\( \newcommand{\blah}{blah-blah-blah} \newcommand{\eqb}[1]{\begin{eqnarray*}#1\end{eqnarray*}} \newcommand{\eqbn}[1]{\begin{eqnarray}#1\end{eqnarray}} \newcommand{\bb}[1]{\mathbf{#1}} \newcommand{\mat}[1]{\begin{bmatrix}#1\end{bmatrix}} \newcommand{\nchoose}[2]{\left(\begin{array}{c} #1 \\ #2 \end{array}\right)} \newcommand{\defn}{\stackrel{\vartriangle}{=}} \newcommand{\rvectwo}[2]{\left(\begin{array}{c} #1 \\ #2 \end{array}\right)} \newcommand{\rvecthree}[3]{\left(\begin{array}{r} #1 \\ #2\\ #3\end{array}\right)} \newcommand{\rvecdots}[3]{\left(\begin{array}{r} #1 \\ #2\\ \vdots\\ #3\end{array}\right)} \newcommand{\vectwo}[2]{\left[\begin{array}{r} #1\\#2\end{array}\right]} \newcommand{\vecthree}[3]{\left[\begin{array}{r} #1 \\ #2\\ #3\end{array}\right]} \newcommand{\vecfour}[4]{\left[\begin{array}{r} #1 \\ #2\\ #3\\ #4\end{array}\right]} \newcommand{\vecdots}[3]{\left[\begin{array}{r} #1 \\ #2\\ \vdots\\ #3\end{array}\right]} \newcommand{\eql}{\;\; = \;\;} \definecolor{dkblue}{RGB}{0,0,120} \definecolor{dkred}{RGB}{120,0,0} \definecolor{dkgreen}{RGB}{0,120,0} \newcommand{\bigsp}{\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;} \newcommand{\plss}{\;\;+\;\;} \newcommand{\miss}{\;\;-\;\;} \newcommand{\implies}{\Rightarrow\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;} \newcommand{\prob}[1]{\mbox{Pr}\left[ #1 \right]} \newcommand{\exval}[1]{\mbox{E}\left[ #1 \right]} \newcommand{\variance}[1]{\mbox{Var}\left[ #1 \right]} \newcommand{\kt}[1]{\left\vert #1 \right\rangle} \newcommand{\br}[1]{\left\langle #1 \right\vert} \newcommand{\bkt}[2]{\left\langle #1 \middle\vert #2 \right\rangle} \newcommand{\inr}[2]{\left\langle #1 \middle\vert #2 \right\rangle} \newcommand{\inrs}[2]{\left\langle #1 \: \middle\vert\: #2 \right\rangle} \newcommand{\inrh}[2]{ \left\langle \vphantom{\huge x} #1 \: \middle\vert \: #2 \right\rangle } \newcommand{\swich}[3]{\left\langle #1 \middle\vert #2 \middle\vert #3\right\rangle} \newcommand{\swichs}[3]{\left\langle #1 \:\middle\vert \: #2 \: \middle\vert \: #3\right\rangle} \newcommand{\swichh}[3]{\left\langle \vphantom{\huge x} #1 \;\middle\vert \; #2 \; \middle\vert \; #3\right\rangle} \newcommand{\otr}[2]{\left\vert #1 \right\rangle\!\left\langle #2 \right\vert} \newcommand{\pss}{\large\psi} \newcommand{\re}{\mbox{Re }} \newcommand{\im}{\mbox{Im }} \newcommand{\mag}[1]{\left\vert #1 \right\vert} \newcommand{\magsq}[1]{{\left\vert #1 \right\vert}^2} \newcommand{\magsqh}[1]{{\left\vert \vphantom{\huge x} #1 \right\vert}^2} \newcommand{\isqt}[1]{\frac{#1}{\sqrt{2}}} \newcommand{\mbx}[1]{\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;{\scriptsize \color{Gray}{\mbox{ #1}}}} \newcommand{\ksi}{\kt{\psi}} \newcommand{\parenh}[1]{\left( \vphantom{\huge x} #1 \right)} \newcommand{\parenl}[1]{\left(\vphantom{\LARGE x} #1 \,\right)} \newcommand{\khi}{\kt{\phi}} \newcommand{\cnot}{C_{\scriptsize NOT}} \newcommand{\setl}[1]{\left\{\vphantom{\LARGE x} #1 \,\right\}} \newcommand{\smm}[1]{\mbox{\( #1 \)}} \newcommand{\cz}{C_{\scriptsize Z}} \newcommand{\ccnot}{CC_{\scriptsize NOT}} \newcommand{\ccz}{CC_{\scriptsize Z}} \newcommand{\sml}[1]{{\scriptsize #1}} \)

Module 7: Quantum circuits - universality


Module objectives


The main goals of this module:


7.1   Universality: 1-qubit gates


We have seen several examples of building one gate from a combination of others.

We now ask the question: can an arbitrary 1-qubit unitary operation be constructed from gates we've already seen?

Let $$ U \eql \mat{ u_{00} & u_{01}\\ u_{10} & u_{11} } $$ be an arbitrary unitary matrix with complex numbers \(u_{00}, u_{01}, u_{10}, u_{11}\)

We will show that one can find parameters \(\alpha, \beta, \gamma, \delta\) such that $$ U \eql K(\delta) \, T(\alpha) \, R(\beta) \, T(\gamma) $$ That is,

Recall: $$\eqb{ T(\alpha) & \eql & e^{i\alpha Z} & \eql & \mat{ e^{i\alpha} & 0\\ 0 & e^{-i\alpha} } \\ R(\beta) & \eql & e^{i\beta Y} & \eql & \mat{ \cos\beta & \sin\beta\\ -\sin\beta & \cos\beta} \\ K(\delta) & \eql & e^{i\delta I} & \eql & \mat{ e^{i\delta} & 0\\ 0 & e^{i\delta} } }$$

In-Class Exercise 1: Show that $$ K(\delta) T(\alpha) R(\beta) T(\gamma) \eql \mat{ e^{i(\delta + \alpha + \gamma)} \cos\beta & e^{i(\delta + \alpha - \gamma)} \sin\beta \\ - e^{i(\delta - \alpha + \gamma)} \sin\beta & e^{i(\delta - \alpha - \gamma)} \cos\beta } $$

Let's work through the steps:

  • Since \(U\) is unitary, \(U U^\dagger = I\): $$ U U^\dagger \eql \mat{ u_{00} & u_{01}\\ u_{10} & u_{11} } \mat{ u_{00}^* & u_{10}^*\\ u_{01}^* & u_{11}^* } \eql \mat{ u_{00}u_{00}^* + u_{01}u_{01}^* & u_{00}u_{10}^* + u_{01}u_{11}^* \\ u_{10}u_{00}^* + u_{11}u_{01}^* & u_{10}u_{10}^* + u_{11}u_{11}^* } $$

  • Equating this to \(I\), we get four equations: $$\eqb{ \magsq{u_{00}} + \magsq{u_{01}} & \eql & 1 \\ \magsq{u_{10}} + \magsq{u_{11}} & \eql & 1 \\ u_{00}u_{10}^* + u_{01}u_{11}^* & \eql & 0 \\ u_{10}u_{00}^* + u_{11}u_{01}^* & \eql & 0 \\ }$$

  • From the third: $$\eqb{ & \; & u_{00}u_{10}^* & \eql & - u_{01}u_{11}^* \\ & \implies & \magsq{u_{00}} \magsq{u_{10}} & \eql & \magsq{u_{01}} \magsq{u_{11}} }$$

  • In this, substitute \(\magsq{u_{01}} = 1 - \magsq{u_{00}}\) and \(\magsq{u_{10}} = 1 - \magsq{u_{11}}\) from the first two of the set of four equations earlier.

  • This results in \(\magsq{u_{00}} = \magsq{u_{11}}\)

  • A similar substitution in the fourth equation results in \(\magsq{u_{01}} = \magsq{u_{10}}\)

  • We conclude: $$\eqb{ \mag{u_{00}} & \eql & \mag{u_{11}} \\ \mag{u_{01}} & \eql & \mag{u_{10}} \\ }$$

  • Now, from the first two of earlier set of four, each \(\mag{u_{ij}} \leq 1\).

  • For any complex \(z=re^{i\theta}\) such that \(\mag{z} \leq 1\), we have \(r \leq 1\).

  • This means we can find some \(\beta\) such that \(r = \cos\beta\).

  • Thus, we can write, for example: $$ u_{00} \eql e^{i\theta_{00}} \cos\beta $$

  • Then, because \(\magsq{u_{00}} = \magsq{u_{11}}\) $$ u_{11} \eql e^{i\theta_{11}} \cos\beta $$ for some \(\theta_{11}\).

  • Note:
    • We can't conclude \(\theta_{00}=\theta_{11}\) from \(\mag{u_{00}} = \mag{u_{11}}\).
    • We can choose whether to use \(\cos\beta\) or \(-\cos\beta\). Both work.

  • Since \(\magsq{u_{01}} = 1 - \magsq{u_{00}}\), $$ \magsq{u_{01}} \eql 1 - \magsq{u_{00}} \eql 1 - \cos^2 \beta \eql \sin^2\beta $$ Thus, either \(\sin\beta\) or \(-\sin\beta\) could be used in writing $$ u_{01} \eql e^{i\theta_{01}} \sin\beta $$

  • Putting it all together, \(U\) can be written as $$ \mat{ u_{00} & u_{01}\\ u_{10} & u_{11} } \eql \mat{ e^{i\theta_{00}}\cos\beta & e^{i\theta_{01}}\sin\beta \\ -e^{i\theta_{10}}\sin\beta & e^{i\theta_{11}}\cos\beta } $$

  • Now equate \(U=K(\delta) T(\alpha) R(\beta) T(\gamma)\): $$ \mat{ e^{i\theta_{00}}\cos\beta & e^{i\theta_{01}}\sin\beta \\ -e^{i\theta_{10}}\sin\beta & e^{i\theta_{11}}\cos\beta } \eql \mat{ e^{i(\delta + \alpha + \gamma)} \cos\beta & e^{i(\delta + \alpha - \gamma)} \sin\beta \\ - e^{i(\delta - \alpha + \gamma)} \sin\beta & e^{i(\delta - \alpha - \gamma)} \cos\beta } $$

  • This results in equations: $$\eqb{ \delta + \alpha + \gamma & \eql & \theta_{00} \\ \delta + \alpha - \gamma & \eql & \theta_{01} \\ \delta - \alpha + \gamma & \eql & \theta_{10} \\ \delta - \alpha - \gamma & \eql & \theta_{11} \\ }$$

  • We have four equations in three variables, which looks over-constrained, but there is linear dependence:
         \(\rhd\) Only the first three are needed.

  • To see why, consider the fourth of the original set of four equations in the elements of \(U\): $$ u_{10}u_{00}^* + u_{11}u_{01}^* \eql 0 $$ Substituting from the newly formed matrix, this gives $$ -e^{i\theta_{10}}\sin\beta e^{-i\theta_{00}}\cos\beta + e^{i\theta_{11}}\cos\beta e^{-i\theta_{01}}\sin\beta \eql 0 $$ From which $$ e^{i(\theta_{11} - \theta_{01})} \eql e^{i(\theta_{10} - \theta_{00})} $$ and thus $$ \theta_{11} - \theta_{01} \eql \theta_{10} - \theta_{00} $$ That is, one of the \(\theta\)'s can be expressed in terms of the other three.

  • Thus, in solving the equations, we must use only three of them.

  • The parameters \(\alpha, \beta, \gamma, \delta\) can now be chosen to create any unitary operation.

  • For example, with \(\alpha=\gamma=0, \beta=\delta=\frac{\pi}{2}\), $$ \mat{ e^{i(\delta + \alpha + \gamma)} \cos\beta & e^{i(\delta + \alpha - \gamma)} \sin\beta \\ - e^{i(\delta - \alpha + \gamma)} \sin\beta & e^{i(\delta - \alpha - \gamma)} \cos\beta } \eql \mat{ 0 & e^0 \sin\frac{\pi}{2} \\ - e^{i\pi} \sin\frac{\pi}{2} & 0} \eql \mat{ 0 & 1\\ 1 & 0} \eql X $$

In-Class Exercise 2: What parameter values for \(\alpha, \beta, \gamma, \delta\) result in the Hadamard gate?

7.2   Universality: controlled-U


Once a particularly useful unitary \(U\) is found, one would like to turn it on or off as needed
   \(\rhd\) That is, design a Controlled-\(U\) in terms of the same basic gates \(K(\delta), T(\alpha), R(\beta)\):


Recall: $$\eqb{ K(\delta) & \eql & e^{i\delta I} & \eql & \mat{ e^{i\delta} & 0\\ 0 & e^{i\delta} } \\ T(\alpha) & \eql & e^{i\alpha Z} & \eql & \mat{ e^{i\alpha} & 0\\ 0 & e^{-i\alpha} } \\ R(\beta) & \eql & e^{i\beta Y} & \eql & \mat{ \cos\beta & \sin\beta\\ -\sin\beta & \cos\beta} \\ }$$

We will also need at least one Controlled gate, for which we'll prefer to use \(\cnot\)

Thus, the gate set we wish to use consists of: $$ \cnot, \; K(\delta), \; T(\alpha), \; R(\beta) $$

The starting point is a general \(U\) in the form $$ U \eql K(\delta) T(\alpha) R(\beta) T(\gamma) $$ as shown in the previous section.

  • First, we'll decompose Controlled-\(U\) into two parts:

    What we seek is:

    • With \(\kt{0}\) as the control bit, neither unit is activated.
    • With \(\kt{1}\), both are, and the resulting unitary on the second qubit should be $$ \parenl{ K(\delta) } \;\; \parenl{ T(\alpha) R(\beta) T(\gamma) } $$

We now focus on the first part of the unitary product (last to act in the circuit):

  • Recall the Dirac version of \(\cnot\): $$ \cnot \eql \otr{0}{0} \otimes I \; + \; \otr{1}{1} \otimes X $$ The intuition:
    • When the control (first) qubit is \(\kt{0}\), apply \(I\) to the second qubit.
    • When the control is \(\kt{1}\), apply \(X\).

  • Then, Controlled-\(K(\delta)\) can be written as: $$ \mbox{Controlled}-K(\delta) \eql \otr{0}{0} \otimes I \; + \; \otr{1}{1} \otimes K(\delta) $$

  • Since \(K(\delta) = e^{i\delta} I\), $$\eqb{ \mbox{Controlled}-K(\delta) & \eql & \otr{0}{0} \otimes I \; + \; \otr{1}{1} \otimes K(\delta) & \\ & \eql & \otr{0}{0} \otimes I \; + \; \otr{1}{1} \otimes e^{i\delta} I & \mbx{Definition of \(K(\delta)\)} \\ & \eql & \otr{0}{0} \otimes I \; + \; e^{i\delta} \otr{1}{1} \otimes I & \mbx{Bilinearity: constants can switch places in tensor} \\ & \eql & \parenl{ \otr{0}{0} + e^{i\delta} \otr{1}{1} } \otimes I & \mbx{Additivity of tensoring} \\ }$$ Recall: \(\alpha \kt{v} \otimes \kt{w} = \kt{v} \otimes \alpha \kt{w}\).

  • Continuing with the first term, $$\eqb{ \otr{0}{0} + e^{i\delta} \otr{1}{1} & \eql & \mat{1 & 0\\ 0 & 0} + \mat{0 & 0\\ 0 & e^{i\delta}} \\ & \eql & \mat{e^0 & 0\\ 0 & e^{i\delta}} \\ & \eql & \mat{ e^{-i\frac{\delta}{2}} e^{i\frac{\delta}{2}} & 0\\ 0 & e^{i\frac{\delta}{2}} e^{i\frac{\delta}{2}} } \\ & \eql & \mat{ e^{i\frac{\delta}{2}} & 0\\ 0 & e^{i\frac{\delta}{2}} } \mat{ e^{-i\frac{\delta}{2}} & 0\\ 0 & e^{i\frac{\delta}{2}} } \\ & \eql & K(\sml{\frac{\delta}{2}}) T(-\sml{\frac{\delta}{2}}) }$$

  • Thus, substituting, $$\eqb{ \mbox{Controlled}-K(\delta) & \eql & \parenl{ \otr{0}{0} + e^{i\delta} \otr{1}{1} } \otimes I \\ & \eql & K(\frac{\delta}{2}) T(-\frac{\delta}{2}) \otimes I }$$ Note: the first part acts on the first qubit, and \(I\) acts on the second.

  • Let's draw this part of the circuit to see something surprising:

    • The second qubit, the one that is controlled, passes by untouched!
    • This is an unusual case in that \(K(\delta) = e^{i\delta} I\) is really multiplication by the constant \(e^{i\delta}\).
    • In a tensor, as we've seen, the constant can be moved between tensor terms.
    • Thus, for example, $$ A \otimes e^{i\delta} I \eql e^{i\delta} A \otimes I $$ which makes it appear that the second qubit is untouched.
    • What's important to realize is that the operation is on a 2-qubit state, which can shuffle constants between its constituents.

Next, let's turn to the second part of the overall decomposition:

The following results will be useful: $$\eqb{ T(0) & \eql & I \\ R(0) & \eql & I \\ T(\alpha_1 + \alpha_2) & \eql & T(\alpha_1) T(\alpha_2) \\ R(\beta_1 + \beta_2) & \eql & T(\beta_1) T(\beta_2) \\ X \, R(\beta) \, X & \eql & R(-\beta) \\ X \, T(\alpha) \, X & \eql & T(-\alpha) \\ }$$

In-Class Exercise 3: The first four were shown earlier. Prove the latter two using matrix representations.

Next, let's work through the remaining steps:

  • Define the following unitary combinations: $$\eqb{ U_1 & \eql & T(\alpha) \, R(\sml{\frac{\beta}{2}}) \\ U_2 & \eql & R(-\sml{\frac{\beta}{2}}) \, T(-\sml{\frac{\gamma+\alpha}{2}}) \\ U_3 & \eql & T(\sml{\frac{\gamma-\alpha}{2}}) }$$

  • Then, the product of these is $$\eqb{ U_1 U_2 U_3 & \eql & T(\alpha) \, R(\sml{\frac{\beta}{2}}) \, R(-\sml{\frac{\beta}{2}}) \, T(-\sml{\frac{\gamma+\alpha}{2}}) \, T(\sml{\frac{\gamma-\alpha}{2}}) & \\ & \eql & T(\alpha) \, R(0) \, T(-\sml{\frac{\gamma}{2}} - \sml{\frac{\alpha}{2}}) \, T(\sml{\frac{\gamma-\alpha}{2}}) \\ & \eql & T(\alpha) \, T(-\sml{\frac{\gamma}{2}}) \, T(- \sml{\frac{\alpha}{2}}) \, T(\sml{\frac{\gamma}{2}}) \, T(- \sml{\frac{\alpha}{2}}) \\ & \eql & T(-\sml{\frac{\gamma}{2}}) \,T(\sml{\frac{\gamma}{2}}) \, T(\alpha) \, T(- \sml{\frac{\alpha}{2}}) \, T(- \sml{\frac{\alpha}{2}})\\ & \eql & T(0) \, T(0) \\ & \eql & I }$$

  • Now consider the product \(U_1\, X\, U_2\, X\, U_3\), with \(X\) interleaved: $$\eqb{ U_1\, X\, U_2\, X\, U_3 & \eql & T(\alpha) \, R(\sml{\frac{\beta}{2}}) \, X \, R(-\sml{\frac{\beta}{2}}) \, T(-\sml{\frac{\gamma+\alpha}{2}}), \, X \, T(\sml{\frac{\gamma-\alpha}{2}}) & \mbx{Definitions of \(U_i\)} \\ & \eql & T(\alpha) \, R(\sml{\frac{\beta}{2}}) \, X \, R(-\sml{\frac{\beta}{2}}) \, X^2 \, T(-\sml{\frac{\gamma+\alpha}{2}}) \, X \, T(\sml{\frac{\gamma-\alpha}{2}}) & \mbx{\(X^2 = I\)} \\ & \eql & T(\alpha) \, R(\sml{\frac{\beta}{2}}) \, \parenl{ X R(-\sml{\frac{\beta}{2}}) X}\, \parenl{ X T(-\sml{\frac{\gamma+\alpha}{2}}) X} \, T(\sml{\frac{\gamma-\alpha}{2}}) & \mbx{Writing \(X^2 = XX\)} \\ & \eql & T(\alpha) \, R(\sml{\frac{\beta}{2}}) \, \parenl{ R(\sml{\frac{\beta}{2}})}\, \parenl{ T(\sml{\frac{\gamma+\alpha}{2}})} \, T(\sml{\frac{\gamma-\alpha}{2}}) & \mbx{From exercise above} \\ & \eql & T(\alpha) \, R(\beta) \, T(\gamma) }$$ This is the second part of the overall decomposition.

  • Let's summarize so far: $$\eqb{ U_1 U_2 U_3 & \eql & I \\ U_1\, X\, U_2\, X\, U_3 & \eql & T(\alpha) \, R(\beta) \, T(\gamma) }$$ where each \(U_i\) is constructed with basic gates \(T(\alpha), R(\beta), K(\delta)\).

  • Now consider the circuit

  • With the control qubit as \(\kt{0}\):

    There's no change because we showed that \(U_1 U_2 U_3 = I\).

  • With the control qubit as \(\kt{1}\):

    We obtain the second part of the overall decomposition: \(U_1\, X\, U_2 X\, U_3 = T(\alpha) \, R(\beta) \, T(\gamma)\)

  • Putting it all together:

  • Thus, we have a way to use basic gates to build any Controlled-\(U\) gate.

7.3   Controlled-controlled-\(U\)


The previous section showed how a singly-controlled \(U\) can be expressed in terms of basic gates.

In this section we consider doubly-controlled unitaries.

Because a unitary \(U\) is expressible as \(V^2 = U\) where \(V\) is unitary then the 3-qubit Controlled-controlled-\(U\) can be computed using only 2-qubit gates:

  • Here, \(V^2 = U\) and \(V^\dagger = V^{-1}\).

  • Let's consider the four cases for the top two qubits: \(\kt{00}, \kt{01}, \kt{10}, \kt{11}\)

  • Case: \(\kt{00}\)

    Here, none of the gates will be active, so the 3rd qubit is unchanged.

  • Case: \(\kt{01}\)

    Now the active gates for the 3rd qubit result in $$ V^\dagger V \ksi \eql \ksi $$ Thus, no change.

  • Case: \(\kt{10}\)

    This time, the active gates for the 3rd qubit result in: $$ V V^\dagger \ksi \eql \ksi $$

  • Case: \(\kt{11}\)

    Now we see that $$ V^2 \ksi \eql U \ksi $$ as desired.

  • Of course, for arbitrary \(U\), it may not be easy to find \(V\) such that \(V^2=U\):
    • For matrices that can be easily exponentiated, we have seen how to do this.

How can \(V\) be computed?

  • The spectral theorem that proves the existence of orthonormal eigenvectors applies to a broader class of matrices than Hermitians: the so-called normal matrices:
    • \(A\) is normal if \(AA^\dagger = A^\dagger A\).
    • Clearly, if \(A\) is Hermitian (\(A=A^\dagger\)), then \(A\) is normal.
    • So are unitaries because, by definition, \(A A^\dagger = I = A^\dagger A\).

  • Apply the spectral theorem to write \(U\) as $$ U \eql S D S^\dagger $$ where $$\eqb{ D & \eql & \mbox{ Diagonal matrix with eigenvalues \(\lambda_i\) diagonal }\\ S & \eql & \mbox{ eigenvectors as columns } }$$

  • Let \(D^{\frac{1}{2}}\) be the matrix with \(\sqrt{\lambda_i}\) on the diagonal, and zeroes elsewhere. Then, $$ \parenl{ D^{\frac{1}{2}} }^2 \eql D $$

  • Now define $$ V \eql S D^{\frac{1}{2}} S^\dagger $$

  • Then $$ V^2 \eql \parenl{ S D^{\frac{1}{2}} S^\dagger } \parenl{ S D^{\frac{1}{2}} S^\dagger } \eql S D^{\frac{1}{2}} (S S^\dagger) D^{\frac{1}{2}} S^\dagger \eql U $$

  • When computing \(\sqrt{\lambda_i}\), there are two roots, and thus any choice of roots will result in one particular solution to \(V^2=U\).

The solution above (to control-control-\(U\)) needed no additional qubits.

However, with an additional spare qubit, a simpler solution is possible:

  • The solution uses a singly-controlled \(U\).

  • It's only when the two control qubits are both \(\kt{1}\) that the spare becomes \(\kt{1}\).

  • And that's when controlled-\(U\) is activated.

7.4   Universality: multiply-controlled \(U\)


The idea above can be extended to any number of control qubits.

Consider the following 4-controlled \(U\):

  • We can use three additional qubits to achieve the same result with \(\ccnot\) gates and a doubly-controlled \(U\):

  • Clearly, any control-pattern can be accommodated by using the appropriate \(\ccnot\) gates (filled or unfilled circles).

7.5   Universality: multi-qubit gates


We will now show that an arbitrary n-qubit unitary operation can be decomposed into multiply-controlled single-qubit operations.

This means that, using the previous sections, any arbitrary n-qubit unitary can be implemented with controlled-\(U\)'s and \(\cnot\) gates.

The construction is fairly involved, so let's do this in steps.

Step 1: A two-level unitary affects only two entries in a vector:

  • Consider this modification of the 3-qubit identity: $$ \mat{ 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & {\bf a} & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & {\bf d} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \\ } $$
    • We've replaced two of the 1's along the diagonal with complex numbers \(a\) and \(d\)
    • If we want the resulting matrix to be unitary, we will need to satisfy unit-length (rows and columns), and pairwise orthogonality amongst rows and columns.
    • Accordingly, with minimal additional entries, let's add $$ \mat{ 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & {\bf a} & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & {\bf b} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & {\bf c} & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & {\bf d} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \\ } $$
    • One can impose the unitarity conditions and obtain relationships between these numbers, such as: \(\magsq{a} + \magsq{b} = 1\).
    • One possible solution is: $$ \mat{ 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & {\bf a} & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & {\bf c^*} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & {\bf c} & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & {\bf -a^*} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \\ } $$ where \(a\) and \(c\) satisfy \(\magsq{a} + \magsq{c} = 1\).

  • Next, observe the action of such a matrix on a generic 3-qubit vector: $$ \mat{ 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & {\bf a} & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & {\bf b} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & {\bf c} & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & {\bf d} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \\ } \mat{\alpha_0 \\ \alpha_1 \\ \alpha_2 \\ \alpha_3 \\ \alpha_4 \\ \alpha_5 \\ \alpha_6 \\ \alpha_7 } \eql \mat{\alpha_0 \\ {\bf a\alpha_1 + b\alpha_6} \\ \alpha_2 \\ \alpha_3 \\ \alpha_4 \\ \alpha_5 \\ {\bf c\alpha_1 + d\alpha_6} \\ \alpha_7 } $$ Notice: only two entries in the vector are modified.

  • In Dirac notation, the result is: $$ \alpha_0 \kt{000} + {\bf (a\alpha_1 + b\alpha_6) \kt{001}} \alpha_2\kt{010} + \alpha_3 \kt{011} + \alpha_4 \kt{100} + \alpha_5 \kt{101} + {\bf (c\alpha_1 + d\alpha_6) \kt{110}} + \alpha_7 \kt{111} $$

  • This corresponds to the two columns for \(\kt{001}\) and \(\kt{110}\).

  • Thus, another way of saying "two entries are modified" is: the coefficients of two standard-basis vectors are modified.

  • In general, for n-qubits:
    • The resulting \(2^n \times 2^n\) matrix will have two columns in which the four numbers lie.
    • These columns will correspond to the two standard-basis vectors that get modified.

  • We will call such a matrix a two-level unitary matrix.

  • Note: the adjoint of a two-level unitary is a two-level unitary. $$ \mat{ 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & {\bf a} & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & {\bf c^*} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & {\bf c} & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & {\bf -a^*} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \\ }^\dagger \eql \mat{ 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & {\bf a^*} & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & {\bf c^*} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & {\bf c} & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & {\bf -a} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \\ } $$

Step 2: Any unitary can be expressed as a product of two-level unitaries:

  • We'll use a 2-qubit example to explain how.

  • Consider $$ U \eql \mat{ u_{00} & u_{01} & u_{02} & u_{03} \\ u_{10} & u_{11} & u_{12} & u_{13} \\ u_{20} & u_{21} & u_{22} & u_{23} \\ u_{30} & u_{31} & u_{32} & u_{33} \\ } $$

  • We'll now apply a series of matrix multiplications to convert \(U\) into the identity.

  • Recall from row-reduced matrices in solving equations: we want to make the entries below \(u_{00}\) all 0.

  • We want to multiply \(U\) by a matrix \(U_1\) to make the entry below \(u_{00}\) zero: $$ U_1 U \eql \mat{ u_{00} & u_{01} & u_{02} & u_{03} \\ {\bf 0} & u_{11} & u_{12} & u_{13} \\ u_{20} & u_{21} & u_{22} & u_{23} \\ u_{30} & u_{31} & u_{32} & u_{33} \\ } $$

  • Clearly, the second row of \(U_1\) produces that number, and so $$ U_1 \eql \mat{1 & 0 & 0 & 0\\ u_{10} & -u_{00} & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 } $$ achieves the result.

  • But \(U_1\) is not unitary.

  • To fix this, we adjust the "two-level" entries as we did with two-level unitaries so that $$ U_1 \eql \mat{\frac{u_{00}^*}{r_1} & \frac{u_{10}^*}{r_1} & 0 & 0\\ \frac{u_{10}}{r_1} & -\frac{u_{00}}{r_1} & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 } $$ where \(\magsq{u_{00}} + \magsq{u_{10}} = r_1^2\) is both unitary and two-level (which will play a later role).

  • Multiplication by \(U_1\) will produce some result we'll call \(B\): $$ U_1 U \eql \mat{\frac{u_{00}^*}{r_1} & \frac{u_{10}^*}{r_1} & 0 & 0\\ \frac{u_{10}}{r_1} & -\frac{u_{00}}{r_1} & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 } \mat{ u_{00} & u_{01} & u_{02} & u_{03} \\ u_{10} & u_{11} & u_{12} & u_{13} \\ u_{20} & u_{21} & u_{22} & u_{23} \\ u_{30} & u_{31} & u_{32} & u_{33} \\ } \eql \mat{ \alpha & b_{01} & b_{02} & b_{03} \\ 0 & b_{11} & b_{12} & b_{13} \\ b_{20} & b_{21} & b_{22} & b_{23} \\ b_{30} & b_{31} & b_{32} & b_{33} \\ } \eql B $$ Note that the top left number is some \(\alpha\).

  • Proceeding, we can zero the entry \(b_{20}\) through multiplication by $$ U_2 \eql \mat{ \frac{b_{00}^*}{r_2} & 0 & \frac{b_{20}^*}{r_2} & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ \frac{b_{20}}{r_2} & 0 & -\frac{b_{00}}{r_2} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \\ } $$ so that $$ U_2 B \eql U_2 U_1 U \eql \mat{ \beta & c_{01} & c_{02} & c_{03} \\ 0 & c_{11} & c_{12} & c_{13} \\ {\bf 0} & c_{21} & c_{22} & c_{23} \\ c_{30} & c_{31} & c_{32} & c_{33} \\ } \eql C $$ where we're calling the result \(C\).

  • Finally, one more multiplication by a two-level matrix will produce the final zero in the first column: $$ D \eql U_3 C \eql U_3 U_2 U_1 U \eql \mat{ 1 & d_{01} & d_{02} & d_{03} \\ 0 & d_{11} & d_{12} & d_{13} \\ 0 & d_{21} & d_{22} & d_{23} \\ {\bf 0} & d_{31} & d_{32} & d_{33} \\ } $$

  • This time, the top left number must be 1. Why?
    • We have already shown that the multiplying matrices \(U_i\) are unitary.
    • This makes \(D\) unitary, since the product of unitaries is unitary.
    • All the other numbers in the first column are 0.
    • Because a column must have unit length, that makes the top left number 1.

  • Next, a pleasant windfall:
    • Since \(D\) is unitary, the first row has length 1.
    • This necessarily means the entries other than the top left are all 0: $$ D \eql \mat{ 1 & {\bf 0} & {\bf 0} & {\bf 0} \\ 0 & d_{11} & d_{12} & d_{13} \\ 0 & d_{21} & d_{22} & d_{23} \\ 0 & d_{31} & d_{32} & d_{33} \\ } $$
    • Thus, no additional operations are needed to make the first row the same as the identity's first row.

  • Once the first column and row are the same as in \(I\), further reductions can be applied to make the second column and row the same as in I.

  • Once the second row is done, we do the third, and so on.

  • We'll describe the entire sequence of unitary multiplications as $$ U_k U_{k-1} \ldots U_1 U \eql I $$

  • Which means $$ U \eql U_1^\dagger \ldots U_l^\dagger $$

  • Each \(U_i^\dagger\) is a two-level unitary.

  • Thus, we have shown: any unitary \(U\) can be expressed as a product of two-level unitaries.

Step 3: A circuit for a two-level unitary that uses only controlled single-qubit gates

  • The goal is to show how one of the \(U_i^\dagger\)'s can be implemented with controlled 1-qubit gates.

  • If this can be done, each multiply-controlled 1-qubit gate can itself be decomposed into 1-qubit gates and \(\cnot\) gates.

  • We'll show how this works using an example.

  • Consider the unitary $$ U_i^\dagger \eql \mat{ 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & {\bf a} & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & {\bf b} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & {\bf c} & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & {\bf d} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \\ } $$ where \(a,b,c,d\) are complex numbers.

  • This matrix changes only two coefficients in a generic vector: $$ U_i^\dagger \eql \mat{ 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & {\bf a} & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & {\bf b} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & {\bf c} & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & {\bf d} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \\ } \mat{\alpha_0 \\ \alpha_1 \\ \alpha_2 \\ \alpha_3 \\ \alpha_4 \\ \alpha_5 \\ \alpha_6 \\ \alpha_7 } \eql \mat{\alpha_0 \\ {\bf a\alpha_1 + b\alpha_6} \\ \alpha_2 \\ \alpha_3 \\ \alpha_4 \\ \alpha_5 \\ {\bf c\alpha_1 + d\alpha_6} \\ \alpha_7 } $$

  • Thus, we need a circuit to accomplish: $$\eqb{ U_i^\dagger \alpha_0\kt{000} & \eql & \alpha_0\kt{000} \\ U_i^\dagger \alpha_1\kt{001} & \eql & {\bf (a\alpha_1 + b\alpha_6) \kt{001}} \\ U_i^\dagger \alpha_2\kt{010} & \eql & \alpha_2\kt{010} \\ U_i^\dagger \alpha_3\kt{011} & \eql & \alpha_3\kt{011} \\ U_i^\dagger \alpha_4\kt{100} & \eql & \alpha_4\kt{100} \\ U_i^\dagger \alpha_5\kt{101} & \eql & \alpha_5\kt{101} \\ U_i^\dagger \alpha_6\kt{110} & \eql & {\bf (c\alpha_1 + d\alpha_6) \kt{110}}\\ U_i^\dagger \alpha_7\kt{111} & \eql & \alpha_7\kt{111} \\ }$$

  • So, somehow, the control qubits must be set up so that \(\kt{001}\) and \(\kt{110}\) activate gates to transform these two, while the other states stay the same.

  • We will rewrite the two \(\alpha_i\) coefficients as $$\eqb{ U_i^\dagger p\kt{001} & \eql & {\bf (ap + bq) \kt{001}} \\ U_i^\dagger q\kt{110} & \eql & {\bf (cp + dq) \kt{110}}\\ }$$

  • Suppose that, instead of \(\kt{001}\) and \(\kt{110}\), we had states \(\kt{010}\) and \(\kt{110}\):
    • The binary representations differ by just one bit.
    • Terminology: they are grey-code adjacent.

  • Next, let $$ V \eql \mat{a & b\\ c & d} $$ and observe that $$\eqb{ V\kt{0} & \eql & \mat{a & b\\ c & d} \mat{1\\ 0} & \eql & \mat{a\\ c} & \eql & a\kt{0} + c\kt{1} \\ V\kt{1} & \eql & \mat{a & b\\ c & d} \mat{0\\ 1} & \eql & \mat{b\\ d} & \eql & b\kt{0} + d\kt{1} \\ }$$

  • Now consider the circuit

    • Here, when the 2nd and 3rd qubits are in \(\kt{10}\), the \(V\) gate is applied.
    • Thus, the only two 3-qubit vectors that will activate \(V\) are the adjacent states \(\kt{010}\) and \(\kt{110}\).
    • Suppose the 3-qubit unitary \(U_V\) describes the controlled gate above.
    • Then, for any linear combination of \(\kt{010}\) and \(\kt{110}\) $$\eqb{ U_V (p\kt{010} + q\kt{110}) & \eql & pV\kt{0}\kt{10} + qV\kt{1}\kt{10} \\ & \eql & p (a\kt{0}+c\kt{1}) \kt{10} + q (b\kt{0} + d\kt{1}) \kt{10} \\ & \eql & (ap + bq)\kt{0}\kt{10} + (bp+dq) \kt{1} \kt{10} \\ & \eql & (ap + bq)\kt{010} + (bp+dq) \kt{110} \\ }$$

  • This suggests that we can make the desired two-level-unitary action work for adjacent vectors.

  • To make it work for our original pair \(\kt{001}\) and \(\kt{110}\), we form a "word ladder" to go from \(\kt{001}\) to \(\kt{010}\): $$ 001 \; \rightarrow \; 000 \; \rightarrow \; 010 $$ which is adjacent to \(\kt{110}\).

  • We already know how to do vector conversions where two successive vectors different by a bit in the binary representation.

  • Let's draw the circuit for this example:

    Then for $$ \kt{\psi_1} \eql p\kt{001} + q\kt{110} $$ we get $$\eqb{ \kt{\psi_2} & \eql & p\kt{000} + q\kt{110} \\ \kt{\psi_3} & \eql & p\kt{010} + q\kt{110} \\ \kt{\psi_4} & \eql & (ap + bq)\kt{010} + (bp+dq)\kt{110} \\ \kt{\psi_5} & \eql & (ap + bq)\kt{000} + (bp+dq)\kt{110} \\ \kt{\psi_6} & \eql & (ap + bq)\kt{001} + (bp+dq)\kt{110} \\ }$$

  • The latter two return the transformed state \(\kt{010}\) back to the original \(\kt{001}\).

  • The same circuit does nothing to the other standard-basis vectors.

  • Each of the above multiply-controlled 1-qubit operation can be decomposed into 1-qubit standard gates and \(\cnot\) gates.

  • So, finally, we have a circuit for an arbitrary two-level matrix.

  • Let's state this as a theorem:

    Theorem 7.1:
    An arbitrary n-qubit unitary can be constructed out of 1-qubit standard gates and \(\cnot\) gates.


How many gates?

  • Unfortunately, the decomposition we've described needs an exponential number of gates.

  • Consider the breakdown into two-level unitaries:
    • The starting point is a \(N\times N = 2^n \times 2^n\) matrix.
    • It takes \(N-1\) steps to create zeroes in the first column (and row).
    • Then, \(N-2\) for the second column, and so on.
    • Thus, overall: \(N-1 + N-2 + \ldots + 1 = N(N-1)/2\) two-level unitaries.
    • This is approximately of the order of \(N^2 = 2^{2n}\)

  • This is already exponential (in the number of qubits).

  • The staging of each two-level unitary is linear, because at most 1-bit "word ladder" changes are needed for any two-level unitary.

  • Thus, while theoretically interesting, it is not a practical approach.

Theoretical results about approximation:

  • One might ask: is it possible to approximate a unitary with circuit that has a polynomial number of gates?
    • Unfortunately, the answer is no.
    • For any given set of gates, one can construct qubit states that will need an exponential number of gates to construct from the all-0 state.

  • Of course, this says little about the types of unitaries that tend to appear in well-known algorithms.

  • A related approximation result: the famous Solovay-Kitaev theorem.
    • This is about 1-qubit unitaries.
    • Recall: we showed how to use K, R, T gates to construct any unitary.
    • However, the parameters of these gates were determined by solving equations.
    • What if your hardware had only a fixed set of gates with fixed parameters?
    • The S-K theorem shows that, nonetheless, it's possibly to efficiently approximate any 1-qubit unitary with a polynomial number of gates from a fixed set.

© 2022, Rahul Simha