CS 3410

Systems Programming

GWU Computer Science

Lab 1: Prep for CS3410


By the end of this lab, you will be able to:

Before Starting

Your first Email from me (from Blackboard)

If you are properly registered for the course, you should have received this email. if you did not, contact me ASAP (see above). The first email I sent to you all should contain the following information:

Reading the Website Schedule

For example, the following figure shows an avarage course week with four highlighted activities (while this is for the CS1111 class, the structure applies here as well):

Using Piazza

We will use Piazza as our main communication hub.
Please join Piazza and read the following Piazza Turorial: PiazzaTutorial-cs1111-f20.pdf.

Using BBUltra

We will use BBUltra to give the online version of the class, and to record it for asynchronous use.
Please open and read this tutorial: tutorialBBUltra.pdf.