- (Feb 22) Your first team presentations are due next week.
To save time in uploading your powerpoint, please email your
powerpoint to me by 2pm on Tue 2/27. Only one person per team
need do this.
- (Feb 22) My office hours today (Thu 2/22), just
this Thu, are 3-4 and 5-6.
- (Feb 21) Starting next week, I want to meet with individual
teams during my office hours, using the following schedule:
Teams Awesome, GSBB, Cake, Tompkins, Bauer
will meet with me on Wed 2/28/07 at 3.00, 3.20, 3.40, 4.00,
and 4.20pm respectively; likewise, teams Sixers, Antisocials,
Penguins, MES, Dissimulate will meet with me
on Thu 3/1/07 at 3.00, 3.20, 3.40, 4.00,
and 4.20pm respectively. All team members need to come
to my office at the appointed time. I know that some
of you may have time conflicts. In that case, I'd like to
see as many team members at the appointed time as possible.
Those that can't make it need to make an appointment
to meet with me Monday (4-6pm) or Tuesday evening (6-7pm).
- (Feb 21) All your final projects must be done in Java,
unless otherwise negotiated with me. You may not use
languages like PHP or Perl unless the parts written in
those languages constitute a negligible part of the project.
You do not need to use JSP's, but almost certainly need to
use servlets.
- (Feb 12) There will be a talk on database directed
at undergraduate CS students 3-4pm in the CS conference
room (in Phillips Hall) this Wednesday, 2/14/07. You are
encouraged to attend.
- (Feb 10) Internship announcement (from Tony Stanco).
"Web Developer Intern Position at SEAS.
The SEAS Council of Entrepreneurial Tech Transfer and Commercialization
(CET2C) works with students, faculty, alumni, venture capitalists, angel
investors, and federal labs to help create startups. See
[If you are interested in starting your own
web-based business, we can help.]
CET2C is looking for 2 interns to help with our website development.
Knowledge of Macromedia Flash and Open Source software preferred (e.g.,
Plone.org, ZOPE.org, Joomla.org), though we are open to discuss
alternatives. Position involves 5-10 hours per week, working in the
Dean's Office. We pay $12-15/hr. To apply: email stanco@gwu.edu."
- (Feb 7) Just to clarify: you will not be sending us
Your Assignment 1 code, but instead will leave your code
on rabbit. We will simply log into your account, fire up
your TJWS webserver on rabbit and go to your index.html file.
Thus, you need to set up your index.html and servlet accordingly.
- (Feb 4) Alison has changed her office hours to 1.30-3.30
Mondays, same place (Phillips 725).
- (Feb 1) The National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) offers summer internships:
see their SURF
program. The GW contact person for this is:
Francis DuVinage: duvinage@gwu.edu.
- (Feb 1) Alison, the writing TA, will hold office hours
every Monday from 1-3pm in Phillips 725. You are free to stop
by and meet with her (Please bring along your writing), to
ask questions or to get feedback. She may also ask particular
students to come to her office hours to discuss issues related
to your submissions.
- (Jan 25) Here is a link to
the course Wiki - please make sure you have your
own page, and that you know whose writing you are reviewing.
- (Jan 23) We will not use blackboard for this class.
Accordingly, do not expect assignments to be posted on Blackboard.
- (Jan 22) Please email your first writing assignment to
the TA (not to me). Future writing assignments will probably
be submitted through a Wiki - more about that in the labs.
- (Jan 17) I will send you a test email shortly, to see that
I have all your emails correctly entered in my 147-alias. If you
don't get such an email today, send me an email.
- (Jan 16) Each of you will be assigned a port number.
Refer to this list of port numbers.
Your rabbit username is the same as your nom de plume:
please do not reveal your username/pseudonym to anyone.
- (Jan 16) GWEB did not post a classroom. Yes, there will
be a class today: in Tompkins 411 at 3.40pm.
- (Jan 10) There will be no labs the first week (no labs on
Jan 16, Jan 18).
- (Jan 10)
To get a SEAS Unix or NT account, visit the room next to the
For more information on systems, Unix or NT,
see the
SEAS computing website