Engineering Orientation
Welcome to the SEAS 1001 engineering orientation course
Lecture | Friday 9:35AM to 10:25AM 2201 G Street, NW -- Funger Hall, Room 108 |
Lecture and Lab Locations | Lecture and Labs (.docx) |
Instructor | Dr. Shahrokh Ahmadi |
ahmadi {at} gwu {dot} edu | |
Phone | {two} {oh} {two} - 994 4956 |
Week 1
Week 1, August 30, 2019
- SEAS Student Welcome
- Introduction and overview of SEAS 1001 by Prof. Ahmadi
- Organize lab sections
- Case study project on Engineering Ethics
- Receiving and validating SEAS computer account
- Introduction to MATLAB
- Announce HW and assignments for next week
- Make sure that your SEAS Computing account is setup before the next lab meeting
- Read and do exercises in Matlab Basics handout
- Turn in the Homework on Case Studies in Engineering Ethics by Thursday Sept 5, 11:59 pm.
- How to upload your homework to Blackboard
- Take the Clifton Strengths assessment and answer the questions in the given template.
Handouts & Links
SEAS Student Assoications
Case Study
Academic Integrity
- GW Academic Integrity (dirrect link to .pdf)
- GW Code of Conduct for Users of Computing Systems and Services
- SEAS Computing Facilities Policies
Other Ethics Links