Module 1: Parts of a Program



By the end of this module, for simple HelloWorld-like programs, you will be able to:


Some changes to HelloWorld


We'll make two modifications to HelloWorld:


In-Class Exercise 1: Type in the above program, but write your own 3-line greeting (3 println's, then save the file as, compile and execute.

What did we learn?


In-Class Exercise 2: Write a program using your last name as the class name. Your program should print out a large 5-line version of your last name initial using the * symbol, along with the rest of your last name following. For example, the program prints

 *   *

Parts of the HelloWorld program


To start to understand syntactic elements of the HelloWorld program, let's first alternate colors to identify ALL parts:

Next, we'll identify some important parts or aspects.

The class:

  • Think of a class as a higher level unit, or grouping of lower-level constructs:
    public class HelloWorld {
       public static void main (String[] argv)
           System.out.println ("Hello World!");

  • Here's an example with additional lower-level constructs:
    public class HelloWorld {
       public static void main (String[] argv)
           printStuff ();
       public static void printStuff ()
           System.out.println ("Hello World!");

  • Words like public and class are called reserved words
           => come defined in the Java language and can only be used in some ways.

  • Words like HelloWorld are words we pick for our convenience
           => They are called identifiers.

  • As we'll see, there are many kinds of identifiers.

  • The contents of a class are the lower-level constructs that lie between the braces that define the class.
           => Notice how the closing brace lines up under the p of public.

  • The reserved word public has to do with visibility, an advanced topic
           => For simplicity, we'll leave everything public for now.

  • Generally, you have one class per file.
    • Sometimes can you have more, but it's not common, e.g,
         class X {
            public static void printStuff ()
                System.out.println ("Hello World!");
         public class HelloWorld {
             public static void main (String[] argv)
                 X.printStuff ();
    • Observe the two sets of class braces.
    • If there's more than one class in a file, only one can be public, and the one that has main has to be the public one.
    • For the most part, we'll stick to one class per file.
      (And use multiple files if we have multiple classes.)

Types of brackets:

  • There are four types of brackets in Java, as this example shows:

  • Brackets are not afraid of commitment; they always come in pairs: a left one and a matching right one. One without the other is tragic, and java will complain in sorrow if one is found.

  • When matching brackets have something between the pair, think of them as "enclosing" something.

  • We could consider the double-quote " to be a type of bracket
           => A pair of them always encloses a string.

  • Note: A string is a bunch of characters (letters, digits, symbols etc) in a row.

The level of group (or unit) below: a method

  • The program below has two methods, one called main and one called printStuff.

  • Notice that a method "has stuff" within the braces associated with the method.

  • For now, we won't worry about the reserved words public and static that qualify methods.
           => Most of our methods will look like this, unless we need to make a distinction.

  • To understand the difference between static and non-static methods, one needs to understand the more advanced topic of objects. We can happily ignore that for now.

  • Every method will have a name, like main or printStuff.

  • We made up the name printStuff, but the name main is special.
           => Good practice: don't make up another method with this name.

  • main is the place where execution begins.

  • Every method name is followed by a pair of parentheses.

  • Sometimes the parens have something between them; other times not.

  • Observe that the name printStuff occurs twice

  • Where have we seen method invocations before???
  • A method is declared just once:
           => Analogy: it's a definition.

  • A method can be invoked or called any number of times.

Next, let's look at some punctuation:

  • For example, in our HelloWorld program:

  • Some of these will turn out to be operators like + or * (multiplication).

  • The semicolon is special; it is used to mark the end of a statement. Just as a period marks the end of a sentence in English.

  • The "dot" operator above is used with some features of objects.
           => We will not get deeper into this until we learn more about objects.
           => Think that the identifier following a dot is conceptually "part" of the identifier before it.

  • For now, we will think of System.out.println as a single entity.


In-Class Exercise 3: The program below has several mistakes. Can you identify them?


How to read programs


We can't emphasisize this enough: reading programs is an all-important skill.

Start with the class:

  • (3) When you read the class name, pause, and ask whether the file name matches.

  • When you see the opening brace (4), immediately look for and identify the closing brace (5).

  • In general, for every left bracket, your eye should linger on the matching right one, sort-of absorbing the space between.

Next, go to main:

  • Check to see that it's properly formed (6 - 10).

  • Check the method braces (11-12) and get a sense for how much "stuff" there is between.

Next, read the one statement inside:

  • Read System.out.println as one entity (13).

  • When you see the opening paren, let your eyes find the right one (14).

  • Same thing for the double-quote (15).

  • Don't forget the semicolon (16).

As we proceed, we will point out good reading habits.

Whitespace and style


About whitespace:

  • Whitespace includes spaces and tabs.

  • You can't insert whitespace inside words
           => The result would be treated as two words

  • The compiler treats contiguous characters (letters and numbers, but not symbols) as a word.

  • No whitespace is required on either side of special symbols in Java such as the brackets, period, semicolon.

  • You can't split a quoted string over two (or more) lines.

  • You can insert whitespace pretty much anywhere else.

  • Here's an example of HelloWorld written with weird whitespace:
    public class         Whitespace 
            void         main ( String [   ] argv){
    System .   out.println ("Hello World!");
    The program compiles and runs perfectly.

Whitespace is used for style:

  • Two identical programs may differ in whitespacing, and therefore in style.

  • Proper style is critical to readability.

  • There is a standard style for Java.

  • Some style rules:
    • Indent 2 or 4 spaces when you go down one level in scope.
    • Only one space between words on the same line.
    • Do not use space with some operators, e.g., dot, brackets.
    • Use space around others, such as =.

  • You will learn about style as we proceed.

In-Class Exercise 5: Write a (correctly compiled) HelloWorld with the least amount of whitespace as possible. How many spaces did you use?

When things go wrong


Let's now deliberately make some mistakes:

  • So that we learn what happens during compilation.
  • So that we increase awareness of typical or common mistakes.

In-Class Exercise 6: Write the HelloWorld program but save it in a file called

Then, compile. What do you observe?

In-Class Exercise 7: Leave out the semicolon at the end of the println statement. What is the compilation error?

In-Class Exercise 8: Leave out the closing brace of main and identify the compilation error.

In-Class Exercise 9: Leave out the opening brace of main and identify the compilation error.

In-Class Exercise 10: Misspell main (say, as maine). What do you observe?

Some observations:

  • For some errors, the compiler is right on target in identifying the error, even giving you the line number.

  • For others, the compiler output is not so helpful.
           => This is unfortunately the nature of compilation.

  • In some cases, there's no compiler (javac) error, but we see a runtime error
           => An error when we invoke java for execution.

In-Class Exercise 11: The program below has an error:

Can you identify the error just by reading (without comparing it with the correct version)? Fix the error.

Detecting syntax errors as you construct programs:

  • Through careful reading.
           => A habit worth developing.

  • Type in your program and see what the compiler says.
           => Lazy approach, but always finds syntax errors.