School of Engineering and Applied Science
Department of Computer Science
CSci 1030 -- Technology and Society
Prof. Michael B. Feldman, course instructor

Election Simulation Using Excel

The U.S. Presidential election is coming up. In this exhausting primary season, it's interesting to consider an unusual aspect of the general election in November. In our election system, the people do not elect the President directly. Instead, the U.S. Constitution specifies that the people in each State elect "electors", who travel to Washington in December to actually elect the President. Each State has a number of electors equal to the sum of that state's Senate seats -- 2 in each state or 100 total -- and House of Representatives seats -- the number varies with the state's population and the national total is currently fixed at 435. (The electors themselves are not necessarily the Congressional representatives.) The District of Columbia does not have full Congressional representation, but has 3 electors, as though it had 2 Senators and 1 House member.

The total number of electors is thus 435+100+3=538. The candidate with at least 50%+1 or 269 electoral votes becomes President.

What makes this interesting is that in each State, the total popular vote (the actual votes of the voters in that State) is counted up, and the candidate with the highest total receives all the electoral votes of that State, not just a proportional number! This "winner takes all" scheme seems strange to many people, but that's the way it works. Because of this system, it is theoretically possible that if the popular vote in several large states is very close, the candidate with more popular votes nationally has fewer electoral votes, and thus the "wrong" candidate is elected. This strange outcome has happened exactly three times in U.S. history. Its possibility shows you the importance of voting, because very few votes can make a huge difference.

To see this, let's play a little game. The file contains a set of comma-separated state-by-state data for an imaginary Presidential contest between Smith and Jones. You're going to bring this data into Excel and analyze it. This is an example of a spreadsheet being used for "what-if" analysis.

  1. Bring the data into Excel
  2. Save the result as an Excel file
  3. Add titles in Row 1 to these columns:
  4. Now use formulas in the cells of Row 2 to compute the total votes and percentages for the first State
  5. Use Fill Down to propagate the calculations to all states
  6. Use an IF formula in Row 1 to compute the electoral votes for Jones and Smith. For example, the formula in H2 will be IF(C2>D2,B2,0), which gives Alabama's electoral votes to whoever got more votes in that State. Use Fill Down to propagate these computations to all States.
  7. Now use Row 53 to sum all the votes and electoral votes.
  8. Who wins the popular vote? Who wins the electoral vote?
Now let's look at the effect of a few large States voting the other way.
  1. Write down (on paper) the vote totals for Smith and Jones, for California, Florida, and New York.
  2. Now type those votes into their respective States, but in each case, interchange Jones' and Smith's votes.
  3. Now who wins the popular vote? Who wins the electoral vote?
NOTE: I originally assigned this simulation in October, 2000 -- one month BEFORE the infamous, unusual, 2000 Presidential election, in which George W. Bush won the Presidency. At the time, only twice in US history  -- 1876 and 1888 -- had the popular-vote winner not won in the electoral college. This simulation showed a theoretical possibility which had been discussed by political scientists and pundits, but thought to be unlikely. I never imagined that my little class exercise would prove to be prophetic, and certainly not that Florida would be the key state (as it is in this simulation) that gave Bush the victory over Al Gore.

You might want to learn more about the 2000 election, since you were probably quite young when it took place. Wikipedia has a good article on the 2000 election and the troubles in Florida, at,_2000

and one on the "butterfly ballot" which was said to cause voting problems in Florida, at

This is worth reading in view of our project topic.
