CS 1111

Introduction to Software Development

GWU Computer Science

Lecture Notes 4: Decision Making and Conditional Statements


By the end of this module, for simple programs with real numbers, you will be able to:

Boolean variables

In order to make a decision, we need a way to represent a situation that is true, versus one that is false. For example, imagine you need to decide whether or not to do some extra credit for a course. You might ask yourself, "will these extra credit points change my final grade in the course?" If yes, you would do the extra credit; if no, you would skip it. We could rephrase this question as "True or false: doig extra credit will change my final grade in this class." If this is true, then you would do the extra credit, etc.

In programming, we will learn to encode statements like the one above into something that can evaluate to true or false, and then store the latter. In Java, there is a special type used for just that: boolean. A boolean variable (or expression) has either the value true or the value false -- both of these are reserved words in the language:

With the compiler recognizing boolean types and expressions, it is now possible to have the program make decisions at runtime, based on the values stored in variables. We achieve this through the use of conditional statements.

Why are conditionals useful in computation?

Conditionals ... a simple example

Consider this program:

About the if-statement:


Consider this program:

We can combine an else clause with an added if-clause:

Activity 1: Run the above example in and change the values of x one at a time so that you see each block execute. That is, try one value of x to make the if-block execute, then another value of x to make the else-if block execute etc. Then, modify the code by adding a new variable, z, and include a conditional that should evaluate to true before the else clause. How does it evaluate?

Note that, in a single if-else block (which can have more than two clauses), one and only one clause executes, even if multiple clauses happen to be true. The first clause to evaluate to true is the only one that gets executed.

Comparison operators

Activity 2: Are there any circumstances under which the last block executes? Activity 3: Suppose we want to identify whether x has the largest value among x, y and z. Why doesn't the following program work?

How would you alter the program (in to make it work?

Nested conditionals

Consider this program:

Combining conditions

Consider this program:

The AND operator

The OR operator

The NOT operator

The NOT operator can be applied to a larger clause made of sub-clauses. Here, the inner clauses are first evaluated, and the result is "flipped" to see if the NOT clause turns out to be true:

Boolean operator summary

We can capture the behavior of the and, or, and not operators using a truth table:

x y x && y x || y !x
True True True True False
True False False True False
False True False True True
False False False False True

Activity 4: Suppose integer variables a,b,c,d,e have values a=1, b=1, c=3, d=4, e=5. Consider the following three expressions:
  ( (a <= b) && (c+d > e) && (d > 1) )

  ( (a > c) || ( (c+1 < e) && (c-b > a) ) )

  ! ( (b == d-c) && (a > b) || (c < d) )
Try to evaluate each expression by hand. Use the Java Visualizer to see if the result matches with your hand-evaluation. \

What's in our toolbox at this point:

Our current toolbox by this lecture

Next class:

We'll go through some more in-class exercises on conditionals and decision making.

Assignments for next lecture:
