Course Syllabus
Csci 4431/6431 Computer Networks

General Course Information
Meeting time:
Class Webpage:
6:10PM -- 8:40PM, Monday
Instructor Information
Instructor Name:
Office hours:
Xiuzhen Cheng
SEH, Room 5860
202 994 9751 / 202 994 4875
cheng AT
2:00PM-4:00PM on Mondays.
TA Information
Arwa Alrawais SEH 4000; alrawais AT; Office Hours: 12:00PM-2:00PM, Wednesday
Course Description
This course provides an introduction to fundamental concepts in the design and implementation of computer communication networks, their protocols, and applications. Topics to be covered include: layered network architectures, network applications, network programming interfaces (e.g., sockets), transport layer services, data link protocols, local area networks, wireless networks, and network routing. Examples will be drawn primarily from the Internet protocol suite.
Course Objective
Upon successful completion of the course, you will have an understanding of the layered network architecture, the fundamental design issues at each layer, and the solution approaches towards addressing relevant issues.
"Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet", by Jim F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross; Addison Wesley; 7th Edition; ISBN-13:978-0-13-359414-0.   --- Required
"Computer Networks", 5th Edition by Andrew S. Tanenbaum and David J. Wetherall, Prentice Hall, ISBN-10: 0132126958   --- Recommended Reference
Csci 2461 Computer Architectures or equivalent knowledge;
A rudimentary understanding of operating systems and probability would be helpful.
Programming ability in Java or C/C++, in particular, socket programming.
Method of Instruction
The course will be taught mainly through lectures and in-class discussion. You are required to actively participate the in-class discussion!
We will have five Wireshark labs, which will help you understand HTTP, TCP, IP, and Ethernet.
There will be one homework assignment for each chapter, containing a number of problems drawn from your textbook.
We will have three programming projects and two midterms. The exams will be close-book.
Your lab assignments and projects have to be done individually. For each day your assignment/project is late, 10% will be deducted from your score; assignments will NOT be accepted after one week.
Homework assignments will NOT be graded. Solutions will be provided to you two days after the homework problems are ready.
Method of Evaluation
Grades will be computed based on the following weights:
       Homework assignments   0%
       Wireshark lab assignments 20%
       Projects 30%
       Midterm I (In-class, Oct 17) 25%
       Midterm II (In-class, Dec 12) 25%

Final letter grade will be curved based on the distribution of the overall scores. However, you may expect the following tentative grading scale to evaluate your performance: A's,A-'s:90-100%, B+'s,B's,B-'s:80-89%, C+'s,C's,C-'s:70-79%, D+'s,D's,D-'s:60-69%.
If you have questions regarding the grading of your homeworks, project or exams, you MUST come to see either the instructor or the TA WITHIN ONE WEEK after the date your homeworks, projects or exams have been returned to you.
Make-up policy:
Do not miss exams - there is no make-up policy. However, if for some unavoidable and valid (in the judgment of the instructor) reasons you have to miss an exam, speak with me before the exam.

Academic Integrity Policy
All examinations, projects, and other graded work products and assignments are to be completed in accordance with GW Code of Academic Integrity.
Emergency Management: Emergency Preparedness Information.