OC Systems

OC Systems (OCS) policy regarding educational users is to provide our full product line and technical support to academic institutions at no cost whatsoever.

We require a letter on school letterhead stating that our products will be used only for education/teaching purposes. If a school wants to use our products for funded research, then we offer our software at a discount of 50% (half price). This policy applies to all schools worldwide.

We currently have more than 800 academic user licenses in the field, including universities in Europe, Canada, and the U.S. Some of our U.S. schools include: Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Penn State, Cal Poly, and Lock Haven University.

Our flagship product, PowerAda, includes a validated Ada 95 compiler, plus an Ada 83 compiler (switch selectable between the two), plus a nicely integrated development environment with editors, debugger, browsers, and several analysis tools. The product is delivered on a single CD-ROM, and runs on PowerPC platforms (i.e., IBM RS/6000, Motorola PowerStack) with the AIX operating system.

Academic users receive the same technical support as do commercial customers. Our senior software engineers handle all inquiries promptly, using the Internet as the primary means of support communications.

E-mail: Ralph Crafts - rec@ocsystems.com
URL: http://www.ocsystems.com

OC Systems, Inc.
9990 Lee Highway
Suite 270
Fairfax, VA 22030

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