Final Report
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Agenda Concept            
Day 1 Day 3          

Day 2

Saturday, Oct 25, 2003       

7:30                 10/25 Panelists, Moderators, Speakers meet with Workshop Leaders

8:00                 Continental Breakfast     NSF Room 110 Foyer

8:30                 Plenary Session:  Panel on the Status of Research

                        Moderator: Carlos Rodriguez, American Institutes for Research

                        Mary Frank Fox, Georgia Institute of Technology

                        John Sargent, U. S. Department of Commerce  Slide Show

                        Eleanor Babco ,Commission on Professionals in Science    Slide Show

                        John Trumpbour ,Harvard University

                 Roberta Spalter-Roth, American Sociological Association  Slide Show

                        Paula Rayman ,University of Massachusetts, Lowell   Slide Show

9:40                             Q&A

10:00               Break   NSF Room 110 Foyer

10:15               Break out Session 2:  Focus on the Role of Research

                                                Facilitators:                           Reporters:

                        1)  Room 630:  Terry Russell                           Cheryl Leggon

                        Association of Institutional Research             Georgia Institute of Technology


                        2)  Room 730:  Jane Lee                                 Paula McClain

                        U.S. Senate Commerce Committee                Duke University


                        3)  Room 770:  Craig Love                              Virginia Valian

                        Westat                                                             Hunter, CUNY           


                        4) Room 830:  Traci Powell                             Manuel Vargas

                        University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill      Winston-Salem State University

11:15               Plenary Session: Report Back

                        Moderator: Joan Burrelli, National Science Foundation /SRS

12:00               Q & A

12:30               Buffet Lunch NSF Room 110 Foyer

1:15                 Plenary Session: Panel of Stakeholders

Moderator: Thomas Windham, University Corporation of Atmospheric Research

Todd Clark, US Department of Energy   Slide Show

                        Cathleen Barton, INTEL  Slide Show

                        Patrick Antony, Boeing  Slide Show

                        Joel Oppenheim, New York University  Slide Show

                        Jim Wyche, University of Miami - Florida

                        Jane Daniels, Henry Luce Foundation  Slide Show

                        John Yochelson, BEST

2:30                 Q&A

3:00                 Break    NSF Room 110 Foyer

3:15                 Break out Session 3:  Focus on Integrative Approaches

                                                Facilitators:                           Reporters:

                        1) Room 630:  Robert Lichter              Richard Freeman

                        Merrimack Consultants, LLC                         Harvard University


                        2) Room 730:  Carlos Rodriquez                      Indira Nair

                        American Institutes for Research                    Carnegie Mellon University


                        3) Room 770:  Bobbie Spalter-Roth                Bill Koonz

                        American Sociological Association                 College of Menominee Nation


                        4) Room 830:  Manuel Gomez             Luis Echegoyen

                        University of Puerto Rico                               Clemson University


4:30                 Plenary Session: Report Back, NSF Room 1235  (note room change!)

Moderator: Yolanda George, American Association for the Advancement of Science

5:00                 Q&A

5:30                 Day 2 Workshop Evaluation / Plans for Day 3

                        Workshop Leaders Pearson and Martin

5:40                 Networking-  Dinner on Your Own






Workshop funded by a grant (HRD-0338644) from the National Science Foundation.