Module 3: Variables and Integers



By the end of this module, for simple HelloWorld-like programs, you will be able to:


First, an analogy


Suppose we have boxes. Consider the following rules about "boxes":


In-Class Exercise 1: Suppose z is a box that stores caps. What will the statement z = y result in? Draw a picture.

Integer variables


Consider the following program:


In-Class Exercise 2: Edit, compile and execute the above program.

Now let's examine key parts of this program:

  • First, i is the name of a "box" (of sorts).

  • The term used for "box" is variable.
           => i is a variable.

  • Variables must be "typed"
           => i can only store integers.

  • To create and name a variable, we use a variable declaration:

  • Here, int is a reserved word in Java.

  • To put something in a variable, we use assignment
           => with the repurposed = (equals) sign.

  • When we print a variable, what gets printed is its value.
           => Thus, the number 5 gets printed


Next, let's look at assignment between variables:

  • This is the analogue of cloning.

  • Consider this addition to the above program:

  • We say, in short, "i is assigned to j".

In-Class Exercise 3: What happens if you don't place a value in a variable? Find out by editing and compiling this program:


In-Class Exercise 4: Identify the output of this program just by reading (mental execution).


In-Class Exercise 5: Identify the output of this program just by reading


A rule: a variable must be declared before it is used (assigned a value or have a value copied from it).

In-Class Exercise 6: What is the compiler error you get for this program?




The following variations are worth knowing:

  • Comma-separated declarations:

    Note: variables need not be declared in the order they are used in the program.

  • Declaration and assignment can be combined:

  • Another example:


In-Class Exercise 7: Consider the following partially-complete program:

Insert code where indicated to have the program first print 6, then 5. Do this only by using assignments between variables.

Note writing style:

  • A space on either side of the equals sign for assignment.

  • The same when you combine declaration and assignment for a single variable.

  • It's customary to remove the space for multiple declarations.

Integer operators



Let's examine the familiar binary operators +, -, *, /

  • Addition: +

  • Subtraction: -

  • Multiplication: *

  • Division: /

  • Consider this example with addition:

  • What happens during execution:

    • The values in i and j are added.
    • The resulting value goes into variable k.

  • A long-ish way of saying this aloud:
           => "k is assigned the sum of the values of i and j"

  • A shorter way:
           => "k is assigned i plus j"

  • Here's an example with multiplication and division:


In-Class Exercise 8: What does it print?

Next, let's consider some unary operators:

  • These are operators that apply to a single variable.

  • For example:

  • The unary operators here are the ++ (increment) and -- (decrement):

  • Note writing style: no space between variable and unary operator, but this is also acceptable:


In-Class Exercise 9: Mentally execute this program - what does it print?


Expressions and operator-precedence


Consider the following program:


In-Class Exercise 10: What does it print?

About expressions:

  • An expression combines constants (like 1, above), and variables using operators.

  • Example:
           i*j - (i+1)*(j-1).

  • The above expression is really equivalent to:
           (i*j) - ((i+1) * (j-1)).
    Here, we added some clarifying parentheses.

  • Operator precedence allows us to reduce the number of clarifying parentheses.

  • Java precedence follows standard predence in math: /, *, +, -.

  • The above expression is NOT the same as:
           i*j - i+1*j-1.

In-Class Exercise 11: Add parentheses to clarify the expression i*j - i+1*j-1. What does it evaluate to when i=7 and j=3?

More about expressions and assignment


Here are two more operators, one unary (negative sign) and one binary (remainder or mod operator), that are commonly used:


In-Class Exercise 12: What does it print?

Now we'll look at a strange (initially) but very useful type of assignment:

  • Consider this program:

  • Prior to evaluating the expression, i has value 7.

  • On the right side, the current value of i is used to evaluate the expression.
           => Thus, the expression evaluates to (7 + 7/2) = 10.

  • This evaluated value then goes into variable i.
           => After the assignment, i has the value 10.

When things go wrong


As you might imagine, there are many ways to inadvertently create errors.

Let's start with compilers errors.

In-Class Exercise 13: Try to identify the compiler error (or errors), by reading each program below.
Program 1:

Program 2:

Program 3:

Program 4: