Characterizing System Architectures Using Network Data


Scholars have posited that systems’ architectures drive their lifecycle properties. Often, these architectures are modeled using network representations of systems. Specifically, Moses’s theory of generic architectures represents these as networks of resource/information flows that are related to flexibility and controllability in systematic ways. However, measuring the architectures of real systems remains a challenge. In this paper, we propose a generalization of the theory of generic architectures, in which the structure of Moses’s four generic structures – Tree-structured Hierarchies, Layered Hierarchy, Grid Network, and Teams, can be characterized by their “laterality” and “verticality”. Using unsupervised machine learning techniques, we extract dimensions characterizing the major sources of variance in 67 different real-world networks collected from different sources. We find that the dimensions capturing the most variance correspond to systems’ verticality and laterality, suggesting a set of metrics that may be used to measure the concordance of real-world systems with the four structures posited by generic architecture theory. These results generalize across multiple methodologies.

Procedia Computer Science

Zhenglin Wei
Ph.D. Candidate

Zhenglin Wei is a Ph.D. candidate in the Systems Engineering program at the George Washington University’s School of Engineering and Applied Science. Zhenglin earned his Master of Science degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering from Lehigh University and a Bachelor of Science degree in Systems Science and Engineering, with a concentration in Financial Engineering, from the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (USST) in China. Previously, he worked on several data-based optimization, simulation, operations research, and information theory projects involved in healthcare, logistics, supply chain, and financial systems. Zhenglin’s academic interests are Systems Engineering, Systems Architecture, Decision Making and Policy Modeling, and Health System Optimization.