Third Floor Amphitheatre (Plenary Sessions)
Rooms 402, 413, 414 (Breakout Sessions)
Cloyd Heck Marvin Center (aka Marvin Center)
George Washington University
800 21st St. NW
Washington DC 20052
Wheelchair access on Eye St. entrance, between 21st and 22nd.
George Washington
University Map.
By Metro
The workshop is two blocks from the Foggy
Bottom Metro Station, which is on the Blue and Orange Metro lines.
The Metro Station has only one exit, on 23rd and Eye (I) Streets. The
Marvin Center has three entrances - on 21st, between Eye and H (main
entrance), on Eye, between 21st and 22nd, and on H, between 21st and
22nd. Walk along Eye (straight ahead as you come off the Metro
escalator) for one and a half blocks; Marvin Center is on your right
between 21st and 22nd.
By Car
The visitor entrances to the parking garage are on Eye (I) Street,
between 22nd and 23rd Streets, and on 22nd (one way from H to Eye)
between H and Eye. Walk on Eye to Marvin Center between 21st and 22nd.
Directions to parking garage:
From North
Interstate 95 south to Interstate 495 (Capital Beltway) toward Silver
Spring/Northern Virginia. Take exit 33, heading south on Connecticut
Avenue for about 9 miles. Turn right onto Florida Avenue (just past the
Washington Hilton) and turn left immediately onto 21st Street. Turn
right on I Street. The visitor entrance to the parking garage is on the
left between 22nd and 23rd Streets.
From Northwest
Interstate 270 to Interstate 495 (Capital Beltway) toward Silver
Spring. Take exit 33, heading south on Connecticut Avenue for about 9
miles. Follow directions as given in From North.
From West
Interstate 66 and Route 50 both connect with the Theodore Roosevelt
Bridge. Cross the bridge and exit left at E Street, then again at
Virginia Avenue. Bear left, following signs for 23rd Street. Turn right
on 23rd Street and continue a few blocks to campus. Turn right on I
Street. The visitor entrance to the parking garage is on your right
between 22nd and 23rd Streets.
From South
Interstate 95 to Interstate 395 Arlington Memorial Bridge exit. Cross
the bridge and bear left at the Lincoln Memorial. Turn left onto 23rd
Street, NW, and follow directions as given in From West.