Simon Y. Berkovich


The George Washington University
School of Engineering & Applied Science
Department of Computer Science
Washington, D.C. 20052
Phone: ( 202 )994-8248
E-mail: berkov (at) gwu (dot) edu

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Graduated doctoral students under my supervision
  1. J.M. Pullen, "An Architecture for a Database Computer Using Associative Pipelining", June 1981
  2. A.K. Ghahari, "A Design Methodology for On-Line Menu-Driven Information Retrieval System", April 1985
  3. Y. El-Gamal, "A Computing System for Modeling Large-Scale Markov Chains”, May 1985
  4. A. Hegazy, "Searching Large Textual Files for Near-Matching Patterns”, July 1985
  5. L. DiMento, "An Analysis of the Image Compression Efficiency of the Binary Tree Transformation Implemented with Content-Induced Transactions Overlap", December 1986
  6. M. C. Frame, "Automatic Translation of Query Languages in Heterogeneous Database Management Systems", January 1987
  7. Y. K. Park, "The Design and Analysis of Virtual-Bus Interconnection Network", September 1987
  8. M. Galal, "Design and Analysis of Fault-Tolerant Clock System", May 1988
  9. C. J. Walter, "Organization of a Distributed Computer System Based on the CITO Communication Technique", March 1989
  10. E. Myers, "Organization of Associative Processing with Buffered Memory Pipelining", May 1990
  11. H. Al-Sakran, "Design of a Text Searching Technique to Enhance Database Management Systems Facilities", co-director Prof. H Eisner, November 1991
  12. M. Mahafzah, "Fault-Tolerant CITO Communication System", October 1992
  13. A. Ozkaya, "Organization of Set Manipulation Operations Using Partial Ordering Variations", December 1995
  14. E. El-Qawasmeh, "Development and Investigation of Hash Searching Technique Tolerating Bit-Position Mismatches", December 1997
  15. Lin-ching Chang, "Investigation of Multiprocessor Networks Arranging Replicated Objects in Combinatorial Designs", December 1997
  16. R. Davis, "Forced Interrupt Microprocessor Pipeline", December 1999
  17. M. J. P. Mack, "Evaluation of Cardinalities of Approximate Match Subsets in Organization of Intelligent Information Retrieval Systems", March 2001
  18. B. Beroukhim, "Fault-Tolerant Indexing and its Application to Dictionary Systems", January 2002
  19. M. Ameen, "Automatic Region Identification, Representation, and Labeling for Advanced Image Retrieval Systems", co-director Dr. Harold Szu, April 2002
  20. A.H. Gooda, "Application of the Techniques of Data compression and Near-neighbor Classification for Information Retrieval", May 2003
  21. A. S. Alhosni, "Using the Lebesgue Space Filling Curve for the Efficient Manipulations of Two-dimensional Arrays", April 2004
  22. M. Inayatullah, "Investigation and Development of Approximate String Matching Techniques", November 2004
  23. A. Djebbari, "Construction and Partitioning of Genetic Networks From the Biological Literature and Microarray Data", co-director Dr. John Quackenbush, April 2005
  24. A. V. Gupte, "Fast Indexing and Retrieval of Color Image Data", October 2005
  25. Y. J. Choi, "Investigation of Query Expansion Techniques with Associative Access Method for Searching Clinical Documents in Medical Information Systems", November 2006
  26. A. Kuznetsov, "Combinatorial Designs in Processing and Routing Applications", May 2007
  27. M Strauss, "Procedural Enhancements to Some Approximate Searching Techniques", February 2008
  28. Duoduo Liao, "Real-Time Solid Voxelization Using Multi-Core Pipelining", February 2009
  29. Hanan Al Shargi, "Investigation of statistical characteristics of biomolecules in view of current epigenetic developments", May 2009
  30. Juman Byun, "Organization of Information Retrieval Procedures for Approximate Attribute Matching", December 2009
  31. Hongjun Yu, "Golay Code Clustering Using Double Golay Encoding Technique", October 2011
  32. Albert Hoang, "Derivation and Investigation of Affine Invariants for Image Processing Based on Wigner Distributions", September 2012