Assessment 3: Looping and 1D arrays


This assessment is designed to be completed in fifty minutes or less. Your code must work on any valid inputs to receive credit.

Complete the template below such that you will provide code to solve the following problem. When you are satisfied with your solution, you should upload your solution, you should upload it to Blackboard. Each assessment comes with test cases that you can run before submitting your assignment, so you know how you're doing on it.

Imagine the user enters a two lists of integers, where the second is always less than or equal to three elements long. Write code that will return true or false whether or not the shorter list is a sub-list of the first list. For example, if the user enters the list [7, 1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 1, 3] and [3, 2, 4] your code would return true, but if the second list was [3, 2, 3] your code would return false.

Please do not use any Java code or libraries that we have not covered in class; this defeats the purpose of the assessment.

Code Template and Test cases

Download the code template.