John Sibert


Selected Publications (Reverse Chronological):

"Perceptually Motivated Automatic Dance Motion Generation for Music", Jae Woo Kim, Hesham Fouad, John Sibert, James Hahn, Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, Volume 20, Numbers 2-3, June 2009 , pp. 375-384(10), John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

"Vibrotactile Feedback for Enhanced Control of Urban Search and Rescue Robots", John Sibert, Jeff Cooper, Christopher Covington, Aleksandar Stefanovski, Darby Thompson and Robert W. Lindeman, Proceedings of the IEE Symposium on Safety, Security and Rescue Robots, Gaithersburg MD, August 22-24, 2006.

"Vibrotactile Feedback for Enhanced Control of Urban Search and Rescue Robots", John L. Sibert, Christopher L. Covington and Robert W. Lindeman, UIST 2005 Proceedings DVD, Seattle Washington, October 23-26 2005.

"Effectiveness of Directional Vibrotactile Cuing on a Building-Clearing Task", Lindeman, R.W., Sibert, J.L., Mendez-Mendez, E., Patil, S., & Phifer, D., Proc. of ACM CHI 2005, Apr. 2-7, 2005, Portland, Oregon, pp 271-280.

"Eye Tracking Measures and Human Performance in a Vigilance Task", Lavine, R.A., Sibert, J.L.,Gokturk, M. and Dickens, B., Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine, 2002;73:367-372.

"The Effect of 3D Widget Representation and Simulated Surface Constraints on Interaction in Virtual Environments," Robert W. Lindeman, John L. Sibert, James N. Templeman, Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality 2001, pp. 141-148, 2001.

"Direct pointing apparatus and method therefor," US Patent No. 6,184,863, John Sibert and Mehmet Gokturk, February 6, 2001.

"The Reading Assistant: Eye Gaze Triggered Auditory Prompting for Reading Remediation", Sibert J.L., Gokturk, M., and Lavine, R.A., CHI Letters, Vol. 2, No. 2, November 2000, pp101-107.

"A Shape-based Visual Interface for Text Retrieval", Rohrer, R., Sibert, J. and Ebert, D., I.E.E.E. Computer Graphics and Applications, Volume 19, no.5, Sept/Oct 1999, pp 40-46.

" An Analysis of the Index Finger as a Pointing Device ", ACM CHI99 Conference Companion, Mehmet Gokturk and John L Sibert, May, 1999.

"Towards Usable VR: An Empirical Study of User Interfaces for Immersive Virtual Environments," Robert W. Lindeman, John L. Sibert, James K. Hahn, Proceedings of ACM CHI '99, May, 1999.

"Hand-Held Windows: Towards Effective 2D Interaction in Immersive Virtual Environments," Robert W. Lindeman, John L. Sibert, James K. Hahn, Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality '99, Houston Texas, March 13-17, 1999.

"The Shape of Shakespeare: Visualizing Text Using Implicit Surfaces," Randall M. Rohrer, David S. Ebert and John L. Sibert, Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization '98, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, October 1998.

"Natural Pointing Techniques Using a Finger-mounted Direct Pointing Device", John Sibert and Mehmet Gokturk, SIGGRAPH 98 Conference Abstracts and Applications, July, 1998, Orlando Forida.

"Heart Rate Variability: Indicator of User State as an Aid to Human-Computer Interaction," Proceedings of ACM CHI 98, April 1998, with Dennis W. Rowe.

"A Finger-Mounted, Direct Pointing Device for Mobile Computing", Proceedings of UIST97, ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, Banff, Alberta, October 1997, with Mehmet Gokturk

"Wayfinding Strategies and Behaviors in Large Virtual Worlds", Proceedings
of ACM CHI 96, Vancouver, British Columbia, April 13-18, 1996, pp142-149, with R. P. Darken.

"A Collaborative Model of Feedback in Human-Computer Interaction", Proceedings of ACM CHI 96, Vancouver, British Columbia, April 13-18, 1996, 316-323, with M. A. Perez-Quinones.

" Negotiating User-Initiated Cancellation and Interruption Requests" ACM CHI 96 Conference Companion, Vancouver, British Columbia, April 13-18, 1996, pp267-68, with M. A. Perez-Quinones.

"Navigating in Large Virtual Worlds" International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, Vol. 8, No 1, January, 1996, pp49-71, with R. P. Darken.

"A Toolset for Navigation in Virtual Environments", Proceedings of UIST93, ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, Nov 3-5, 1993, pp157-65, with R. Darken.

"Toto: A Tool for Selecting Interaction Techniques", Proceedings of UIST90, ACM/SIGGRAPH Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, Snowbird, Utah, October 3-5, 1990, with T.W. Bleser.

"An Object-Oriented Model Based on Relations", Journal of Systems and Software, vol 12, no 2, May 1990, pp 139-155, with Hafedh Mili and Yoav Intrator.

"Modeling User Interface-Application Interactions", IEEE Software, January 1989, with W. D. Hurley. (Reprinted in The Separable User Interface, Ernest Edmonds (Ed.) Computers and People Series, Academic Press 1992, pp 149-65.)

"Charcoal Sketching: Returning Control to the Artist", ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol. 7, No. 1, January, 1988, pp 76-81, with T. Bleser and J.P. McGee.

"Design and Implementation of an Object-Oriented User Interface Management System", Advances in Human Computer Interaction, Vol. 2, Ablex, Norwood New Jersey, 1988, pp 175- 213, with W. Hurley and T. Bleser.

"Tools and Methodology for User Interface Development", Computer Graphics, Volume 21, Number 2, April 1987, pp.78-87, (proceedings of ACM workshop on User interface Software) with J. Rhyne, R. Ehrich, J Bennett, T. Hewett, and T. Bleser.

"An Object-Oriented User Interface Management System", Computer Graphics, Volume 20, Number 4, July 1986, (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH-86), with W.D. Hurley and T.W. Bleser.

"A Context for User Interface Management", IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Volume 4, Number 12, December 1984, with D. Olsen, Jr., W. Buxton, R. Erhich, D.J. Kasik and J.R. Rhyne.

Spatial Autocorrelation and the Optimal Prediction of Assessed Values, Michigan Geographical Publications, No. 14, Ann Arbor, Michigan (1975).[Monograph]

Courses taught (all at GWU):

Design of Human Computer Interfaces
Computer Graphics I
Computer Graphics II
Computer Graphics III
Introduction to Programming Languages
Introduction to Programming
Data Structures
Design of User Interface Software
Programming Language Concepts
Senior Design

Dissertations Directed:

Chris Covington, User Interface Issues in Bimanual Dual Object Control, 2009.

Timothy Patrick McClanahan, Deconvolution of g-ray and Radiation Emissions for Planetary Geochemistry, 2007 (co-directed with prof. Murray Loew Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering).

Sonja Gievska, A Conceptual Framework for Selecting the Most Appropriate
Timing for Interrupting People during Human-Computer Interaction, 2004.

Mehmet Gokturk, The Effect of Selection Method in Computer Pointing Tasks, 2000.

Joseph M. Geigel, Tone Reproduction for Computer Graphics Using Photographic Principles, 1999.

Dennis W. Rowe, Heart Rate Variability: Aid to Determining User State in the Design and Analysis of User Interfaces, 1999.

Daniel C. McFarlane: Interruption of People in Human-Computer Interaction, 1998:

Manuel A. Perez Quinones: Conversational Collaboration in User-Initiated Interruption and Cancellation Requests, 1996.

Rudolph P. Darken: Wayfinding in Large-Scale Virtual Worlds, 1996.

Yoav Intrator: OR, an Object Relation Oriented Model. 1993, (Jointly with S. Rotenstreich).

Teresa W. Bleser: An Input Device Model of Interactive Systems Design. 1991. (Jointly with J. Foley).

Robert E. Braudes: The Role of Conceptual Consistency in Information Systems. 1990.

William D. Hurley: A Generative Taxonomy of Application Domains Based on Application Semantics. 1989.

Sponsored Research:

Principal or Co-principal Investigator on over 20 externally funded research projects. Granting agencies include NSF, NIST, NASA, DARPA and USGS.

Professional Activities:

Refereeing and Reviewing:
Many journals and ACM conferences including: SIGGRAPH, SIGCHI, UIST,

Transactions on Graphics, Transactions on Computer Human Interaction.

Reviewer/Panelist for NSF, NEH, NRC (Canada)

Journal editor:

ACM Transactions on Graphics (associate editor for 6 years)

Behaviour and Information Technology (guest editor)

Program Chair:

American Cartographic Association
IEEE/NBS Trends and Applications Symposium
ACM User Interface Software Symposium (founding program chair)
ACM/SIGGRAPH Emerging technologies (August 2007)
Conference Chair

UIST89 ACM Second Annual User Interface Software and Technology Symposium

Selected Consulting Clients (1980 - present)

Alvey Directorate- United Kingdom,
AT&T Bell Laboratories
Bain and Company
Boeing Computer Services

Control Data Corporation
OCE Nederland
Systems Development Corporation
The Aerospace Corporation
U.S. Air Force/SAC

Litigation related experience

Professor Emeritus

Department of Computer Science
The George Washington University
Washington, DC 20052


Computer Graphics, Human Computer Interaction, Object Oriented Paradigms, Programming Languages,

Professional Experience:

Department of Computer Science,

The George Washington University, Washington, D.C.

Professor Emeritus, 2011-present.

Department of Computer Science,

The George Washington University, Washington, D.C.

Professor, 1999 - 2010.

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,

The George Washington University, Washington, D.C.

Associate Professor 1980 - 96, Professor 96 - 99.

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,

The George Washington University, Washington, D.C.

Visiting Scientist, 1979-1980

Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico,

Staff Member 1976-1980

Department of Geography, The Pennsylvania State University,

Assistant Professor, 1974-1976


A.B. in History, Wittenberg University, Springfield, Ohio, 1968

M.A. in Geography, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 1971

Ph.D. in Geography, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1974