Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
ECE-121 Analog Electronics Design
Spring 2007
Location: Tompkins Hall
Time: Wednesday Friday, 2:20pm-3:35pm
Instructor: Prof. Ahmadi, Shahrokh
Office: Phillips Hall T614
Office Hours: Wednesday 12:30 - 1:30pm
Course Objectives:
Design, testing, and measurement of analog electronic circuits. Differential
and Multistage amplifiers. Output stages and power amplifier. Frequency
response of amplifiers. High frequency models of FETs and BJTs.
Introduction to feedback circuit topologies. Use of electronic CAD tools
such as Orcad Pspice. Prerequisite for this course is ECE20.
Microelectronic Circuits, Fifth Edition, Adel S. Sedra and Kenneth C. Smith,
Oxford University Press, New York
1. Lecture notes and any handouts distributed in class during the
2. Schematic Capture with MicroSim PSPICE (Orcad), Third Edition, Marc E.
Herniter, Prentice Hall, New Jersey (1998). ISBN 0-13-629494-4.
3. Design Techniques for Analog and Digital Circuits, Randall L. Geiger,
Phillip E. Allen, and Noel R. Strader, McGraw-Hill, Inc.
4. CMOS Analog Circuit Design, Phillip E. Allen, and Douglas R. Holberg,
Published by Holt, Rinehart and
Laboratory ECE121- Section 30, 31
Experiments are support of the theory of operation of analog and digital
electronic circuits and devices. Characteristics of nonlinear operation of
electronic devices, and their use in industrial electronics. SCRs and other
pnpn devices, power supplies, differential and multistage amplifiers, oscillators,
push-pull circuits, filters, and tuned amplifiers.
Lab Attendance:
Students are expected to be at every laboratory session. Make up sessions are to be for excused absences only, and are to be arranged with the instructor. Laboratory hours are posted outside the laboratory.
Recommended Books:
M.E. Herniter, ``Schematic Capture with Microsim PSpice'', 3rd ed., Prentice
A.S. Sedra, K.C. Smith, ``Microelectronic Circuits'',
books used in related theory courses.
Class handouts, data sheets, general information, etc.
Laboratory logbook: Laboratory Notebook from Scientific Notebook Co., part. no.
Electronic parts and hand tools:
ECE-121 parts kit;
Tools kit used in previous lab courses;
Two prototype solid breadboards.