\( \newcommand{\blah}{blah-blah-blah} \newcommand{\eqb}[1]{\begin{eqnarray*}#1\end{eqnarray*}} \newcommand{\eqbn}[1]{\begin{eqnarray}#1\end{eqnarray}} \newcommand{\bb}[1]{\mathbf{#1}} \newcommand{\mat}[1]{\begin{bmatrix}#1\end{bmatrix}} \newcommand{\nchoose}[2]{\left(\begin{array}{c} #1 \\ #2 \end{array}\right)} \newcommand{\defn}{\stackrel{\vartriangle}{=}} \newcommand{\rvectwo}[2]{\left(\begin{array}{c} #1 \\ #2 \end{array}\right)} \newcommand{\rvecthree}[3]{\left(\begin{array}{r} #1 \\ #2\\ #3\end{array}\right)} \newcommand{\rvecdots}[3]{\left(\begin{array}{r} #1 \\ #2\\ \vdots\\ #3\end{array}\right)} \newcommand{\vectwo}[2]{\left[\begin{array}{r} #1\\#2\end{array}\right]} \newcommand{\vecthree}[3]{\left[\begin{array}{r} #1 \\ #2\\ #3\end{array}\right]} \newcommand{\vecfour}[4]{\left[\begin{array}{r} #1 \\ #2\\ #3\\ #4\end{array}\right]} \newcommand{\vecdots}[3]{\left[\begin{array}{r} #1 \\ #2\\ \vdots\\ #3\end{array}\right]} \newcommand{\eql}{\;\; = \;\;} \definecolor{dkblue}{RGB}{0,0,120} \definecolor{dkred}{RGB}{120,0,0} \definecolor{dkgreen}{RGB}{0,120,0} \newcommand{\bigsp}{\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;} \newcommand{\plss}{\;+\;} \newcommand{\miss}{\;-\;} \newcommand{\implies}{\Rightarrow\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;} \newcommand{\prob}[1]{\mbox{Pr}\left[ #1 \right]} \newcommand{\exval}[1]{\mbox{E}\left[ #1 \right]} \newcommand{\variance}[1]{\mbox{Var}\left[ #1 \right]} \newcommand{\kt}[1]{\left\vert #1 \right\rangle} \newcommand{\br}[1]{\left\langle #1 \right\vert} \newcommand{\bkt}[2]{\left\langle #1 \middle\vert #2 \right\rangle} \newcommand{\inr}[2]{\left\langle #1 \middle\vert #2 \right\rangle} \newcommand{\inrs}[2]{\left\langle #1 \: \middle\vert\: #2 \right\rangle} \newcommand{\inrh}[2]{ \left\langle \vphantom{\huge x} #1 \: \middle\vert \: #2 \right\rangle } \newcommand{\swich}[3]{\left\langle #1 \middle\vert #2 \middle\vert #3\right\rangle} \newcommand{\swichs}[3]{\left\langle #1 \:\middle\vert \: #2 \: \middle\vert \: #3\right\rangle} \newcommand{\swichh}[3]{\left\langle \vphantom{\huge x} #1 \;\middle\vert \; #2 \; \middle\vert \; #3\right\rangle} \newcommand{\otr}[2]{\left\vert #1 \right\rangle\!\left\langle #2 \right\vert} \newcommand{\otrh}[2]{\left\vert \vphantom{\huge x} #1 \right\rangle\!\left\langle \vphantom{\huge x} #2 \right\vert} \newcommand{\pss}{\large\psi} \newcommand{\re}{\mbox{Re }} \newcommand{\im}{\mbox{Im }} \newcommand{\mag}[1]{\left\vert #1 \right\vert} \newcommand{\magsq}[1]{{\left\vert #1 \right\vert}^2} \newcommand{\magsqh}[1]{{\left\vert \vphantom{\huge x} #1 \right\vert}^2} \newcommand{\isqt}[1]{\frac{#1}{\sqrt{2}}} \newcommand{\mbx}[1]{\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;{\scriptsize \color{Gray}{\mbox{ #1}}}} \newcommand{\ksi}{\kt{\psi}} \newcommand{\parenh}[1]{\left( \vphantom{\huge x} #1 \right)} \newcommand{\parenl}[1]{\left(\vphantom{\LARGE x} #1 \,\right)} \newcommand{\khi}{\kt{\phi}} \newcommand{\cnot}{C_{\scriptsize NOT}} \newcommand{\setl}[1]{\left\{\vphantom{\LARGE x} #1 \,\right\}} \newcommand{\smm}[1]{\mbox{\( #1 \)}} \newcommand{\cz}{C_{\scriptsize Z}} \newcommand{\ccnot}{CC_{\scriptsize NOT}} \newcommand{\ccz}{CC_{\scriptsize Z}} \newcommand{\md}{\mbox{ mod }} \newcommand{\divs}{\; \vert \;} \newcommand{\ndivs}{\; \not\vert \;} \newcommand{\gcd}{\mbox{gcd}} \newcommand{\wn}{w_{\scriptsize N}} \newcommand{\smb}[1]{\tiny{\mbox{#1}}} \newcommand{\sml}[1]{{\scriptsize #1}} \newcommand{\exps}[1]{\exp ({\scriptsize #1} )} \newcommand{\isqts}[1]{\smm{\frac{#1}{\sqrt{2}}}} \newcommand{\halfsm}{\smm{\frac{1}{2}}} \newcommand{\smf}[2]{\mbox{\( \frac{#1}{#2} \)}} \)

Module 12: Algorithms, part III - Computational Chemistry: Kitaev, Abrams-Lloyd, VQE algorithms


Module objectives


Quantum chemistry is considered a viable and useful first goal for quantum computing.

The purpose of this module is to understand the "how" (algorithms) of the central computational task: finding the ground state energy of a molecule.



12.1   What is quantum computational chemistry and why is it important?


Let's start with some grand-challenge problems in chemistry:

  • Better molecules for existing processes:
    • Example: producing fertilizer takes up 2% of worldwide human energy consumption.
    • An improved (Bosch-Haber) catalyst could signifcantly reduce this cost.

  • New drugs:
    • It costs billions to design, test and deploy a new drug.
    • Computation can help determine more viable candidates.

How does computation help?

  • Let's take a closer look at the hit-or-miss modern drug design process:

  • Drug design is complicated because of physiological constraints on chemistry
        \(\rhd\) Examples: oral intake, solubility, narrow temperature range (\(98.6^{\circ} F\)).

  • Accurate simulation of chemistry can reduce lab time/costs, and reduce the number of strong-candidate molecules.

What is being computed?

  • Typically, a drug is designed to bind to some target protein (often to disable it).


    • The diagram shows tentative positions of nuclei.
          \(\rhd\) A common approximation is to assume fixed locations for nuclei.
    • The goal is to figure out where the electrons end up in the lowest-energy state.

  • One type of desired analysis:
    • Start with the most stable configuration for the "unbound" drug
          \(\rhd\) the ground state (lowest energy)
    • Then, discover the highest (activation) energy that must surpassed in order for the reaction proceed.
    • This can be done with various nuclei configurations to explore what's possible.

  • Another type of analysis:
    • See if the drug can bind in the target "pocket" of the protein.
    • To do so, examine various nuclei coordinates and compute the minimum energy.

  • There are two classical-computing approaches:
    1. Use classical mechanics (forces etc) to model electron interactions.
    2. Use quantum mechanics, but compute classically.

  • The main goal, computationally: solve the electronic structure
    • Describe the wave functions of the electrons.

  • The classical-mechanics approach (molecular dynamics) is only approximate:
    • After all, electrons (and nuclei) are complicated quantum objects.
    • They don't have fixed position, for example.

  • The quantum-mechanics approach is accurate, but hard to compute with a classical computer.

What is the quantum-mechanics approach?

  • It all boils down to solving an eigenvalue problem: $$ H \kt{\psi_0} \eql \lambda_0 \kt{\psi_0} $$ where $$\eqb{ \kt{\psi_0} & \eql & \mbox{the ground state} \\ \lambda_0 & \eql & \mbox{the energy of the ground state} \\ H & \eql & \mbox{the Hamiltonian for the system} }$$ Note: once approximated, \(H\) becomes a Hermitian matrix.

  • Let's take a closer look.

  • First, let's examine what "state" means:
    • We've seen: a group of qubits is in a joint state (a big vector) at any time.
    • Similarly, a group of quantum objects (electrons etc) is in a joint state at any time.
    • That state has parameters: location variables, time, etc.
    • Thus, \(\kt{\psi(x,t)}\) represents the state of a one-dimensional object, parametrized by variables for location and time.
    • And, $$ \kt{\psi({\bf r},t)} $$ represents the time-varying state of a 3D quantum object like an electron.
    • Here, $$ {\bf r} \eql (x,y,z) $$ a 3D coordinate (location) vector.

  • Recall the Schrodinger equation: $$ i\hbar \frac{d}{dt} \kt{\psi({\bf r},t)} \eql H(t) \kt{\psi({\bf r},t)} $$ Here, \(H(t)\) is an operator (potentially itself time-varying) called the quantum Hamiltonian operator constructed in a particular way:
    • Classical quantities like position \(x\) and momentum \(p\) are replaced by corresponding quantum operators to form \(H\).

  • Typically, one assumes \(H(t) = H\) (not varying with time): $$ i\hbar \frac{d}{dt} \kt{\psi({\bf r},t)} \eql H \kt{\psi({\bf r},t)} $$

  • It turns out that solutions to the equation can be expressed in terms of the eigenbasis of \(H\), i.e., basis states \(\kt{\psi_0}, \kt{\psi_1}, \ldots \) such that $$ H \kt{\psi_i} \eql \lambda_i \kt{\psi_i} $$

  • It turns out that $$ \lambda_i \eql \mbox{the energy associated with state } \kt{\psi_i} $$

  • The numbering is such that $$ \kt{\psi_0} \eql \mbox{state with the lowest energy} $$ This is the state we want to identify, along with its eigenvalue: $$ H \kt{\psi_0} \eql \lambda_0 \kt{\psi_0} $$

  • Aside: location and time are not the only parameters.
        \(\rhd\) Principal quantum number, Orbital angular momentum, Magnetic, Spin.

  • For a computational approach, the problem needs to be discretized in some way.
        \(\rhd\) Then, \(H\) becomes a matrix.

  • The computational problem, then, is:
    1. Calculate (or estimate) \(\kt{\psi_0}\).
    2. Solve for \(\lambda_0\) in \( H \kt{\psi_0} \eql \lambda_0 \kt{\psi_0} \)

  • The main challenge: \(H\) can be quite large.

  • Example: so-called (simplified) electronic Hamiltonian with orbital-occupancy:
    • \(n_e\) possible electron orbitals, \(k_e\) electrons.
    • How many possible assignments of electrons to orbitals?
    • Answer: \( \nchoose{n_e}{k_e} \)
    • Example: \(H_2 O\) (simplified) \(n_e=14, k_e=10\)
          \(\rhd\) \(\approx 1000\) configurations
    • Example: \(H_2 O\) (refined) \(n_e=116, k_e=10\)
          \(\rhd\) \(\approx 10^{23}\) configurations
    • Note: \(10^{23} \approx 2^{77}\)
          \(\rhd\) \(2^{77}\) basis states
          \(\rhd\) matrix size (for any operator) is \(2^{77} \times 2^{77}\).

  • Can a quantum computer help?

12.2   Two quantum computing approaches to solving \( H \kt{\psi_0} \eql \lambda_0 \kt{\psi_0}\)


We'll provide a high-level overview, with details to follow in later sections.

The first approach: constructing and applying a unitary

  • \(H\), the Hamiltonian, is a Hermitian matrix.

  • Then, \(U = e^{iH}\) is unitary and $$\eqb{ U \kt{\psi_0} & \eql & e^{iH} \kt{\psi_0}\\ & \eql & \left( 1 + iH + \frac{i^2H^2}{2!} + \ldots \right) \kt{\psi_0} \\ & \eql & \kt{\psi_0} + iH \kt{\psi_0} + \frac{i^2H^2}{2!} \kt{\psi_0} + \ldots \\ & \eql & \kt{\psi_0} + i\lambda_0 \kt{\psi_0} + i^2\lambda_0^2 \kt{\psi_0} + \ldots \\ & \eql & \left(1 + i\lambda_0 + i^2\lambda_0^2 + \ldots \right) \kt{\psi_0}\\ & \eql & e^{i\lambda_0} \kt{\psi_0} }$$

  • Make a good guess for \(\kt{\psi_0}\): $$ \ksi \approx \kt{\psi_0} $$

  • Apply the unitary \(U\) (via a circuit) to \(\kt{\psi}\), to produce the state \(e^{i\lambda} \kt{\psi}\).

  • Somehow (and this is not obvious), extract the constant \(\lambda\).

  • Note: mere measurement will result in losing the (global) phase \(e^{i\lambda}\).

  • Then, hopefully, \(\lambda \approx \lambda_0\)

  • Two algorithms: Kitaev's algorithm, Abrams-Lloyd algorithm

  • Repeat the process with a different (hopefully better) guess for \(\kt{\psi_0}\).

Second approach: estimate \(\lambda_0\) directly from hardware

  • To see how this works, let's recall a few features of measurement.

  • Suppose \(\psi_0, \psi_1,\ldots,\psi_{N-1}\) is a measurement basis.

  • The projectors are \(P_i = \otr{\psi_i}{\psi_i}\).

  • When a measurement occurs, the outcome will be
    • One of the basis vectors \(\psi_i\).
    • An associated physical quantity \(\lambda_i\) (such as energy).

  • The probability of observing the i-th such outcome when measuring state \(\ksi\) is \(\swich{\psi}{P_i}{\psi}\).

  • The matrix $$ A \eql \sum_i \lambda_i \otr{\psi_i}{\psi_i} $$ is a Hermitian with eigenvectors \(\psi_0, \psi_1,\ldots,\psi_{N-1}\) and eigenvalues \(\lambda_0,\lambda_1,\ldots,\lambda_{N-1}\).

  • Suppose we repeat the measurement many times and happen to obtain, say, $$ \lambda_3, \lambda_0, \lambda_2, \lambda_2, \lambda_5, \ldots $$

  • The average eigenvalue obtained is $$ \frac{\lambda_3 + \lambda_0 + \lambda_2 + \lambda_2 + \lambda_5 + \ldots}{ \mbox{# measurements} } $$

  • This number estimates the expected-eigenvalue.

  • The expected eigenvalue can be written as: $$\eqb{ \exval{\mbox{eigenvalue}} & \eql & \sum_i \lambda_i \prob{\mbox{i-th value occurs}} \\ & \eql & \sum_i \lambda_i \swich{\psi}{P_i}{\psi} \\ & \eql & \swich{\psi}{\sum_i \lambda_i P_i}{\psi} \\ & \eql & \swich{\psi}{A}{\psi} \\ }$$

  • Thus, the term \(\swich{\psi}{A}{\psi}\) is short-hand for expected-eigenvalue for Hermitian \(A\).

  • Let's now ask: what would we get for \(\swich{\psi}{A}{\psi}\) if \(\ksi = \kt{\psi_0}\)?
    • That is, we have the system in state \(\kt{\psi_0}\).
    • Since $$ A \eql \sum_i \lambda_i \otr{\psi_i}{\psi_i} $$ we get $$\eqb{ \swich{\psi_0}{A}{\psi_0} & \eql & \swich{\psi_0}{\sum_i \lambda_i \otr{\psi_i}{\psi_i} }{\psi_0} \\ & \eql & \inr{\psi_0}{ \lambda_0 \psi_0}\\ & \eql & \lambda_0 }$$ As one would expect.

  • Since we can only guess \(\kt{\psi_0}\), one hopes that \(\ksi \approx \kt{\psi_0}\).

  • In this case, $$ \swich{\psi}{A}{\psi} \approx \lambda_0 $$ which gives us our approximate estimate of \(\lambda_0\).

  • Thus, we'll make repeated measurements so that $$ \mbox{average of \(\lambda\)'s measured} \; \approx \; \lambda_0 $$ For each measurement, we'll have to reset the state to \(\ksi \approx \kt{\psi_0}\).

  • This is the foundation of the Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) algorithm.

In the following, we'll describe the three algorithms, along with the background needed:

  • Kitaev's algorithm:
    • Simplify the Hamiltonian \(H\).
    • Construct the corresponding unitary \(U\) so that $$ U \kt{\psi_0} \eql e^{i\lambda_0} \kt{\psi_0} $$
    • Force \(\lambda_0\) into different coefficients.
    • Estimate any one coefficient and then solve for \(\lambda_0\).

  • Abrams-Lloyd algorithm:
    • Simplify the Hamiltonian \(H\).
    • Construct the corresponding unitary \(H\) so that $$ U \kt{\psi_0} \eql e^{i\lambda_0} \kt{\psi_0} $$
    • Force the digits of \(\lambda_0\) into coefficients of different qubits.
    • Use the inverse QFT to those qubits to recover \(\lambda_0\).

  • VQE algorithm:
    • Simplify the Hamiltonian \(H\) into Pauli-string operators.
    • Guess \(\kt{\psi} \approx \kt{\psi_0}\)
    • Perform Pauli measurements.
    • Estimate \(\lambda_0\) through observed eigenvalues through averaging.
    • Improve the guess \(\ksi\) and repeat.

  • All three algorithms start by simplifying (and approximating) the given Hamiltonian of interest.

12.3   Simplifying Hamiltonians


The simplification and approximation of Hamiltonian matrices is a rich sub-field by itself, spanning nearly 100 years, too much to summarize here.

We will focus on two major ideas of relevance to quantum computing.

The first: mapping discretized molecular states to qubit states

  • To use the standard circuit model, we have to be able to work with standard-basis vectors.

  • Suppose \(k_e\) electrons are to be placed in \(n_e\) possible locations (or parameter settings).

  • We'll use \(n\) qubits, with \(N = 2^n\).

  • Suppose we use the i-th qubit to represent $$\eqb{ \kt{0} & \eql & \mbox{ no electron present} \\ \kt{1} & \eql & \mbox{ electron present} \\ }$$

  • Then, the qubit states \(\kt{0},\kt{1},\ldots,\kt{N-1}\) are used to represent all possible electron configurations (including some that can't occur).

  • Example: 2 electrons in 3 possible orbitals: $$\eqb{ \kt{000} & \; & \mbox{no electrons} \\ \kt{001} & \; & \mbox{1 electron} \\ \kt{010} & \; & \mbox{1 electron} \\ \kt{011} & \; & \mbox{2 electrons: valid configuration} \\ \kt{100} & \; & \mbox{1 electron} \\ \kt{101} & \; & \mbox{2 electrons: valid configuration} \\ \kt{110} & \; & \mbox{2 electrons: valid configuration} \\ \kt{111} & \; & \mbox{3 electrons} \\ }$$ This is an example of a simplified direct-occupancy mapping.

  • A smarter mapping can reduce the number of qubits to 2 qubits, recognizing that only 3 states above are needed.
    (But that complicates the Hamiltonian simplification.)

  • In practice, mappings need to satisfy physical constraints such as "fermionic symmetry" (a property having to do with signs).

The second: writing a Hamiltonian in terms of Pauli-string operators

  • Recall our goal: we're given a Hamiltonian as a (often big) matrix \(H\) and we want the smallest eigenvalue and its corresponding eigenvector: $$ H \kt{\psi_0} \eql \lambda_0 \kt{\psi_0} $$
    • Often, we will use a guess \(\ksi \approx \kt{\psi_0}\).
    • The guess is constructed with a classical algorithm.
    • Then, use \(\ksi\) to solve for \(\lambda_0\).

  • To get a feel for how \(H\) can be simplified, we will look at one approach: writing \(H\) in terms of Pauli-string operators.

  • Recall the Pauli matrices \(I, X, Y, Z\): $$\eqb{ I & \eql & \otr{0}{0} + \otr{1}{1} & \eql & \mat{1 & 0\\0 & 1} \\ X & \eql & \otr{0}{1} + \otr{1}{0} & \eql & \mat{0 & 1\\1 & 0} \\ Y & \eql & -i\otr{0}{1} + i\otr{1}{0} & \eql & \mat{0 & -i\\i & 0} \\ Z & \eql & \otr{0}{0} - \otr{1}{1} & \eql & \mat{1 & 0\\0 & -1} \\ }$$

  • Of these, we'll focus on \(X, Y, Z\).

  • Now consider tensoring a single Pauli with identity matrices as in: $$ I \otimes X \otimes I $$ or $$ I \otimes I \otimes Z $$

  • If these were meant to apply as unitaries, we would say that a Pauli gate is being applied to a single qubit.

  • But because the Pauli matrices are Hermitian too, the resulting tensor is Hermitian as well.

  • In general, one can tensor a single Pauli with \(n-1\) \(I\) matrices as in these examples: $$\eqb{ I \otimes X \otimes I \otimes \ldots \otimes I & \; & \mbx{\(X\) in the 2nd place} \\ I \otimes I \otimes Z \otimes \ldots \otimes I & \; & \mbx{\(Z\) in the 3rd place} \\ I \otimes \ldots \otimes I \otimes Y \otimes I & \; & \mbx{\(Y\) in the \(n-1\)st place} \\ X \otimes I \otimes \ldots \otimes I & \; & \mbx{\(X\) in the 1st place} \\ }$$

  • We'll use the notation $$\eqb{ X_i & \eql & \mbox{Apply Pauli \(X\) in the i-th place} \\ Y_i & \eql & \mbox{Apply Pauli \(Y\) in the i-th place} \\ Z_i & \eql & \mbox{Apply Pauli \(Z\) in the i-th place} \\ }$$ For example: $$\eqb{ X_1 & \eql & X \otimes I \ldots \otimes I\\ X_2 & \eql & I \otimes X \otimes I \otimes \ldots \otimes I\\ Z_3 & \eql & I \otimes I \otimes Z \otimes \ldots \otimes I\\ Y_{n-1} & \eql & I \otimes \ldots \otimes I \otimes Y \otimes I\\ }$$

  • Note: \(X_1,X_2, Z_3\) and \(Y_{n-1}\) are n-qubit operators
        \(\rhd\) They are \(2^n \times 2^n\) matrices.

  • One can multiply any subset of these to get another \(2^n \times 2^n\) matrix, as in: $$ Q \eql X_1 Y_{n-1} Z_3 X_2 $$ Here \(Q\) is a \(2^n \times 2^n\) matrix.

  • But more importantly, \(Q\) is a n-qubit Hermitian operator.
        \(\rhd\) Recall: tensoring \(n\) 1-qubit operators results in an n-qubit operator.

  • Such an operator, constructed out of single-qubit Pauli's, is called a Pauli-string operator.

  • Let \(Q_1, Q_2,\ldots\) denote such Pauli-string operators, for example: $$\eqb{ Q_7 & \eql & X_1 Z_2 X_3 \\ Q_{13} & \eql & Y_1 Z_2 Y_3 Z_4 }$$

  • Now for the key insight: for many practical Hamiltonians \(H\), the \(2^n \times 2^n\) matrix \(H\) can be written as a linear combination of Pauli-string operators: $$ H \eql \sum_j \alpha_j Q_j $$

  • For example, it is known that the water molecule's \(H\) can be approximated (4-qubit representation) as: $$\eqb{ H & \approx & \sum_{j=0}^{14} \alpha_j Q_j \\ & \eql & \alpha_0 I + \alpha_1 Z_1 + \alpha_2 Z_2 + \alpha_3 Z_3 + \alpha_4 Z_1 Z_2\\ & & + \alpha_5 Z_1 Z_3 + \alpha_6 Z_2 Z_4 + \alpha_7 X_1 Z_2 X_3 + \alpha_8 Y_1 Z_2 Y_3 \\ & & + \alpha_9 Z_1 Z_2 Z_3 + \alpha_{10} Z_1 Z_3 Z_4 + \alpha_{11} Z_2 Z_3 Z_4 \\ & & + \alpha_{12} X_1 Z_2 X_3 Z_4 + \alpha_{13} Y_1 Z_2 Y_3 Z_4 + \alpha_{14} Z_1 Z_2 Z_3 Z_4 }$$ where the \(\alpha_j\)'s are calculated classically (as part of what's known as Jordan-Wigner or Bravyi-Kitaev transformations).

  • Why is this useful?
    • When constructing unitaries in a circuit that applies $$ U \kt{\psi_0} \eql e^{i\lambda_0} \kt{\psi_0} $$ we have the possibility of decomposing \(U\) into a series of single-qubit unitaries.
    • When estimating \(\lambda_0\) directly from hardware, we will end up using single-qubit Pauli measurements.
    In either approach, the single-qubit part is what makes it practical.

  • However, this works well only if the Pauli strings are limited in their length (the number of Pauli operations).

  • A \(H\) deconstructed such that no Pauli-string has more than \(k\) Pauli's is called a k-local Hamiltonian.

  • If the \(\alpha_j\)'s are \(1\) then $$ H \eql \sum_j \alpha_j Q_j \eql \sum_j Q_j $$ Or if the \(\alpha_j\)'s are real, they can be moved inside the \(Q_j\) matrices to write $$ H \eql \sum_j \alpha_j Q_j \eql \sum_j Q_j^\prime $$ We will write both cases as $$ H \eql \sum_j H_j $$ where \(H_j\) is a k-local Hamiltonian, whether constructed out of Pauli's or some other single-qubit matrices.

Let's say a little more about constructing the unitary \(U = e^{iH}\):

  • Recall: we want to use this unitary because: $$ U \kt{\psi_0} \eql e^{iH} \kt{\psi_0} \eql e^{i\lambda_0} \kt{\psi_0} $$ Thus, if we had an efficient circuit for \(U\), we could apply it to \(\ksi \approx \kt{\psi_0}\):

    and somehow extract the eigenvalue.

  • It is known that if \(H = \sum_j H_j\) then $$ U \approx e^{\sum_j i H_j \Delta t} \approx e^{i H_1 \Delta t} e^{i H_2 \Delta t} \ldots e^{i H_m \Delta t} $$ That is, if each \(e^{i H_j \Delta t}\) (a unitary) were applied for a short enough duration in sequence, we'd get a reasonable approximation of applying \(U\) for a short duration.
        \(\rhd\) This is called the Trotter decomposition.

  • This leaves the problem of ensuring that each unitary \(U_j = e^{i H_j}\), where \(H_j\) is a Pauli-string, can be done efficiently
    • \(U_j\) is an exponentiated Pauli-string operator.
    • Which can be decomposed into a (small) sequence of exponentiated Pauli-gates.
    • Each exponentiated Pauli gate is a standard rotation.

  • So, henceforth, we'll assume that \(U\) can be implemented efficiently.

  • And for simplicity, we'll drop the subscript \(0\) and write $$ U \kt{\psi} \eql e^{i\lambda} \kt{\psi} $$

  • Our goal is to estimate \(e^{i\lambda}\).

  • Since \(e^{i\lambda}\) is a phase of \(e^{i\lambda} \kt{\psi}\), this is sometimes called phase-estimation.

12.4   Some promising ideas for phase-estimation that aren't enough


Idea #1: measure the result

  • What would we get if measured \(e^{i\lambda} \kt{\psi}\)?

  • Because \(e^{i\lambda}\) is a global phase, it would not affect probabilities of outcomes.

  • This means we won't be able to estimate \(\lambda\) by statistical repetition.

Idea #2: use entanglement

  • Here, we will build a controlled-\(U\) circuit and supply \(\kt{+}\) as the control:

  • Recall what controlled-\(U\) does:
    • When the control qubit is \(\kt{0}\), no action is taken and so $$ \mbox{ctrl-U} \kt{0}\ksi \eql \kt{0} \ksi $$
    • But when the control is \(\kt{1}\), the \(U\) gets applied: $$ \mbox{ctrl-U} \kt{1}\ksi \eql \kt{1} e^{i\lambda}\ksi $$

  • Thus, when applying \(\kt{+}\) $$\eqb{ \kt{\psi^\prime} & \eql & \mbox{ctrl-U} \kt{+}\ksi \\ & \eql & \mbox{ctrl-U} \left(\isqts{1}\kt{0} \; + \; \isqts{1}\kt{1}\right) \ksi \\ & \eql & \mbox{ctrl-U} \left(\isqts{1} \kt{0}\ksi \; + \; \isqts{1} \kt{1}\ksi \right) \\ & \eql & \isqts{1} \mbox{ctrl-U} \kt{0}\ksi \; + \; \isqts{1} \mbox{ctrl-U} \kt{1}\ksi\\ & \eql & \isqts{1} \kt{0}\ksi \; + \; \isqts{1} \kt{1} e^{i\lambda} \ksi\\ & \eql & \isqts{1} \kt{0}\ksi \; + \; \isqts{1} e^{i\lambda} \kt{1} \ksi\\ & \eql & \left(\isqts{1} \kt{0} + \isqts{1} e^{i\lambda} \kt{1}\right) \: \ksi\\ }$$

  • Now one of the phases in the first qubit has \(\lambda\).

  • Note what's unusual:
    • Even though \(U\) applies to \(\ksi\), it is the top qubit that is modified
          \(\rhd\) \(\ksi\) remains the same.
    • This happens because of how the phase \(e^{i\lambda}\) "moves" as a constant in linearity.
    • This exploit is called phase-kickback.
    • There is no actual physical movement of anything
          \(\rhd\) It's just measurement probabilities that change.

  • Could we estimate this through repeated measurements of the first qubit?

  • The probability of observing \(\kt{0}\) is clearly \(\frac{1}{2}\).

  • The probability of observing \(\kt{1}\), therefore, is also \(\frac{1}{2}\).
        \(\rhd\) Repeated measurements will not help estimate \(e^{i\lambda}\) (and therefore, possibly, \(\lambda\)).

  • We can see this more clearly in the probability for \(\kt{1}\): $$ \prob{\mbox{Observe} \kt{1}} \eql \left| \frac{e^{i\lambda}}{2} \right|^2 \eql \smf{1}{2} \left| e^{i\lambda} \right|^2 \eql \smf{1}{2} $$

  • Could an additional unitary be applied to help?

  • The Kitaev and Abrams-Lloyd algorithms differ in how they do this.

12.5   Kitaev's algorithm


The algorithm does two clever things:

  • It applies a simple unitary to the first qubit to make \(\lambda\) appear differently in the coefficients of \(\kt{0}\) and \(\kt{1}\).
    • This makes the probabilities of \(\kt{0}\) and \(\kt{1}\) different.

  • Then we can estimate any one probability by repeated measurement.

  • It makes the reverse engineering of \(\lambda\) easy.

Let's take a closer look:

  • The unitary is none other than the go-to unitary: the Hadamard gate

  • Recall that, so far, we have $$ \mbox{ctrl-U} \kt{+}\ksi \eql \left(\isqts{1} \kt{0} + \isqts{1} e^{i\lambda} \kt{1}\right) \: \ksi $$

  • Now apply the Hadamard \(H\) (not Hamiltonian!) to the first qubit:

    Algebraically, $$\eqb{ (H \otimes I \otimes \ldots \otimes I) \; \mbox{ctrl-U} \kt{+}\ksi & \eql & (H \otimes I \otimes \ldots \otimes I) \; \left(\isqts{1} \kt{0} + \isqts{1} e^{i\lambda} \kt{1}\right) \: \ksi\\ & \eql & H \left(\isqts{1} \kt{0} + \isqts{1} e^{i\lambda} \kt{1}\right) \: \otimes \: (I \otimes \ldots \otimes I) \ksi\\ & \eql & \left(\isqts{1} H \kt{0} + \isqts{1} e^{i\lambda} H \kt{1}\right) \: \otimes \: \ksi\\ & \eql & \left(\isqts{1} \isqts{1} \left(\kt{0}+\kt{1}\right) \; + \; \isqts{1} e^{i\lambda} \isqts{1} \left(\kt{0} - \kt{1}\right) \right) \: \otimes \: \ksi\\ & \eql & \left(\smf{1}{2} \left( 1 + e^{i\lambda} \right) \kt{0} \; + \; \smf{1}{2} \left( 1 - e^{i\lambda} \right) \kt{1} \right) \: \otimes \: \ksi\\ }$$

  • The first-qubit measurement outcomes (standard basis) are \(\kt{0}\) and \(\kt{1}\) with probabilities: $$\eqb{ \prob{\mbox{Observe }\kt{0}} & \eql & \smf{1}{4} \left| 1 + e^{i\lambda} \right|^2 \\ \prob{\mbox{Observe }\kt{1}} & \eql & \smf{1}{4} \left| 1 - e^{i\lambda} \right|^2 \\ }$$

  • A bit of algebra (see exercise below) shows that $$\eqb{ \smf{1}{4} \left| 1 + e^{i\lambda} \right|^2 & \eql & \cos^2 \frac{\lambda}{2} \\ \smf{1}{4} \left| 1 - e^{i\lambda} \right|^2 & \eql & \sin^2 \frac{\lambda}{2} }$$

  • Unless \(\frac{\lambda}{2}\) is a multiple of \(\frac{\pi}{4}\), the two numbers will be different.

  • Then, with repeated measurements, one can get an estimate of, say, the probability of \(\kt{0}\):

  • Suppose \(\hat{p}\) is our estimate. Then, $$ \hat{p} \approx \cos^2 \frac{\lambda}{2} \\ $$ From which $$ \lambda \approx 2 \cos^{-1} \sqrt{\hat{p}} $$

In-Class Exercise 1: Prove the two results $$\eqb{ \smf{1}{4} \left| 1 + e^{i\lambda} \right|^2 & \eql & \cos^2 \frac{\lambda}{2} \\ \smf{1}{4} \left| 1 - e^{i\lambda} \right|^2 & \eql & \sin^2 \frac{\lambda}{2} }$$

12.6   QFT review for the Abrams-Lloyd algorithm


In the last module, we showed the following (related) properties of the QFT:

  • First, for any standard-basis vector \(\kt{x} = \kt{x_{n-1} \ldots x_1 x_0}\): $$\eqb{ U_{\smb{QFT}} \kt{x} & \eql & U_{\smb{QFT}} \kt{x_{n-1} \ldots x_1 x_0}\\ & \eql & U_{\smb{QFT}} \kt{x_{n-1}} \ldots \kt{x_1} \kt{x_0} \\ & \eql & \smf{1}{\sqrt{N}} \left( \kt{0} \, + \, \exps{ 2\pi i (0.x_0) } \kt{1} \right) \\ & & \; \otimes \; \left( \kt{0} \, + \, \exps{ 2\pi i (0.x_1 x_0) } \kt{1} \right) \\ & & \; \otimes \; \left( \kt{0} \, + \, \exps{ 2\pi i (0.x_2 x_1 x_0) } \kt{1} \right) \\ & & \vdots \\ & & \; \otimes \; \left( \kt{0} \, + \, \exps{ 2\pi i (0.x_{n-1} \ldots x_0) } \kt{1} \right) }$$

  • Notice: various (binary) digits of \(x\) appear in different tensored terms on the right.

  • Now consider the inverse QFT applied to the right side: $$\eqb{ \kt{x_{n-1} \ldots x_1 x_0} & \eql & U_{\smb{QFT}}^{-1} \smf{1}{\sqrt{N}} \left( \kt{0} \, + \, \exps{ 2\pi i (0.x_0) } \kt{1} \right) \\ & & \; \otimes \; \left( \kt{0} \, + \, \exps{ 2\pi i (0.x_1 x_0) } \kt{1} \right) \\ & & \; \otimes \; \left( \kt{0} \, + \, \exps{ 2\pi i (0.x_2 x_1 x_0) } \kt{1} \right) \\ & & \vdots \\ & & \; \otimes \; \left( \kt{0} \, + \, \exps{ 2\pi i (0.x_{n-1} \ldots x_0) } \kt{1} \right) }$$ This, as expected, produces the original vector \(\kt{x}\).

  • Thus, if we wish to extract a number whose digits we can spread across various qubits as above, we can apply \(U_{\smb{QFT}}^{-1}\) to recover the number.

  • Our goal is to recover the eigenvalue \(\lambda\).

  • If we can spread its digits in the pattern above, we could apply \(U_{\smb{QFT}}^{-1}\).

  • This is the goal with the Abrams-Lloyd algorithm.

12.7   The Abrams-Lloyd algorithm


The key ideas:

  • First, let's recall the starting point, and use the notation \(U_c = \mbox{ctrl-U}\): $$ U_c \kt{+}\ksi \eql \left(\isqts{1} \kt{0} + \isqts{1} e^{i\lambda} \kt{1}\right) \: \ksi $$

  • If \(U_c\) is applied again to the right side, $$\eqb{ U_c U_c \kt{+}\ksi & \eql & U_c \left(\isqts{1} \kt{0} + \isqts{1} e^{i\lambda} \kt{1}\right) \: \ksi \\ & \eql & U_c \left(\isqts{1} \kt{0} \ksi + \isqts{1} e^{i\lambda}\kt{1}\ksi \right) \\ & \eql & \isqts{1} U_c \kt{0} \ksi + \isqts{1} e^{i\lambda} U_c\kt{1}\ksi \\ & \eql & \isqts{1} \kt{0} \ksi + \isqts{1} e^{i\lambda} e^{i\lambda} \kt{1}\ksi \\ & \eql & \isqts{1} \kt{0} \ksi + \isqts{1} e^{i 2 \lambda} \kt{1}\ksi \\ & \eql & \left(\isqts{1} \kt{0} + \isqts{1} e^{i 2 \lambda} \kt{1}\right) \: \ksi \\ }$$

  • In short, $$ U_c^2 \kt{+}\ksi \eql \left(\isqts{1} \kt{0} + \isqts{1} e^{i 2 \lambda} \kt{1}\right) \: \ksi $$

  • Repeated application shows that $$ U_c^4 \kt{+}\ksi \eql \left(\isqts{1} \kt{0} + \isqts{1} e^{i 4 \lambda} \kt{1}\right) \: \ksi $$ which we will write as $$ U_c^{2^2} \kt{+}\ksi \eql \left(\isqts{1} \kt{0} + \isqts{1} e^{i 2^2 \lambda} \kt{1}\right) \: \ksi $$

  • In general, $$ U_c^{2^k} \kt{+}\ksi \eql \left(\isqts{1} \kt{0} + \isqts{1} e^{i 2^k \lambda} \kt{1}\right) \: \ksi $$

  • The QFT terms have \(2\pi\) in the exponent.
    • This can be addressed by writing $$ \lambda \eql 2\pi \gamma $$ for some number \(\gamma\)
    • If we can infer \(\gamma\), we can compute \(\lambda\)

  • Then, writing in terms of \(\gamma\): $$ U_c^{2^k} \kt{+}\ksi \eql \left(\isqts{1} \kt{0} + \isqts{1} e^{2\pi i 2^k \gamma} \kt{1}\right) \: \ksi $$

  • For the moment, let's assume \(\gamma < 1\) so that it can be written in binary as $$ \gamma \eql 0. \gamma_{p-1} \ldots \gamma_1 \gamma_0 $$ That is, with \(p\) (binary) digits.

  • Then, $$ e^{2\pi i \gamma} \eql e^{2\pi i (0. \gamma_{p-1} \ldots \gamma_1 \gamma_0)} $$ Next, $$ e^{2\pi i 2\gamma} \eql e^{2\pi i (\gamma_{p-1}.\gamma_{p-2} \ldots \gamma_1 \gamma_0)} \eql e^{2\pi i \gamma_{p-1}} e^{2\pi i (0.\gamma_{p-2} \ldots \gamma_1 \gamma_0)} \eql e^{2\pi i (0.\gamma_{p-2} \ldots \gamma_1 \gamma_0)} $$ since \(\gamma_{p-1}\) is either 0 or 1.

  • Going further, $$ e^{2\pi i 2^2\gamma} \eql e^{2\pi i (\gamma_{p-1}\gamma_{p-2}. \gamma_{p-3}\ldots \gamma_1 \gamma_0)} \eql e^{2\pi i (0.\gamma_{p-3} \ldots \gamma_1 \gamma_0)} $$ Thus, every power \(2^k\) results in shifting left by \(k\) digits.

  • Let's summarize what we have so far with applying \(U_c\): $$\eqb{ U_c \kt{+}\ksi & \eql & \left(\isqts{1} \kt{0} + \isqts{1} e^{2\pi i (0. \gamma_{p-1} \ldots \gamma_1 \gamma_0)} \kt{1}\right) \: \ksi \\ U_c^2 \kt{+}\ksi & \eql & \left(\isqts{1} \kt{0} + \isqts{1} e^{2\pi i (0. \gamma_{p-2} \ldots \gamma_1 \gamma_0)} \kt{1}\right) \: \ksi \\ U_c^{2^2} \kt{+}\ksi & \eql & \left(\isqts{1} \kt{0} + \isqts{1} e^{2\pi i (0. \gamma_{p-3} \ldots \gamma_1 \gamma_0)} \kt{1}\right) \: \ksi }$$

  • Compare this with the input to \(U_{\smb{QFT}}^{-1}\), the QFT-inverse: $$\eqb{ \kt{x_{n-1} \ldots x_1 x_0} & \eql & U_{\smb{QFT}}^{-1} \smf{1}{\sqrt{N}} \left( \kt{0} \, + \, \exps{ 2\pi i (0.x_0) } \kt{1} \right) \\ & & \; \otimes \; \left( \kt{0} \, + \, \exps{ 2\pi i (0.x_1 x_0) } \kt{1} \right) \\ & & \; \otimes \; \left( \kt{0} \, + \, \exps{ 2\pi i (0.x_2 x_1 x_0) } \kt{1} \right) \\ & & \vdots \\ & & \; \otimes \; \left( \kt{0} \, + \, \exps{ 2\pi i (0.x_{n-1} \ldots x_0) } \kt{1} \right) }$$

  • What we see is that we're almost there: we need to tensor the first qubits:

    And reverse the order.

  • Finally, we feed the (reversed) top qubits into \(U_{\smb{QFT}}^{-1}\):

    Once we know \(\gamma\), we can calculate the eigenvalue \(\lambda\) as: $$ \lambda \eql 2\pi \gamma $$

  • Note:
    • Once again, the eigenvector \(\ksi\) remains "untouched".
          \(\rhd\) It's only the control qubits that change (their phase).
    • By setting up these phases correctly as the desired input to \(U_{\smb{QFT}}^{-1}\), we recover \(\gamma\).

  • About accuracy:
    • We have used \(p\) qubits for \(p\) bits of accuracy.
    • \(p\) can be increased if desired.

  • Lastly, we made made the assumption \(\gamma < 1\):
    • If this is not true, we can force this to happen by applying a small enough phase first.
    • For example, if a unitary \(V\) can be devised such that $$ V \ksi \eql e^{-2\pi i \delta} \ksi $$ then we can apply a controlled-version just like we did with \(U\): $$\eqb{ V_c \left(\isqts{1} \kt{0} + \isqts{1} e^{2\pi i \gamma)} \kt{1}\right) \: \ksi & \eql & \left(\isqts{1} \kt{0} + \isqts{1} e^{-2\pi i \delta} e^{2\pi i \gamma} \kt{1}\right) \: \ksi \\ & \eql & \left(\isqts{1} \kt{0} + \isqts{1} e^{2\pi i (\gamma-\delta)} \kt{1}\right) \: \ksi }$$
    • In this way, one can make the multiplier of \(2\pi\) less than unity.

  • Finally, let's address efficiency:
    • We've assumed that \(U\) can be efficiently implemented.
    • If \(U\) is implemented with standard gates, controlled versions add a constant overhead (of gates) to each.
    • Thus, \(U_c\) has a constant times the number of gates that \(U\) has.
    • If \(p\) is reasonably small, we only need to apply \(U_c\) \(p\) times to get \(U_c^p\).
    • \(U_{\smb{QFT}}^{-1}\) is already efficient as we've seen.

Summary of the Abrams-Lloyd algorithm:

  • Input: the simplifed Hamiltonian \(H\) (a Hermitian)
  • Define \(U = e^{iH}\) and observe that $$ U \kt{\psi} \eql e^{i \lambda} \kt{\psi} $$ which we'll write in terms of a new variable \(\gamma\): $$ U \kt{\psi} \eql e^{2\pi i \gamma} \kt{\psi} $$
  • Use powers of the controlled version \(U_c^k\) to "kick back" \(e^{2\pi i2^k\gamma}\) to control qubits.
  • These (after reversal) are exactly what \(U_{\smb{QFT}}^{-1}\) needs to produce \(\gamma\) directly as output.
  • Once we have \(\gamma\)'s digits, we calculate \(\lambda\).

12.8   Hermitians and measurement for the VQE algorithm


We will focus here on two aspects of measurement useful to the VQE algorithm:

  • The first: single-qubit Pauli measurements
    • What does it mean to make a measurement with \(X, Y\) or \(Z\)?

  • The second: Pauli-string measurements
    • Recall: Hamiltonian simplificaton in terms of Pauli-strings, for example: $$\eqb{ H & \approx & \sum_{j=0}^{14} Q_j \\ & \eql & \alpha_0 I + \alpha_1 Z_1 + \alpha_2 Z_2 + \alpha_3 Z_3 + \alpha_4 Z_1 Z_2\\ & & + \alpha_5 Z_1 Z_3 + \alpha_6 Z_2 Z4 + \alpha_7 X_1 Z_2 X_3 + \alpha_8 Y_1 Z_2 Y_3 \\ & & + \alpha_9 Z_1 Z_2 Z_3 + \alpha_{10} Z_1 Z_3 Z_4 + \alpha_{11} Z_2 Z_3 Z_4 \\ & & + \alpha_{12} X_1 Z_2 X_3 Z_4 + \alpha_{13} Y_1 Z_2 Y_3 Z_4 + \alpha_{14} Z_1 Z_2 Z_3 Z_4 }$$
    • Then for a given state \(\ksi\) $$\eqb{ \swich{\psi}{H}{\psi} & \eql & \swich{\psi}{\sum_{j} Q_j}{\psi} \\ & \eql & \sum_{j} \swich{\psi}{Q_j}{\psi} }$$
    • Then, for a Pauli string like \(Q_{12} = X_1 Z_2 X_3 Z_4\), how does one estimate $$ \swich{\psi}{Q_{12}}{\psi} \eql \swich{\psi}{X_1 Z_2 X_3 Z_4}{\psi}? $$

Let's start with single-qubit Pauli measurement:

  • Let's consider the connection between Hermitians and measurement.

  • We've seen this as:
    • Build projectors with the outcomes: $$ P_i = \otr{\psi_i}{\psi_i} $$
    • Identify the physically observed values \(\lambda_i\)
    • Package these into a Hermitian: $$ A \eql \sum_i \lambda_i \otr{\psi_i}{\psi_i} $$
    • Then, we know that \(A\) has eigenvectors \(\kt{\psi}\) with eigenvalues \(\lambda_i\).

  • We can ask: Is there a measurement corresponding to any Hermitian matrix \(B\)?

  • That is, can we go the other way around?

  • This question will only make sense if \(B\)'s eigenvectors are actual physical outcomes.

  • Let's consider an example, first with \(A\)
    • Suppose the outcomes are \(\kt{+}, \kt{-}\) with physical values \(\lambda_1=1, \lambda_2=2\).
    • Then, $$\eqb{ A & \eql & \lambda_1 P_+ \; + \; \lambda_2 P_{-} \\ & \eql & \lambda_1 \otr{+}{+} \;\; + \;\; \lambda_2 \otr{-}{-} \\ & \eql & 1 \otr{+}{+} \; + \; 2 \otr{-}{-} \\ & \vdots & \\ & \eql & \mat{ \frac{3}{2} & -\frac{1}{2} \\ -\frac{1}{2} & \frac{3}{2}} \\ }$$ where \(P_+ = \otr{+}{+}\) and \(P_{-}=\otr{-}{-}\) are the two projectors.
    • Suppose the state of interest is $$ \ksi \eql \smf{\sqrt{3}}{2} \kt{0} + \smf{1}{2} \kt{1} $$
    • We make repeated measurements and observe the eigenvalues obtained.
    • We'd expect the average to be between \(\lambda_1=1, \lambda_2=2\).
    • We can calculate this as $$\eqb{ \swich{\psi}{A}{\psi} & \eql & \exval{\mbox{eigenvalue}}\\ & \eql & \swichs{\psi}{\lambda_1 P_+ + \lambda_2 P_{-}}{\psi} \\ & \vdots & \\ & \eql & 1.067 }$$
    • An example of \(10\) actual measurements might be: \(1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1\)
          \(\rhd\) Average = \(1.1\)

  • Now suppose we're given $$ B \eql \mat{0 & 1\\ 1 & 0} $$
    • We can certainly calculate \(\swich{\psi}{B}{\psi}\)
    • But this may not correspond to feasible measurements with hardware.

  • It turns out that \(B\) has the following eigenvectors and values: $$\eqb{ \kt{+} & \;\;\; & \mbox{with eigenvalue } \lambda_1 = 1 & \mbx{A has eigenvalue \(1\) for this eigenvector}\\ \kt{-} & \;\;\; & \mbox{with eigenvalue } \lambda_2 = -1 & \mbx{A has eigenvalue \(2\) for this eigenvector}\\ }$$

  • Thus, the same eigenvectors (but not eigenvalues) as \(A\)
        \(\rhd\) And so, the same projectors (and probabilities)

  • How could we estimate average eigenvalue for \(B\)?
    • We'll simply measure with \(A\), use its eigenvalues and make a correspondence with \(B\)'s eigenvalues.
    • For example, suppose we get these \(10\) measurements with \(A\): \(1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1\)
    • We replace these with the corresponding eigenvalues from \(B\): \(1,1,-1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1\)
    • The average is \(0.9\)
    • So, our estimate of \(\swich{\psi}{B}{\psi}\) is \(0.9\)

  • You noticed that \(B\) is actually the Pauli matrix \(X\).
        \(\rhd\) We now know how to do measurements with \(X\).

  • Similarly, one can perform measurements to estimate \(\swich{\psi}{Y}{\psi}\) or \(\swich{\psi}{Z}{\psi}\).

  • Note that each of \(X,Y,Z\) has eigenvalues \(1,-1\) but with different eigenvectors: $$\eqb{ X & \mbox{ has eigenvectors } & \;\;\;\; \mat{\isqt{1}\\ \isqt{1}} \eql \kt{+} \;\;\;\; \mbox{ and } \;\;\;\; \mat{\isqt{1}\\ -\isqt{1}} \eql \kt{-} \\ Y & \mbox{ has eigenvectors } & \;\;\;\; \mat{\isqt{1}\\ \isqt{i}} \eql \kt{i} \;\;\;\; \mbox{ and } \;\;\;\; \mat{\isqt{1}\\ -\isqt{i}} \eql \kt{-i} \\ Z & \mbox{ has eigenvectors } & \;\;\;\; \kt{0} \;\;\;\; \mbox{ and } \;\;\;\; \kt{1} }$$ where \(\kt{i}\) and \(\kt{-i}\) are special names similar to \(\kt{+}\) and \(\kt{-}\).

In-Class Exercise 2: Suppose \(\ksi = \alpha\kt{+} + \beta\kt{-}\), with unknown \(\alpha, \beta\) is a state for which we wish to estimate the average eigenvalue with a Pauli-X measurement. Show how to estimate this eigenvalue using a standard-basis measurement (that results in eigenvalues 1, -1) applied to \(R_Y(-\frac{\pi}{2})\ksi\).

The second problem to address: estimating the average for a Pauli-string

  • Recall, our given Hamiltonian \(H\) is expressed as a sum of Pauli-string operators, as in: $$ H \approx \sum_{j} \alpha_j Q_j \\ $$ where, for example, a particular \(Q_j\) might look like this: $$\eqb{ Q_{7} & \eql & X_1 Z_2 X_3 & \\ & \eql & \left( X \otimes I \otimes I \right) & \mbx{\(X\)-measurement on 1st qubit} \\ & \; & \left( I \otimes Z \otimes I \right) & \mbx{\(Z\)-measurement on 2nd qubit} \\ & \; & \left( I \otimes I \otimes X \right) & \mbx{\(X\)-measurement on 3rd qubit} \\ }$$

  • We know how to perform individual qubit measurements, but what does that imply for these products-of-tensors?

  • Suppose our state is (as usual) \(\ksi\).

  • Our starting point is $$ \swich{\psi}{H}{\psi} \eql \swichs{\psi}{\sum_j \alpha_j Q_j}{\psi} \eql \sum_j \alpha_j \swich{\psi}{Q_j}{\psi} $$ where the \(\alpha_j\)'s are known classically.

  • Then, for example, we'll need to estimate terms like $$ \swich{\psi}{Q_7}{\psi} \eql \swichh{\psi}{ \left( X \otimes I \otimes I \right) \left( I \otimes Z \otimes I \right) \left( I \otimes I \otimes X \right) }{\psi} $$

  • Here, we'll make the (statistical independence) assumption $$ \swich{\psi}{Q_7}{\psi} \eql \swichh{\psi}{\left( X \otimes I \otimes I \right)}{\psi} \; \swichh{\psi}{\left( I \otimes Z \otimes I \right)}{\psi} \; \swichh{\psi}{\left( I \otimes I \otimes X \right)}{\psi} $$

  • Finally, examining any of the tensor products, such as the first one: $$ \swichh{\psi}{\left( X \otimes I \otimes I \right)}{\psi} \eql \mbox{average eigenvalue for \(X\)} $$ Note:
    • In general, the eigenvalues of tensored Hermitians are formed from the products of eigenvalues of the Hermitians.
    • Here, the identity matrices have eigenvalue \(1\).

12.9   The VQE Algorithm


Before outlining the algorithm, let's point out:

  • Recall, we want to solve $$ H \kt{\psi_0} \eql \lambda_0 \kt{\psi_0} $$ where \(\kt{\psi_0}\) is the ground state, and \(\lambda_0\) is the ground state energy.

  • We are going estimate $$ \swichs{\psi_0}{H}{\psi_0} \eql \;\; \mbox{ the ground-state energy } $$ using \(\kt{\psi} \approx \kt{\psi_0}\): $$ \swichs{\psi}{H}{\psi} \eql \;\; \mbox{ approximate ground-state energy } $$

  • \(H\) is fully specified and then decomposed into its Pauli-string approximation: $$ H \; \approx \; \sum_j \alpha_j Q_j $$ where each \(Q_j\) is a Pauli-string operator (a matrix).

  • Then, $$ \mbox{ approximate ground-state energy } \;\; \eql \swichs{\psi}{H}{\psi} \eql \sum_j \alpha_j \swichs{\psi}{Q_j}{\psi} $$

  • If we make \(M\) multiple measurements for \(\swichs{\psi}{Q_j}{\psi}\) we get a statistical estimate $$ \hat{\lambda}(j) \eql \smf{1}{M} \left( \lambda_1(j) + \ldots \lambda_M(j) \right) $$ These are numbers, one for each \(j\).

  • We can put these together into the estimate $$ \swichs{\psi}{H}{\psi} \; \approx \; \sum_j \alpha_j \swichs{\psi}{Q_j}{\psi} \eql \sum_j \alpha_j \hat{\lambda}(j) $$

The main idea of the VQE algorithm:

  • Step 1: Find a reasonable starting guess \(\ksi \approx \kt{\psi_0}\).

  • Step 2: Estimate \(\lambda\) for current state \(\ksi\): More precisely:
         for each \(j\)
             repeat \(M\) times:
                 (Quantum) Set the state to \(\ksi\)
                 (Quantum) Measure a single measurement \(\swich{\psi}{Q_j}{\psi}\)
                 Update the estimate \(\hat{\lambda(j)}\)
        Compute final estimate: \(\hat{\lambda} = \sum_j \alpha_j \hat{\lambda(j)}\)

  • Note: the quantum parts are state-setting and measuring.

  • Step 3: Update the guess \(\ksi\) $$ \ksi \; \leftarrow \; \mbox{Better guess} $$ and return to Step 2.

  • Stop the process when no further improvement looks feasible.

Let's now explain a little further in the following way:

  • Clearly, steps 2 and 3 are iterative.

  • Let $$ \kt{\psi^{(k)}} \eql \;\; \mbox{\(k\)-th iterate} $$ That is, the \(\ksi\) used as the \(k\)-th guess for \(\kt{\psi_0}\).

  • Then, for Pauli-string \(Q_j\) we use repeated sampling to estimate \(\swichs{\psi^{(k)}}{Q_j}{\psi^{(k)}}\):

  • Next, let's ask: how do we produce a better guess \(\kt{\psi^{(k+1)}}\)?

  • For that matter, how do we even produce the first guess \(\kt{\psi^{(1)}}\)?

The Ansatz idea for improved guess states:

  • Suppose \(R(\theta\) denotes some (typically rotation) gate with real-valued parameter \(\theta\).

  • Example: \(R_Y(\theta)\), the \(Y\) rotation gate.

  • Consider this circuit:


    • Each qubit \(k\) can be rotated by a custom gate with a custom parameter \(\theta_k\).
    • Then, the result is a unitary we'll call \(U_A(\Theta)\) where $$ \Theta \eql (\theta_1,\ldots, \theta_n) $$ denotes all the parameters.

  • Such a state-producing unitary is called an Ansatz, which we'll reflect in the subscript for \(U_A\).

  • The goal now is to update the parameter set \(\Theta\) at each iteration: $$ \Theta^{(k+1)} \eql \mbox{ parameters used to make } \kt{\psi^{(k+1)}} $$

Improving \(\kt{\psi^{(k+1)}}\) using gradient descent:

  • Recall: the goal is to minimize our estimate $$ \hat{\lambda} \eql \sum_j \alpha_j \hat{\lambda(j)} $$ where each $$ \hat{\lambda(j)} \; \mbox{ is an estimate of } \; \swichs{\psi^{(k)}}{Q_j}{\psi^{(k)}} $$

  • Since \(\kt{\psi^{(k+1)}}\) depends on \(\Theta^{(k)}\), the parameters used in iteration \(k\) let's write in the dependence as $$ \hat{\lambda}(\Theta^{(k)}) \eql \sum_j \alpha_j \hat{\lambda(j)}(\Theta^{(k)}) $$

  • How do we adjust \(\Theta^{(k)}\)?
    • A simple approach is to use gradients.
    • Produce estimates $$\eqb{ \hat\lambda(\theta_1^{(k)},\ldots,\theta_i^{(k)},\ldots, \theta_n^{(k)}) & \;\;\;\;\;\mbox{ estimate using } \theta_i^{(k)}\\ \hat\lambda(\theta_1^{(k)},\ldots,\theta_i^{(k)} + \delta \theta,\ldots, \theta_n^{(k)}) & \;\;\;\;\;\mbox{ estimate using } \theta_i^{(k)} + \delta \theta\\ }$$
    • Then $$\eqb{ \hat{ \frac{ \partial\lambda}{\partial \theta_i} } & \defn & \frac{ \hat{\lambda}(\theta_1^{(k)},\ldots,\theta_i^{(k)} + \delta \theta,\ldots, \theta_n^{(k)}) - \hat{\lambda}(\theta_1^{(k)},\ldots,\theta_i^{(k)},\ldots, \theta_n^{(k)}) }{ \delta \theta } \\ & \eql & \;\;\;\;\mbox{partial derivative estimate for parameter \(\theta_i\)} }$$
    • Once these are obtained for each \(\theta_i\), update in the usual way: $$ \theta_1^{(k+1)} \eql \theta_1^{(k)} - \gamma \hat{ \frac{ \partial\lambda}{\partial \theta_i} } $$

Let's rewrite the VQE algorithm to include these ideas:

  • Step 1:
         Set \(k=0\)
         Find a reasonable starting \(\Theta^{(0)}\)
         Set \(\kt{\psi^{(0)}} = U_A(\Theta^{(0)}) \kt{0}\)

  • Step 2: Estimate \(\lambda\) for current state \(\kt{\psi^{(k)}}\) More precisely:
         for each \(j\)
             repeat \(M\) times:
                 (Quantum) Set the state to \(\kt{\psi^{(k)}}\)
                 (Quantum) Measure a single measurement \(\swich{\psi^{(k)}}{Q_j}{\psi^{(k)}}\)
                 Update the estimate \(\hat{\lambda(j)}\)
        Compute final estimate for current \(\Theta^{(k)}\): \(\hat{\lambda}(\Theta^{(k)}) = \sum_j \alpha_j \hat{\lambda(j)}\)

  • Step 3: Update \(\Theta^{(k)}\) and apply Ansatz \(U_A\) $$ \Theta^{(k+1)} \; \leftarrow \; \mbox{ gradient-based update (Classical calculation)} $$ and then apply (quantum) the Ansatz with updated parameters: $$ \kt{\psi^{(k+1)}} \eql U_A(\Theta^{(k+1)}) \: \kt{\psi^{(k)}} $$ and return to Step 2.

  • Stop the process when no further improvement looks feasible.

Better Ansatz circuits:

  • A fixed set of gates used in the Ansatz limits expressibility.

  • For example, with plain single-qubit rotations, we would not get any entangled states:

  • Thus, one can use a larger set of gates, with 2-qubit \(\cnot\)'s included:

  • There is considerable past and on-going research into Ansatz design:
    • The above approach focuses on expressive hardware (a large enough family of gates)
    • Other approaches exploit problem or application structure.

NISQ and practicalities:

  • NISQ = Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum.

  • What this means:
    • Today's qubits are noisy and small in number.
    • NISQ asks: what problems can we solve in this stage of quantum computing?

  • The VQE algorithm is often proposed as a strong candidate for NISQ:
    • We are making eigenvalue measurements in VQE.
    • There is undoubtedly noise, but it cancel in multiple measurements.

  • Other practicalities include:
    • How to find improved approximations to \(\kt{\psi_0}\)
    • How to run the iterative process for maximum benefit.
    • Are there other (non-Pauli) measurements that could result in less noise?
    • What is best suited to a particular hardware platform?
    • When given a best guess \(\ksi \approx \kt{\psi_0}\), how does one initialize the qubits to state \(\ksi\)?
    All of these are active areas of research.

Generalizing VQE to VQA: Variational Quantum Algorithms

  • Consider this description of VQE:

    • A quantum ansatz circuit uses parameters \(\Theta^{(k)}\) at iteration \(k\) to produce state \(\kt{\psi^{(k)}}\)
    • Another quantum circuit (above) is applied to \(\kt{\psi^{(k)}}\) to eventually produce a measured eigenvalue.
    • The goal is to find the minimum eigenvalue.
    • The parameters \(\Theta^{(k)}\) are updated using the measured eigenvalue.
    • The next ansatz state is generated: $$ \kt{\psi^{(k+1)}} \eql U_A(\Theta^{(k)}) \: \kt{\psi^{(k)}} $$ And one proceeds with the next iteration.

  • In essence:
    • Classical parameters are used to explore the ansatz space of \(\kt{\psi^{(k)}}\)'s.
    • A different quantum circuit, whose eigenvalue determines "usefulness" drives the next set of classical parameters.

  • This approach can be used to find approximate solutions to combinatorial problems:
    • Suppose a quantum circuit can be designed so that small eigenvalues correspond to near-optimal solutions to the combinatorial problem.
    • Then, the ansatz space can be explored to find approximate solutions.

  • This is an area of active research with the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) as an example approach.



The material in this module is summarized from various sources:

  • D.S.Abrams and S.Lloyd. Quantum Algorithm Providing Exponential Speed Increase for Finding Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors. Phys. Rev. Lett., 83, 5162, December 1999.
  • A.Aspuru-Guzik et al. Simulated Quantum Computation of Molecular Energies. Science 309, no. 5741: 1704–1707, 2005.
  • N.Blunt et al. A perspective on the current state-of-the-art of quantum computing for drug discovery applications. J. Chem. Theory Comput.,18, 12, 7001–7023, 2022.
  • K.Brown. Tutorial on Quantum Chemistry Algorithms.
  • Cao et al. Quantum Chemistry in the Age of Quantum Computing, Chemical Reviews, 119, 10856−10915, 2019.
  • P.Degelmann, A.Schafer and C.Lennartz. Application of Quantum Calculations in the Chemical Industry—An Overview, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 115, 107–136, 2015.
  • D.A. Fedorov, B.Peng, N.Govind and Y.Alexeev. VQE Method: A Short Survey and Recent Developments Materials Theory, 6, 2, 2022.
  • S.Lloyd. Universal Quantum Simulators, Science, 273, 1996.
  • S.McArdle et al. Quantum computational chemistry, Rev. Mod. Phys., 92, 015003, 2020.
  • M.A.Nielsen and I.L.Chuang. Quantum Computation and Quantum Information, Cambridge University Press, 2016.
  • A.Perruzo et al. A variational eigenvalue solver on a photonic quantum processor. Nature Communications, Vol. 5, No. 4213, 2014.
  • R.Santagati et al. Drug design on quantum computers, arXiv:2301.04114 [quant-ph].
  • J.Tilly et al. The Variational Quantum Eigensolver: a review of methods and best practices, Physics Reports, Vol. 986, Pages 1-128, 2022.
  • C.P.Williams. Explorations in Quantum Computing, Springer, 2011.

© 2022, Rahul Simha