Assessment 2: Decision Making

These assessments will be focused on performing mathematical calculations on grids. Why grids? I hope you have fun with these problems and view them as puzzles. Remember, if you're stuck for more than 20 minutes on a homework problem such as these, post a message to Piazza (and see the questions and answers there while you wait for a response)! We love to answer questions on Piazza!

This assessment is designed to be completed in fifty minutes or less. Your code must work on any valid inputs to receive credit.

Complete the template below such that you will provide code to solve the following problem. When you are satisfied with your solution, you should upload your solution, you should upload it to Blackboard. Each assessment comes with test cases that you can run before submitting your assignment, so you know how you're doing on it.

Imagine that the user specifies with width and height of a grid, and provides a tile in that grid. You will write code to return the sum of the adjacent neighbors of that tile that are at the diagonals of neighboring tiles. For example, in the grid below,

tiles 23 will would return the list [15, 17, 29, 31] which sums to 92 and tile 70 would return the list [62], which sums to 62. If a neighbor doesn't exist, you should return a 0 for that item in your result array before summing.
You may use the following formulas in your solution as needed:

row = (tile - 1) / width

Code Template and Test cases

Download the code template.