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Ph.D., Environmental Systems Engineering, Department of Systems Engineering, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, January 1984 M.S., Environmental Engineering, Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, May 1978 M.B.A., Management, School of Business Administration, Golden Gate University, San Francisco, CA, May 1975 B.S., Engineering, U.S. Military Academy, West Point, NY, May 1970 Professional Experience Jonathan Deason was appointed Professor of Environmental Management at the George Washington University in August 1996. Before joining GW, he was Vice President for Environmental and Educational Affairs at the American Road and Transportation Builders Association (1994-1996), a federation of 5,000 companies, public agencies and universities engaged in transportation construction. Before that, Professor Deason was Director of the Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance at the U.S. Department of the Interior (1989 to 1994), where he managed nine regional offices across the nation and seven staff divisions in Washington, D.C. He was responsible for ensuring that Interior's 81,000 employees complied with environmental laws and regulations in managing 20 percent of the surface area of the United States. Prior to that position, Deason served as Manager of the National Irrigation Water Quality Program in the Interior Department (1986 to 1989), where he directed a team of about 200 multi-disciplinary specialists engaged in responding to irrigation-induced contamination problems across the western states. From 1984 to 1986, he was the Special Assistant for Water Resources to the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works) where he helped manage the Army Corps of Engineers. Before that, he served in the Interior Department as a Senior Policy Analyst in the Office of the Secretary from 1982 to 1984, and as Chief of the Water Resources Program of the Bureau of Indian Affairs from 1978 to 1982. Prior to that, he served with the Army Corps of Engineers as both a civilian and a military officer for eight years. He has served as President of the National Capital Section, American Society of Civil Engineers and on the national boards of directors of the American Water Resources Association and the Renewable Natural Resources Foundation. From 1984 until his current appointment at GWU, Deason taught more than 60 graduate and undergraduate engineering and environmental management courses at the George Washington University, the Catholic University of America and the University of Maryland. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in the Commonwealth of Virginia and has authored more than 50 professional papers dealing with environmental issues. He also served a 30-year career in the Army Reserve, including service as Chief of Staff, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (1994-2000), prior to retiring in 2000. He has received
a number of awards including the 1984 Arthur S. Flemming Award for work related
to improving utilization of the Nation's water resources, the 1992 Founder's
Medal of the National Society of Professional Engineers as the Federal Engineer
of the Year, the 1993 Engineering Achievement Award of the Virginia Engineering
Foundation, and a 1993 Executive Rank Award from the President of the United
States. Elected Offices in Professional Societies
Appointments and Licenses
Journal Service
Honors and Awards
Course Director/Instructor
EMSE 220 - Policy Factors in Environmental and Energy Management EMSE 221 - Environmental Management EMSE 222 - Energy Management EMSE 223 - Air Quality Management EMSE 224 - Analytical Tools in Environmental Management EMSE 225 - Hazardous Waste Management EMSE 226 - Water Quality Management EMSE 227 - Analytical Tools in Energy Management EMSE 292.1 - Environmental Security EMSE 292.2 - Envitonmental Auditing EMSE 292.3 - Emerging Technologies in Environmental and Energy Management Selected Papers Castillo, A.S. and Deason, J.P., "Determination of Solar Energy Transition Potential of Department of Defense Facilities and Non-Tactical Vehicles, Environmental Practice (submitted August 1, 2010).Deason, J.P., Dickey, G.E., Kinnell, J.C. and Shabman, L.A. "An Integrated Planning Framework for Urban River Rehabilitation," Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management (submitted June 8, 2008, accepted January 26, 2010, published online April 8, 2010, print version pending). Somma, D., Lobkowicz, H. and Deason, J.P. "Growing America's Fuel: An Analysis of Corn and Cellulosic Ethanol Feasibility in the United States," Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, Volume 12, Number 4 (2010), pp. 373-380. Deason, J.P., Restoring Contaminated Urban Rivers Using an Intergovernmental, Public-Private Approach," Management of Environmental Quality, Volume 20, Issue 6 (2009), pp. 649-657. Helwig, M. and Deason, J.P., "The Energy Policy Act of 1992 and Executive Order 13149: Proposed Compliance Strategies and Process Improvements for Federal Agencies," Energy Policy Journal, Volume 35, Number 5 (2007), pp. 2912-2924. Verduzco, Laura E., Duffey, M.R. and Deason. J.P., "H2Power: Development of a Methodology to Calculate Life Cycle Costing of Small and Medium-Scale Hydrogen Systems," Energy Policy Journal, Volume 35, Number 3 (2007), pp. 1808-1818. Yuzugullu, E. and Deason, J.P, "Structuring Objectives to Facilitate Convergence of Divergent Opinion in Hydrogen Production Decisions," Energy Policy Journal, Volume 35, Number 1 (2007), pp. 452-460. Deason, J.P., Burns, J.B. and Dickey, G.E., "Restoring Degraded Urban Rivers: To Whom Should We Look for Payment?" Federal Facilities Environmental Journal, Volume 17, Number 1 (Spring 2006), pp. 79-95. Hall, S.W., Carolla, M.A. and
Deason, J.P., "The Use of Imagery in Environmental Disaster Preparedness
and Response," Federal Facilities Environmental Journal, Volume 16,
number 4 (Winter 2006), pp. 65-72. Deason, J.P., Schad, T.M., and Sherk, G.W. "Water Policy in the United States: A Perspective," Water Policy Journal, Volume 3, Number 3 (2001), pp. 175-192. Deason, J.P. and Taylor, W.R., Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration: The Outlook for Federal Facilities, Federal Facilities Environmental Journal , Vol. 8, No. 4 (Winter 1998), pp. 49-61. Deason, J.P., Cothern, C.R., and Tsongas, J.P., Sick Buildings: What Have We Learned and What Can be Done?, Environmental Engineering and Policy , Vol. 1, No. 1 (July 1998), pp. 37-46. Deason, J.P., Toward Improved Highway Quality: Lessons from Western Europe, Journal of Management in Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 1 (January 1998), pp. 81-86. Deason, J.P., and Corl, C., Toward Protection of the Marine Environment: Uniform National Discharge Standards for Military Vessels, Federal Facilities Environmental Journal, Vol. 8, No. 2 (Summer 1997), pp. 49-59. Deason, J.P., Changing World Attitudes on Environmental Values and Sustainability: Implications for Educational Institutions, Renewable Resources Journal, Vol. 14, No. 1 (Winter 1996-1997), pp. 6-11. Deason, J.P., Irrigation-Induced Contamination: How Real a Problem? Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Vol. 115, No. 1 (February 1989), pp. 9-20. Deason, J.P. and White, K.P., Specification of Objectives by Group Processes in Multiobjective Water Resources Planning, Water Resources Research, Vol. 20, No. 2 (February 1984), pp. 189-196.
To see Professor Deason's full Curriculum Vitae, please click here: