import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.ArrayList; public class Homework5{ /* Complete the bodies of the main functions below. Note that To check your answers, compile this file with: javac and then run with: java Homework4 This will score thexception.problems you've attempted so far, and allow you to edit them to get them to pass all their test cases. */ /* Problem 1: ****************************************************************************/ /* Write code that takes a string and a substring and counts how many times the substring appears in the string. */ public static boolean test1 = false; public static int main1(String string, String sub) { // write the code below, and return the correct result return -9999999; } /* Problem 2: ****************************************************************************/ /* Imagine the user enters a string and a substring. Remove the second instance of the substring from the string and return the result */ public static boolean test2 = false; public static String main2(String string, String sub) { // write the code below, and return the correct result return ""; } /* Problem 3: ****************************************************************************/ /* Imagine the user enters a string and a substring, and an index. Insert the substring in the string at the index and return the result */ public static boolean test3 = false; public static String main3(String string, String sub, int index) { // write the code below, and return the correct result return ""; } /* Problem 4: ****************************************************************************/ /* Write code that reverses a string and returns the result */ public static boolean test4 = false; public static String main4(String string) { // write the code below, and return the correct result return ""; } /* Problem 5: ****************************************************************************/ /* Write code that replaces every 'a' in a string with a substring and returns the result. */ public static boolean test5 = false; public static String main5(String string, String substring) { // write the code below, and return the correct result return ""; } /* Problem 6: ****************************************************************************/ /* Imagine the user enters a string that is a real number. Return the sum of adding up all of the digits of the string. For example, if the user entered "713", your code would return 11. */ public static boolean test6 = false; public static int main6(String string) { // write the code below, and return the correct result return 0; } /* Problem 7: ****************************************************************************/ /* Imagine the user enters a string of characters. Return an integer that is the sum of all the ASCII values of each character in the string. For example, if the string is "Hello", your method would return 72 + 101 + 108 + 108 + 111 = 500. Hint: remember you can cast a char to an int! */ public static boolean test7 = false; public static int main7(String string) { // write the code below, and return the correct result return 0; } /************************************************************************************************************** /* HELPER CODE -- you can ignore this for now! /*************************************************************************************************************/ public static boolean testChecker(String problem, String test, int result, String inputs, int expected) { System.out.println(problem + ", " + test + ", did it pass? " + (result == expected)); if (result != expected) { System.out.print("\tOops! Check your " + problem + " for the inputs " + inputs); String formatInputs = "by plugging your " + problem + " into the visualizer for those inputs. We expected " + expected + " but your code returned " + result; System.out.println(formatInputs); return false; } return true; } public static boolean testChecker(String problem, String test, int[] result, String inputs, int[] expected) { System.out.println(problem + ", " + test + ", did it pass? " + (Arrays.equals(result, expected))); if (!Arrays.equals(result, expected)) { System.out.print("\tOops! Check your " + problem + " for the inputs " + inputs); String formatInputs = "by plugging your " + problem + " into the visualizer for those inputs. We expected " + Arrays.toString(expected) + " but your code returned " + Arrays.toString(result); System.out.println(formatInputs); return false; } return true; } public static boolean testChecker(String problem, String test, String result, String inputs, String expected) { System.out.println(problem + ", " + test + ", did it pass? " + (result.equals(expected))); if (!result.equals(expected)) { System.out.print("\tOops! Check your " + problem + " for the inputs " + inputs); String formatInputs = "by plugging your " + problem + " into the visualizer for those inputs. We expected " + expected + " but your code returned " + result; System.out.println(formatInputs); return false; } return true; } /************************************************************************************************************** /* TEST CASES -- see what the inputs and outputs were to your code /*************************************************************************************************************/ public static void main(String[] args) { boolean completed = true; int score = 0; // Problem 1 test cases if (test1 == true) { completed = true; try { completed = testChecker("main1", "test1", main1("bird", "i"), "bird and i", 1) && completed; } catch (Exception exception) { System.out.println("Oops! Check your main1, test1, on inputs bird and i -- it raised an exception."); exception.printStackTrace(); } try { completed = testChecker("main1", "test2", main1("bird", "x"), "bird and x", 0) && completed; } catch (Exception exception) { System.out.println("Oops! Check your main1, test2, on inputs bird and x -- it raised an exception."); exception.printStackTrace(); } try { completed = testChecker("main1", "test3", main1("ibiridi", "i"), "ibiridi and i", 4) && completed; } catch (Exception exception) { System.out.println("Oops! Check your main1, test3, on inputs ibiridi and i -- it raised an exception."); exception.printStackTrace(); } try { completed = testChecker("main1", "test4", main1("iaebiaeriaediae", "iae"), "iaebiaeriaediae and iae", 4) && completed; } catch (Exception exception) { System.out.println("Oops! Check your main1, test4, on inputs iaebiaeriaediae and iae -- it raised an exception."); exception.printStackTrace(); } if (completed == true) { System.out.println("Problem 1 finished, great work!"); score++; } else System.out.println("Check the errors above for Problem 1, and try again!"); } else System.out.println("skipping test1"); // Problem 2 test cases if (test2 == true) { completed = true; try { completed = testChecker("main2", "test1", main2("bird", "i"), "bird and i", "bird") && completed; } catch (Exception exception) { System.out.println("Oops! Check your main2, test1, on inputs bird and i -- it raised an exception."); exception.printStackTrace(); } try { completed = testChecker("main2", "test2", main2("bird", "x"), "bird and x", "bird") && completed; } catch (Exception exception) { System.out.println("Oops! Check your main2, test2, on inputs bird and x -- it raised an exception."); exception.printStackTrace(); } try { completed = testChecker("main2", "test3", main2("ibiridi", "i"), "ibiridi and i", "ibridi") && completed; } catch (Exception exception) { System.out.println("Oops! Check your main2, test3, on inputs ibiridi and i -- it raised an exception."); exception.printStackTrace(); } try { completed = testChecker("main2", "test4", main2("kiaeb", "iae"), "kiaeb and iae", "kiaeb") && completed; } catch (Exception exception) { System.out.println("Oops! Check your main2, test4, on inputs kiaeb and iae -- it raised an exception."); exception.printStackTrace(); } try { completed = testChecker("main2", "test5", main2("kiaebiariaediaeia", "iae"), "kiaebiariaediaeia and iae", "kiaebiardiaeia") && completed; } catch (Exception exception) { System.out.println("Oops! Check your main2, test5, on inputs kiaebiariaediaeia and iae -- it raised an exception."); exception.printStackTrace(); } if (completed == true) { System.out.println("Problem 2 finished, great work!"); score++; } else System.out.println("Check the errors above for Problem 2, and try again!"); } else System.out.println("skipping test2"); // Problem 3 test cases if (test3 == true) { completed = true; try { completed = testChecker("main3", "test1", main3("bird", "i", 0), "bird and i and 0", "ibird") && completed; } catch (Exception exception) { System.out.println("Oops! Check your main3, test1, on inputs bird and i -- it raised an exception."); exception.printStackTrace(); } try { completed = testChecker("main3", "test2", main3("bird", "x", 7), "bird and x and 7", "birdx") && completed; } catch (Exception exception) { System.out.println("Oops! Check your main3, test2, on inputs bird and x -- it raised an exception."); exception.printStackTrace(); } try { completed = testChecker("main3", "test3", main3("kiaeb", "iae", 2), "kiaeb and iae and 2", "kiiaeaeb") && completed; } catch (Exception exception) { System.out.println("Oops! Check your main3, test3, on inputs ibiridi and i -- it raised an exception."); exception.printStackTrace(); } try { completed = testChecker("main3", "test4", main3("kiaeb", "iae", 0), "kiaeb and iae and 0", "iaekiaeb") && completed; } catch (Exception exception) { System.out.println("Oops! Check your main3, test4, on inputs kiaeb and iae -- it raised an exception."); exception.printStackTrace(); } try { completed = testChecker("main3", "test5", main3("kiaeb", "iae", 10), "kiaeb and iae and 10", "kiaebiae") && completed; } catch (Exception exception) { System.out.println("Oops! Check your main3, test5, on inputs kiaeb and iae and 10 -- it raised an exception."); exception.printStackTrace(); } if (completed == true) { System.out.println("Problem 3 finished, great work!"); score++; } else System.out.println("Check the errors above for Problem 3, and try again!"); } else System.out.println("skipping test3"); // Problem 4 test cases if (test4 == true) { completed = true; try { completed = testChecker("main4", "test1", main4("b"), "b", "b") && completed; } catch (Exception exception) { System.out.println("Oops! Check your main4, test1, on inputs b -- it raised an exception."); exception.printStackTrace(); } try { completed = testChecker("main4", "test2", main4("bird"), "bird", "drib") && completed; } catch (Exception exception) { System.out.println("Oops! Check your main4, test2, on inputs bird -- it raised an exception."); exception.printStackTrace(); } try { completed = testChecker("main4", "test3", main4("birdbird"), "birdbird", "dribdrib") && completed; } catch (Exception exception) { System.out.println("Oops! Check your main4, test3, on inputs birdbird -- it raised an exception."); exception.printStackTrace(); } if (completed == true) { System.out.println("Problem 4 finished, great work!"); score++; } else System.out.println("Check the errors above for Problem 4, and try again!"); } else System.out.println("skipping test1"); // Problem 5 test cases if (test5 == true) { completed = true; try { completed = testChecker("main5", "test1", main5("bad", "cat"), "bad and cat", "bcatd") && completed; } catch (Exception exception) { System.out.println("Oops! Check your main5, test1, on inputs bad and cat -- it raised an exception."); exception.printStackTrace(); } try { completed = testChecker("main5", "test2", main5("bid", "catt"), "bid and catt", "bid") && completed; } catch (Exception exception) { System.out.println("Oops! Check your main5, test2, on inputs bid and catt -- it raised an exception."); exception.printStackTrace(); } try { completed = testChecker("main5", "test3", main5("badapple", "catt"), "badapple and catt", "bcattdcattpple") && completed; } catch (Exception exception) { System.out.println("Oops! Check your main5, test3, on inputs badapple and catt -- it raised an exception."); exception.printStackTrace(); } if (completed == true) { System.out.println("Problem 5 finished, great work!"); score++; } else System.out.println("Check the errors above for Problem 5, and try again!"); } else System.out.println("skipping test5"); // Problem 6 test cases if (test6 == true) { completed = true; try { completed = testChecker("main6", "test1", main6("713"), "713", 11) && completed; } catch (Exception exception) { System.out.println("Oops! Check your main6, test1, on input 713 -- it raised an exception."); exception.printStackTrace(); } try { completed = testChecker("main6", "test2", main6("3"), "3", 3) && completed; } catch (Exception exception) { System.out.println("Oops! Check your main6, test2, on input 3 -- it raised an exception."); exception.printStackTrace(); } try { completed = testChecker("main6", "test3", main6("11"), "11", 2) && completed; } catch (Exception exception) { System.out.println("Oops! Check your main6, test3, on input 11 -- it raised an exception."); exception.printStackTrace(); } if (completed == true) { System.out.println("Problem 6 finished, great work!"); score++; } else System.out.println("Check the errors above for Problem 6, and try again!"); } else System.out.println("skipping test6"); // Problem 7 test cases if (test7 == true) { completed = true; try { completed = testChecker("main7", "test1", main7("Hello"), "Hello", 500) && completed; } catch (Exception exception) { System.out.println("Oops! Check your main7, test1, on input Hello -- it raised an exception."); exception.printStackTrace(); } try { completed = testChecker("main7", "test2", main7("hello"), "hello", 532) && completed; } catch (Exception exception) { System.out.println("Oops! Check your main7, test2, on input hello -- it raised an exception."); exception.printStackTrace(); } try { completed = testChecker("main7", "test3", main7("sunny day"), "sunny day", 923) && completed; } catch (Exception exception) { System.out.println("Oops! Check your main7, test3, on input sunny day -- it raised an exception."); exception.printStackTrace(); } if (completed == true) { System.out.println("Problem 7 finished, great work!"); score++; } else System.out.println("Check the errors above for Problem 7, and try again!"); } else System.out.println("skipping test7"); if (!(test1 == true && test2 == true && test3 == true && test4 == true && test5 == true && test6 == true && test7 == true)) System.out.println("Please set all test cases to true before submitting your " + "file called to Blackboard."); //style checking System.out.println("\n***Next steps: perform style checking (you will be graded on it) by making sure that"); System.out.println("\tcheckstyle-9.2.1-all.jar"); System.out.println("\t\tand"); System.out.println("\tCS1111_checks.xml"); System.out.println("are in the current directory, and running the style checker with the following command:"); System.out.println("\tjava -jar checkstyle-9.2.1-all.jar -c ./CS1111_checks.xml"); //scoring System.out.println("\n***YOUR SCORE ON THIS ASSIGNMENT: ( " + score + " + [up to 4 points for style] ) out of 11 total***\n"); } }