Understanding Controversial Discussions in Twitter: Women's Driving in Saudi Arabia


Twitter has been used extensively to understand user’s opinions towards many cultural issues. In this paper, we analyzed the content of the controversial issue of women driving in Saudi Arabia that took place in Twitter over the period from 2012 since the first campaign of women driving until 2017 when the new governmental law of allowing women to drive has been issued. Using a unique dataset of nearly 106K tweets collected during this period, we analyzed the stance the public had towards women driving in Saudi Arabia where the opinions were polarized between advocates for allowing women to drive and advocates for not allowing them to do so. Moreover, we analyzed the gender of the user posting the opinion and his/her location. We hypothesized that most tweets would be against this change, and that we would observe an increase in support of the change over time. Our analysis revealed that in fact most tweets were not opposed to the change, and that opinions did not change significantly until the policy was announced.
