CS 701: Electronic Commerce
Technical Content Schedule
- Phase I:
For Phase I, you will need to demonstrate that you have a good idea
of how a customer will use the site, what functionality is required,
and what is involved in creating the software to support the
functionality. Accordingly, you will deliver the following items
for Phase I:
- Sketches of the screens (web pages) seen by the customer
in two or more typical scenarios.
- Sketches of the screens seen by other types of users
(administrators, various classes of users) if applicable.
- A "process" diagram that explains the various events that
are generated by site users.
- A list of functional requirements with a short (1 or
2-sentence) description of each functional requirement
such as, "When the customer fills in the form data, and submits,
a servlet will handle form-data extraction, and..." (you get the idea).
- A broad overview of the entire software architecture for the website.
What components are significant? How do they tie in to the process
diagram? Which components are always there vs. which ones execute
only once? Which components are multi-threaded?
- A description of how the work is to be divided amongst team members.
- Phase II:
Phase II is the mid-semester review. Here, we will expect you to have
completed implementing 80% of the HTML for the screens and about
20% of the functionality. If any questions were raised by Phase I,
these may need to be answered in Phase II.
- Phase III:
For Phase III (a few weeks before the final presentation), you will
need to complete 90% of the HTML and at least 50% of the functionality.
- Phase IV:
This is the final presentation: 100% of all requirements.